On Thu, 22 Sep 2022 09:36:47 -0700 (PDT), tripd...@gmail.com wrote:
> https://nigeriapropertycentre.com/
> Has anyone scrap something like this before?
> probably i should try power bi first to see if it can?
You can try something like this.
import urllib.request
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
print(len(l1), len(l2))
Can anyone help me find the error of this implementation in Python what am I
doing with this TBiS algorithm?
Function b = TBiSort(a, n, k, dir)
if n == 1 then
b = a;
h1 = TBiSort(a(1:n/2), n/2, k, dir);
h2 = TBiSort(a(n/2+1:n),n/2,k, -dir);
b = TB
I got it! Thank you.
Hope in one day I could help other newbies as you do.
yeah, it may be quite simple to you experts, but hard to me.
In one of exercises from the Tutorial it said: "Write a program that asks the
user their name, if they enter your name say "That is a nice name", if they
enter "John Cleese" or "Michael Palin", tell them how you feel about them ;),
In case you're interested and want to learn more, check it out here:
Feel free to comment here with any questions.
I need help with this setup error.
-- Forwarded message --
From: "Allan Leo"
Date: Apr 21, 2016 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: Error 0*80070570
When running the setup for your 3.5.1(32-bit version), the setup
experiences error 0*80070570 and tells me to check the log
When running the setup for your 3.5.1(32-bit version), the setup
experiences error 0*80070570 and tells me to check the log file. What could
be the problem and whats the solution.
On Apr 21, 2016 7:05 AM, "Allan Leo" wrote:
> When running the setup for your 3.5.1(32-bit versi
Wondering why a position for Java/JS was sent to this list...just wondering...
On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 11:59 AM, wrote:
> https://walljobs.typeform.com/to/uWpUqj
> We seek a software developer with experience in web application development.
> Should you have the passion to work in the start-
assign using () creates tuple not a list. Tuples have not .sort() method.
correct would be:
ncount = [key,val]
On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 9:01 PM, Ltc Hotspot wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> What is the list equivalent to line 12: ncount.sort(reverse=True)
> count = dict()
> fname = raw_input("Enter
Hi Python Users,
Would like to request how to install GDAL in my Enthought Python
Distribution (64-bit). I am having some problems making GDAL work. Or can
you point me into a blog that describes how to set up GDAL in Enthought
Python Distribution.
Thanks for any help.
installation is located in:
Thanks in advance for the help.
using random forest and
support vector machine algorithms.
Hi Asim, thanks for your help. It is working properly now.
On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 4:48 PM, Asim Jalis wrote:
> Hi Leo,
> This might be a PATH issue.
> See this discussion for details.
> https://pythongisandstuff.wordpress.com/2011/07/07/installing
> _mod = imp.load_module('_gdal', fp, pathname, description)
> ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
> >>>
Thanks in advance,
You'll find some explanation here:
On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 12:08 PM, ast wrote:
> hello
> I dont understand why there is a comma just after line in the following
> command:
> line
understanding of cross-
> platform issues, fails to include built-in modules that don't live in the
> file system, and probably more).
> Is this problem already solved? Can anyone make any suggestions?
> --
> Steven
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
Best Regards,
Leo Jay
as a single file that users can just copy and run.
But if you use windows and you happen to use multiprocessing,
please be aware of this bug I encountered several years ago.
Best Regards,
Leo Jay
Guys I'm from Brazil too, and I'm ashamed for this troll. And sorry by
his terrible taste in music.
Wondering now about moderation , have we one?
On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 5:07 PM, Carlos Anselmo Dias
> Terry Jan Reedy ...
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbGHq2aUXDU (yhis
Hi there,
I have decided to jump in at the deep end to try and learn python. I
have been able to get requests to pull the login page off the server
and I think send the login request. I don't get logged in though.
Please let me know if I would be better off asking in a phpBB related
group or
Since it is for a template you can round the keyword to be replaced ,
something like $data$ and then just string.replace('$data','1234')
On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 12:01 PM, Frank Cui wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I'm trying to automate a process by initially creating a standard template
> and then rep
On Saturday, 7 September 2013 13:58:43 UTC+10, Michael Torrie wrote:
> On 09/06/2013 09:05 PM, Leo Carnovale wrote:
> > Ah and one other thing! What is this crypto algorithm you speak of? I
> > desperately need some sort of encryption as at the moment anyone can
On Saturday, 7 September 2013 13:03:14 UTC+10, Leo Carnovale wrote:
> On Saturday, 7 September 2013 02:17:03 UTC+10, Piet van Oostrum wrote:
> > leo.carnov...@gmail.com writes:
> >
> >
> >
> > > I am making this litt
> --
> Piet van Oostrum
> WWW: http://pietvanoostrum.com/
> PGP key: [8DAE142BE17999C4]
Yes the code is a mess, I have been tempted to re write the whole thing...
The reason for the messiness is firstly because I am relatively new to
programming and because this is the result of me tinkering around with previous
code, which was still messy, but cleaner than this.
So the open("key","w") clears the file straight away? That helps a lot, thanks,
this will definitely save me a lot of time in the future. Also the user doesn't
guess the pass, I would give it to them. After they enter it, they go on to the
guessing game (not shown in the code).
Thanks for the help!
k if it fits the key and go on if so
> >If not, ask for a new one, check it, go on if its correct.
> Every time I run it, it says the key is 0!?
> I can not for the life of me figure out what it is doing.
> The code:
> <
f me figure out what it is doing.
The code:
In fact this code is already doing what you want, but if the second
character, by example, is not in secrectWord it'll jump out of the for and
return. If you want that interact through the all characters and maybe
count how many them are in the secrectWord, just take of the return there
or do some
there any reason why you introduced the Name class? In Python
2.7 this works equally well if I just do:
>>> apple, pear, dog, cat, fork, spoon = map(str, "apple pear dog cat fork
>>> spoon".split())
So I was wondering why you used Name.
Leo Breebaart
On 2012-07-01 01:55 +0800, Fernando Perez wrote:
> - ~6 months of work.
> - 373 pull requests merged.
> - 742 issues closed (non-pull requests).
> - contributions from 62 authors.
> - 1760 commits.
> - a diff of 114226 lines.
Thank you for the hard work.
; open file://localhost/nonexistingfile
> and
> open http://www.python.org/
> Do they both open Chome for you?
The first one prints: The file /nonexistingfile does not exist.
No browser is opened.
The second one opened Chrome.
you have the default browser set to Chrome, it still opens up Safari.
On Lion and with its stock python version 2.7.1 r271:86832,
webbrowser.open('file://localhost/nonexistingfile') always opens up
Safari. Is this a bug?
File "C:\python27\lib\multiprocessing\forking.py", line 454, in prepare
assert main_name not in sys.modules, main_name
AssertionError: __main__
It seems that the situation described here is similar:
But the patch doesn't work for me.
s of them!) ? I
> know I can write a function to do this, but is there anything built-in?
> Thanks
> Frank Millman
How about int(x[:-2])?
Best Regards,
Leo Jay
Hi all,
I'd like to know how do you guys find out what's happening in your
code if the process seems not work.
In java, I will use jstack to check stacks of threads and lock status.
But I don't know how to do it in python.
Best Regards,
Leo Jay
pylint on it before doing anything else, just to see what
comes up.
As far as I can tell the sole reason for that code being
structured the way it is, is to provide a kind of
module-within-a-module and not clutter up the outer module with
these helper classes needed only by the foo() function.
meant by this warning. In fact, it
simply seems wrong -- but I have learned not to jump to that
conclusion too quickly, so I was hoping someone here could
perhaps enlighten me...
Many thanks in advance,
Leo Breebaart
ult of
has a '\n' at the end, but the other method doesn't.
Why the inconsistent?
Best Regards,
Leo Jay
gt; dont know how to catch them.
> The files and subfolders of Python are all installed into a single
> folder, for example C:\Python26, and none into the system folder or
> other places, if you are worried about that.
I don't think so. At least, the pythonXX.d
Thanks for responding Michel. It looks like its an issue with
pyreadline - http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/PyReadline/Intro - causing
the crash. I'm working with the author of it on trying to get the
issue figured out.
It's not related to UAC.
On Feb 23, 10:41 pm, "Miche
Faulting application path: C:\Windows\system32\conhost.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\system32\conhost.exe
Report Id: 9c6afd6c-20d7-11df-bbd8-e390d387a902
Has anyone else seen anything like this? Any suggestions on how to
even start figuring this out?
and caching solution now -- I never really had a big problem with
My thanks again to all of you for helping me out with this.
Leo Breebaart
x27;d doubt it). But it's certainly been
educational to learn about these techniques.
One observation: if I implement the descriptor solution as given
above, the code works perfectly, but running the code through
pychecker now causes an error, because that again causes an
attempt to read from the non-existant base class template file
Leo Breebaart
Chris Rebert writes:
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 10:29 AM, Leo Breebaart wrote:
> > I have a base class Foo with a number of derived classes FooA,
> > FooB, FooC, etc. Each of these derived classes needs to read
> > (upon initialisation) text from an associated tem
_body, etc.)
I can of course always just hardcode the template filenames in
each derived class, but I am just curious if it can be automated
through some form of introspection.
Leo Breebaart
when I run a program, it list the hint:
Could not import module "Gnuplot" - it is not installed on your
system. You need to install the Gnuplot.py package.
\easyviz\gnuplot_.py(41) :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\study\python\commodity modle 10.23.py", line 3, in
import mult
I try to a run a python numpy programe, however the python can't run
this program.
my python version is 2.6.2 , numpy version is 1.3.0, however, the
program can run in previous numpy version(1.2.0), who can help me to
solve the problem, I will deeply appreciate!
the program is below:
import sy
I'm trying to use python to build a simple web page that make use of
the onclick behavior, instead of requiring users
to click the 'submit' button.
I realize in javascript there are onclick, onchange events. Is python
capable of doing the same?
Thanks in Advance
I have just built and installed version 3.1 and all's good, but when I
try to connect to a server via HTTPS I get the following:
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.1/xmlrpc/client.py", line 1029, in __call__
return self.__send(self.__name, args)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.1/xmlrpc/client.py",
Hi Folks,
Not being very familiar with python, nor with cgi/http, I intend to
have 3 of buttons in a webpage, each of them is associate with a file
(so I have 3 files, too)
What I would like to have is, when users choose a button, the droplist
update automatically to load the contents of the ass
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 15:13:15 -0500, Grant Edwards wrote:
>> I fail to see the difference between "length greater than 0" and "list
>> is not empty". They are, by definition, the same thing, aren't they?
> For built-in lists, but not necessarily for arbitrary list
on, and platform variations are common.
> So if your underlying C implementation of strftime() supports "%e", then
> Python will. My guess is that the same applies to time.strftime as it does
> to datetime.strftime
> The docs list ones that are fairly cross-platform. However, it would seem
> that not all platforms support "%e"
> -tkc
> [1]
> http://docs.python.org/library/datetime.html#module-datetime
Best Regards,
Leo Jay
Any special reasons?
indows. I'm hoping the core python library has
> a library for this. Note that I'll be using Python 3.0.
You can get Wget for Windows here:
Best Regards,
Leo Jay
1) time for 50 passes = 6.00515
This machine benchmarks at 83261.8 pystones/second
I tried many times, and get the same result.
Why optimization mode is slower than normal mode?
Best Regards,
Leo Jay
this is not an accepted
> and pythonic way of doing things then please let me know... and I'll
> stop!
how about this one:
>>> h = { "1" : "a\r", "2" : "b\n" }
>>> dict((k, h[k].strip()) for k in h)
{'1': 'a', '2': 'b'}
Best Regards,
Leo Jay
gt; ','.join(string.ascii_lowercase)
Best Regards,
Leo Jay
On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 1:58 AM, Jean-Paul Calderone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 01:47:23 +0800, Leo Jay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'd like to read and write the same socket in different threads.
>> one thread is only used to read
te port, the program works.
But if the first element of the tuple is 's', the program doesn't work.
Is it possible to read and write the same socket in different threads?
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Leo Jay
ntation it should. But catching an exception
> can't be the standard way to stop iterating right?
you can use for loop:
for line in movie_iter:
Best Regards,
Leo Jay
Good Day!
I have set up virtual IPs on my Ubuntu client machine & assigned IPs - eth0 - eth0:1 - eth0:2 - eth0:3
I have written python code to send multiple HTTP requests to my web server to
load test it.When I check the logs on the apache serve
Fredrik Lundh,
I'm with you and my apologies for not making the scenario more clearer in my
previous post
[QUOTE]"load testing" other people's sites are known as something
else, of course[QUOTE]-
yes,that could cause a DoS and its lameI certainly dont intend to do
that,was just chec
I found this code snippet(reference http://www.goldb.org) and wish to do more
with it than just send out a Http Get request.I would like to introduce more
traffic -say by downloading files,crawling through all the links,logging in etc
etc,and wish to see how the web server reacts.I'm tryin
I''m trying achieve the following by running python programs
-login to a website
-automate filling up web forms
So far I 've tried out the following codes:
import cookielib, urllib, urllib2
login = 'cod45'
password = 'mell'
# Enable cookie support for urllib2
cookiejar = cookielib.Cooki
"optimize": 2,
"ascii": 1,
"bundle_files": 1}},
zipfile = None,
windows = [test_wx],
> Please take close look at the details of the two snapshots.
> I need explanation and correcting this problem.
Thank you , Mike.
"Mike Driscoll" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Jul 2, 8:40 pm, "Leo Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need a window's handle to be passed to external c++.
> Thanks in advance
Are you talking about a wxPython wx.Win
Please take close look at the details of the two snapshots.
I need explanation and correcting this problem.
begin 666 after.png
MB5!.1PT*&@[EMAIL PROTECTED];0```#-" ,```#GL'7)`7-21T(`KLX<
M``#J8 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ ```P!03%1%
I need a window's handle to be passed to external c++.
Thanks in advance
r of python:
>>> a = 10
>>> b = 10
>>> a is b
>>> a == b
>>> a = 5
>>> b = 5
>>> a is b
>>> a == b
which is caused by small object cache mechanism.
Best Regards,
Leo Jay
r("Content-Length", str(fs[6]))# <--
obviously, this is not the same with len(f.read()) in windows.
Best Regards,
Leo Jay
print h_en.wrap('beautiful', 6)
[u'beau-', u'tiful']
print h_en.wrap('beautiful', 7)
[u'beauti-', u'ful']
from textwrap2 import fill
print fill('very long text...', width = 40, use_hyphens = h_en)
My thanks go to those who helped enormously with advice, suggestions,
criticism and Windows builds.
This latest version of PyHyphen is only important for Python 2.4 addicts who
encountered a missing type when compiling. Further, a few signed/unsigned
mismatch warnings coming from MSVC should be fixed. As I have only Python
2.5, I'd be interested in any experiences when compiling it with Python 2.
#x27;s and web
development frameworks.
Although I would be happy to give it a first go on textwrap, I fear I won't
find the time in the coming weeks. Spring is ahead in my country after
So if you wish to contribute, the above bullets may be good starting points.
Thanks again and en
ld be terrific.
a couple of weeks ago I uploaded PyHyphen-0.1 on the PyPI. It is a wrapper
around the C library "hnj_hyphen 2.3" that ships with OpenOffice and Mozilla
products. You can have a look at PyHyphen at
I've tested it on Linux, but it should also run on
y one manually.
> For those of you who work in C++, where do you go to discuss it
> online? I'm interested in any newsgroups, mailing lists, or web
> boards you can recommend.
Best Regards,
Leo Jay
It prints u'\u30e1'. Feel free to ask questions if something is not
Note, this is just an example, I *don't* claim it does what you want
for any character
in FF61-FFDF range. You may want to carefully review the whole unicode
-- Leo.
On Jul 24, 10:10 am, Stargaming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Jul 2007 03:19:53 -0700, bearophileHUGS wrote:
> > There are various things I like about the D language that I think Python
> > too may enjoy. Here are few bits (mostly syntactical ones):
> > 1) (we have discussed part of thi
e zero time point (just like OP wanted). TAI timestamps are
pretty useless IMHO. They need to be converted to decimal/float for
interval calculations and they don't represent any legal time.
-- Leo
On Jun 27, 3:10 am, Leo Kislov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jun 27, 12:20 am, Andy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > I'm writing a piece of software for some Thai friend. At the end it
> > is supposed to print on paper some report with
back from rendering library.
Assuming you use *fixed* font for English and Thai the following
function will return how many columns your text will use:
from unicodedata import category
def columns(self, s):
return sum(1 for c in s if category(c) != 'Mn')
-- Leo
> 20004 function calls in 10.214 CPU seconds
> >>> cProfile.run("z=r.readgenome(open('cb_foo'))")
> 20004 function calls in 0.041 CPU seconds
I suspect open files are cached so the second reader
picks up where the first one left:
On Jun 8, 2:24 am, Leo Kislov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jun 7, 5:12 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > I am trying to wrap a japanese text in Python, by the following code.
> > if len(message) > 54:
> >message = message.
Can you post a short example that clearly demonstrates the problem?
-- Leo
ict() for i in range(88)]
If it doesn't help that means 1) list&dict caches don't really work
like I think or 2) pymalloc cannot return memory because of
fragmentation and that is not simple to "fix".
-- Leo
le blank. Do I need MS
> Exchange Server to run this demo?
No, but you need an account on some mail server and some email program
should create a MAPI profile to represent that account on your local
computer. As I understand creation of MAPI profiles is not a common
practice among non-Microsoft products, for example my computer with
Lotus Notes doesn't have any MAPI profiles.
-- Leo
16.384 bytes allocated
> 287.555.584 bytes free
> [E:\Projects]c:\Python24\python.exe -c "import os; print
> os.path.getmtime('p64.py')"
> 1164470381
> [E:\Projects]c:\Python25\python.exe -c "import os; print
> os.path.getmtime('p64.py
On 4/30/07, Leo Jay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i have a development board based on s3c2410 arm cpu. and i want to
> port python on it.
> after googling some threads, i successfully cross compiled python.
> but i still encountered a weird issue that when i ran
> /lib/pyth
i want to compile a python by myself, but after configure and make, it
seems that md5 is not built by default.
what should i do to compile md5 as an module?
Best Regards,
Leo Jay
) would
> be useful for a script? (I.e., more useful than importing relative
> to the directory holding the script, as indicated by __file__.)
Do you realize it's a different behaviour and it won't work for some
packages? One possible alternative is to assume empty parent
package and let
commented further.
> I would have changed the status to "invalid" myself, if I were able to do
> so.
I think it should have been marked as "won't fix" as it's a wart just
1/2 == 0, but as there are many users of the current behaviour it's
" of convertsimple() - sure it is. However, how
> did it get there? It's in an argument tuple - and where came
> that from?
Looking at the call stack OP posted, -1 is coming as forth parameter
__import__, I *guess* at the first import in site.py or at implicit
"import sit
but the weirdest thing is, if i run python test_asynchat.py directly,
everything is ok.
anybody could help me?
thanks in advance.
ps, my linux box is an ubuntu 6.10.
Best Regards,
Leo Jay
wierd. When the
programmer is *ready* to support unicode he/she will explicitly
call .codepoints() or .graphemes(). As they say: You can lead
a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
-- Leo
a personal preference, I usually put as many quit sentinels in a queue
as many consumers.
-- Leo
everywhere in your program is a complete solution. Like
shutil.copy(xmlfile, u"C:\iTunes Music Library.xml")
if you use constant or make sure your file name is unicode:
dest = unicode()
shutil.copy(xmlfile, dest)
-- Leo.
f sys.stdout to another encoding?
What are you going to set it to? As I understand you're going to
distribute your program to some users. How are you going to find out
the encoding of the terminal of your users?
-- Leo
> exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError
> 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xd6 in position 26: ordinal not in
> range(128)]
> What could the possible cause of this be?
Show us traceback, without it I doubt anyone can help.
> Shouldn't shutil simply be
ng that can handle the characters good, or
> handle the unicode filenames.
You said you've got good result, so it's not clear what do you want.
> Does anyone knows about a python project that can do this?
> Or other tool what I can use for zipping intern. characters?
; How can I get that without being
> the root user?
Maybe you can go over the list of all possible signals from the
terminal and notify kernel that you want to ignore them. Sounds
similar to dettaching from the terminal, but maybe there some
differences. But the fact that os.setsid fails for you is weird
-- Leo.
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