On Friday, 6 September 2013 20:20:02 UTC+10, leo.ca...@gmail.com  wrote:
> I am making this little game and I am trying to make some sort of script that 
> does the following:
> >Checks to see if a file exists
>  >If it does, check the numbers in it
>  >If it doesn't, make one and fill it with some numbers
> >Sorts out if the numbers in the file are in the right format
>  >If they are, then store them
>  >If not, remake it again
> >THEN, check if there is a pass.
>  >If there is, check if it fits the key and go on if so
>  >If not, ask for a new one, check it, go on if its correct.
> Every time I run it, it says the key is 0!?
> I can not for the life of me figure out what it is doing.
> The code:
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_Qo4bgmNhRer3fAt3EAtPNSei4N2q58f_q4_9r6OHbw/edit?usp=sharing>
> Thanks
> Leo

Probably should also mention this,
The KEY is what the user is presented with, and to use the program, they must 
enter a corresponding PASS which is created with a special manipulator that I 

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