substitute the drive + RecBin folder with the
serial, and later I can search it in good drive.
Thank you!
2017-11-07 13:10 GMT+01:00 eryk sun :
> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 7:58 AM, Durumdara wrote:
> >
> > I want to get the serial number of the drives (without external modu
Windows 10, Python 3.6.
I want to get the serial number of the drives (without external modules
like Win32 or WMI).
It is needed for identification of removable devices (like USB external
Somewhere I saw this code:
def GetVolumeID(Drive):
import ctypes
kernel32 =
Dear Stefan!
So: may I don't understand the things well, but I thought that parser
drop the "nondata" CRLF-s + other characters (not preserve them).
Then don't matters that I read the XML from a file, or I create it
from code, because all of them generating SAME RESULT.
But Python don't do that.
As I see that XML parsing is "wrong" in Python.
I must use predefined XML files, parsing them, extending them, and
produce some result.
But as I see that in Windows this is working wrong.
When the predefined XMLs are "formatted" (prettied) with CRLFs, then
the parser keeps these plus LF cha
Win7/x64, Python 3.2, PyPGSQL f 3.2 and Apahce 2.2.
I created a script that working in CGI mode, it is read some table,
and returns with an XML.
It was working with normal mode, under Pyscripter, and under command
When I trying to use it from Apache 2.2 as cgi, I got the subject
Sorry. The path was wrong! "backup_redmine <> redmine_backup"... :-(
Dear Everybody!
We have a redmine server with linux.
I wrote some pythonic tool that backup the redmine (files and
database) and put to ftp server.
This was working fine.
But today I checked, and I saw this failed in the prior week.
As I checked more, I saw that part. is out of space.
I stored t
On aug. 25, 08:07, Stefan Schwarzer wrote:
> The file is 2 GB in size and is fully transferred, without
> blocking or an error message. The status message from the
> server is '226-File successfully transferred\n226 31.760
> seconds (measured here), 64.48 Mbytes per second', so this
> looks
> So if I understand correctly, the script works well on
> smaller files but not on the large one?
Yes. 500-800 MB is ok. > 1 GB is not ok.
> > It down all of the file (100%) but the next line never reached.
> _Which_ line is never reached? The `print` statement after
> the `retrbinar
See this code:
import os, sys, ftplib
from ftplib import FTP
ftp = FTP()
ftp.connect('', 2121)
ftp.login('?', '?')
print ftp.getwelcome()
ls = ftp.nlst()
for s in ls:
print "\nFilename:", '"%s"' % s,
fsize = ftp.size(s)
I have an environment under Python 2.6 (WinXP). That is based on PIL,
In the project's pages I see official installer for only PyWin32.
I don't know that PIL or wxPython supports Python 3 or not. May with
some trick these packages are working.
Does anybody know about it?
I want to use KinterBasDB in mixed mode: sometimes embedded, sometimes
real local/remote server.
How can I set up the connection to KinterBasDB can determine, what
mode I want to use?
Thanks for your help:
On jún. 10, 23:01, Mark Dickinson wrote:
> On Jun 10, 8:45 pm, durumdara wrote:
> > ne 91, in fixed_conv_out_precise
> > from decimal import Decimal
> > ImportError: cannot import name Decimal
> Is it possible that you've got another file called deci
On jún. 10, 20:39, Ian Kelly wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 12:25 PM, durumdara wrote:
> > Hi!
> > I tried with this:
> > import sqlite3
> > pdb = sqlite3.connect("./copied4.sqlite")
> > pcur = pdb.cursor()
> > pcur.execute("P
In the prev. week I tested my home Python projects with KinterBasDB
embedded, PsyCOPG, and SQLite.
All of them worked well, and everything was good.
But the database blob table deletion was slow in SQLite, so I thought
I will try this with FireBird and PGSQL.
Today I tried to copy the SQLit
I tried with this:
import sqlite3
pdb = sqlite3.connect("./copied4.sqlite")
pcur = pdb.cursor()
pcur.execute("PRAGMA page_size = 65536;")
pcur.execute("PRAGMA page_size")
rec = pcur.fetchone()
print rec
But never I got bigger page
No, there is no same program.
I got this ref:
I will try it.
> drop table blobs
> create table blobs (whatever definition it had originally)
It was a test. In PGSQL, PYSQLite that was:
delete from blobs where (file_id in (select file_id from pics where
So I need to delete only all blobs that processed.
> > When I tried to start th
I want to test my program that coded into PGSQL, and PySQLite. With these
DBs I have problem on many blob deletion (2 hours) and compact/vacuum (1
So I'm trying to port my program, and before that making a test to check,
which time needs to delete 1 GB of blobs.
I installed MySQLDb
Hi!I want to make a multios (Win/Lin) Python based media catalog program, but I have a little problem with reading archives.Ok, Python supports zip and tar, but the world have more archives, like "rar", "7z", "tar.gz", "gz", etc.First I was happy with 7z.exe, because it is knows many formats, an
I have an exotic db, with exotic drivers, and it have buggy ODBC driver.
But I have native driver - under Delphi.
I need to access this DB under Pylons (or mod_python).
I wrote one solution that working with XML.
But I search for easier way to transform and move data between apps.
I saw P
Pygresql, DB-API.
I search for a solution to get meta information about last query,
because I must export these infos to Delphi.
Delphi have TDataSet, and it have meta structure that must be defined
before I create it.
For char/varchar fields I must define their sizes!
Pygresql is not retre
I found an interesting thing in Python.
Today one of my "def"s got wrong result.
When I checked the code I saw that I miss a "," from the list.
l = ['ó' 'Ó']
Interesting, that Python handle them as one string.
print ['ó' 'Ó']
I wanna ask that is a bug or is it a feature?
I wasted 2 hours to found the bug in another source... :-(
2009/5/28 Durumdara
> Hi!
> PGSQL makes me crazy...
> I port my apps to PGSQL, and I near to finish - but I got this problem...
> Params: PGSQL 8.3, Windows, Pylons, PGDB, DBUTILS...
> What
PGSQL makes me crazy...
I port my apps to PGSQL, and I near to finish - but I got this problem...
Params: PGSQL 8.3, Windows, Pylons, PGDB, DBUTILS...
I opened the connection with DBUTILS. I have one thread (the test thread),
possible it have more in the background, I don't know...
See thi
Ok, I forget to set encodings.
from Cheetah.Template import Template
d = {'a' : 'almás'}
tp = Template("# encoding: iso-8859-2\nhello world éááá ${d['a']}!",
searchList = {'d': d})
print tp
This code is working for me in Wind
I wanna ask that have anyone some experience with email.msg and smtplib?
The email message and smtp.send already have "sender/from" and
"recip/addr to".
Possible the smtp components does not uses the email tags if I not
define them only in the message?
Can I do same thing as in GMAIL tha
I wanna ask that have anyone some exp. with Cheetah and the non-ascii chars?
I have a site. The html template documents are saved in ansi format, psp
liked them.
But the cheetah parser makes ParseError on hungarian characters, like
"á", "é", "í", etc. When I remove them, I got good result,
Something makes me crazy!!!
I wanna read some XML, but everytime I got "None" for the value of prop:
The code is:
from xml.dom import minidom
import sys
ResultList = []
def LoadProps(PropTag):
print PropTag
t_forms = PropTag.getElementsByTagName('form')
for t_form in t_forms:
Is anyone knows about an NNTP servers that containing newsgroups about
these lists:
- python win32 (python-win32)
- mod_python
- gimp-python
- gimp
I wanna set thes nntp servers in thunderbird so I need correct addresses.
Thanks for your help:
> On my 3 year old 3Ghz Pentium III it takes about 8 seconds to zip 20Mb file.
> So what is the problem? Not updating the process for 8-10 seconds
> should be just fine for most applications.
> -Larry
The problem, that:
- I want to process 100-200 MB zip files.
- I want to abort in process
Hi Larry!
> durumdara wrote:
> You can easily find out roughly how many bytes are in your .ZIP archive
> by using following:
> zipbytes=Zobj.fp.tell()
The main problem is not this.
I want to write a backup software, and I want to:
- see the progress in the processing
Where can I ask it?
I want to ask that developers change the Python's Zip lib in the next
The Zip lib not have a callback procedure. When I zip something, I don't
know, what is the actual position of the processing, and how many bytes
It is simply rewriteable, but when
I got same problem with Lotus Domino + Python.
The lotus COM objects are not freed, so I get out from memory.
I solve this problem with a little trick:
I make two py applications. The first is call the second as like another
The first is put some work to the seconds datadir.
I wrote a web visitor counter with modpy and pil.
It is must working on half-static page, so I must write this counter with
jpeg image output.
Everything is working good, but I need to change this counter a little, it's
style isn't same as it's webpage's style.
I want to make bold and itali
I want to create some backup archives with python (I want to write a backup
application in Python).
Some package managers (7z, arj, winzip) can create splitted archives (1
mega, 650, 700 mega, etc).
Because I want to ftp these results to a ftp server, I want to split large
volumes to 15 mb s
I want to check my zip file writings.
I need some callback procedure to show a progress bar.
Can I do that?
I don't want to modify the PyLib module to extend it, because if I get
another py, the changes are lost.
This happening too if I copy the zip module to modify it.
Any solution?
As I experienced in the year 2006, the Python's zip module is not
With the hungarian filenames I got wrong result.
I need to convert iso-8859-2 to cp852 chset to get good result.
As I see, this module is "a command line tool" imported as extension.
Now I search for something th
I need to get textboxes/textblocks from pdf files. I can convert them
into ps.
Is anyone knows about method, trick, routine to I can get the textboxes
from ps or pdf?
(Pythonic, COM, or command line solutions needed.)
I need to redraw them into my application, and user can reorder them,
I have an application (Python + wx) somewhere.
The users use they fingerprint to log[in/out].
But we have a problem that in this time the fingerprint logon is do REAL
windows logon, so every user need a windows user too, and many times it
need to close/open application, and Windows.
We need
Thanks for this! I'll use that!
I found a solution my question in regexp way too:
import re
testtext = " minion battalion nation dion sion wion alion"
m = re.compile("[^t^l]ion")
print m.findall(testtext)
I search for all text that not lion and tion.
Paul McGuire wrote:
> It looks like
I want to replace some seqs. in a html.
= ab
xxx -
must be unchanged, because it is not word split.
I want to search and replace with re, but I don't know how to neg. this
set ['\ \n\t'].
This time I use full set without these chars, but neg. is better and
Ok, I
Hi !
I want to set default locale on WXP.
I want to create a formatting tool that can set up format locale in the
init, and next the formatter functions are use these settings.
def ToUnicode(text, encoding = None):
if encoding ==
Hi !
WXP, Py2.4.3.
I want to get localized informations like month names, format
parameters, etc.
But nl_langinfo is not exists.
Have the Python a way to get these informations in uniformed way (like
php) to avoid multiplatform problems ?
Thanks for help:
Hello !
How to increase buffer size of a file ?
I want to use more buffer, but I don't want to replace every file object
with my class.
It have a contant in a module ?
Thanks for your help:
Hi !
Very good !!! Thank you very much !
If I can "link it" with a w3c html checker, it will be very good...
Interesting that it is also say "bad link" to site The HTML link validator do it same.
Fredrik Lundh írta:
Hi !
Sorry for non-pythonic subject, but if I not find good solution, I will
write a routine for this in python... :-)))
My mod_py site is growing quickly. It have many pages, many of them are
I want to check the links, and if possible, validate the html.
I search freeware tools in t
Hi !
I need to write documentation for my mod_python website, for the base
classes, functions, modules.
The problem, that mod_python is imported "apache" that not existing in
the normal, pythonic way (only in Apache).
If my source is containing a tag that use this module, or it's
submodule, th
Hi !
> Thanks Jeremy. I am in the process of converting my stuff to use sets! I
> wouldn't have thought it would have made that big a deal! I guess it is
> live and learn.
If you have simplified records with big amount of data, you can trying
dbhash. With this you don't get out from memory...
Chaz Ginger írta:
> I have a system that has a few lists that are very large (thousands or
> tens of thousands of entries) and some that are rather small. Many times
> I have to produce the difference between a large list and a small one,
> without destroying the integrity of either list. I was won
Hi !Sorry, but I want to share my experiences. I hope this help to you.I think that specialized MSWindows based services too complicated. They have to many bug possibilites.So I trying with normal, "in python accessable" pipes. I see that with flush(), and some of the bintotext tricks I can use the
Hi !A new version with binary data handling. 103 seconds with 1000 data exchange.import os, sys, time, binascii, cPicklebpath,bname=os.path.split(sys.argv[0])def Log(Msg,IsMaster,First=False):
fn=sys.argv[0]+'.'+['c','m'][int(IsMaster)]+'.log' mode='aw'[int(First)] f=open(fn,mode) f.wr
Hi !If you don't want to use MS-specific things, you can use the normal pipes.See this code. If you want to use non-blocking version, you need to create a thread that handle the reads/writes.
import os, sys, time, binascii, cPicklebpath,bname=os.path.split(sys.argv[0])def Log(Msg,IsMaster,First=Fal
Hi !
I need to speedup my MD5/SHA1 calculator app that working on
filesystem's files.
I use the Python standard modules, but I think that it can be faster if
I use C, or other module for it.
I use FSUM before, but I got problems, because I "move" into "DOS area",
and the parameterizing of oute
Hi !
I get the file datas with FindFilesW.
I want to calc the filesize from nFileSizeLow and nFileSizeHigh with
easiest as possible, without again calling os.getsize().
How to I do it ? I need good result !
Thanx for help:
John Machin írta:
> Looks like you need a GetShortPathNameW() but it's not implemented.
> Raise it as an issue on the pywin32 sourceforge bug register. Tell Mark
> I sent you :-)
> Another thought: try using ctypes.
Hi !
It seems to be I found a solution. A little tricky, but it is working:
John Machin írta:
> According to my reading of the source, the function you have called
> expects an 8-bit string.
> static PyObject *
> PyGetShortPathName(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
> {
> char *path;
> if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s:GetShortPathName", &path))
> If
10 May 2006 04:57:17 -0700, Serge Orlov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I thought md5 algorithm is pretty light, so you'll be I/O-bound, then
> why bother with multi-processor algorithm?
This is an assessor utility.
The program's architecture must be flexible, because I don't know,
where it need to run (on
Hi !
I probed this function, but that is not encode the hungarian specific
characters, like áéíóüóöőúüű: so the chars above chr(127).
Have the python a function that can encode these chars too, like in Zope ?
Thanx for help:
Fredrik Lundh írta:
> DurumDara wrote:
Hi !
Have the python standard mod. lib. a html/xml encoder functions/procedures ?
like this:
def ToSafeHTM(Text):
for c in s:
if c=="\n":
if b<32 or b>127 or c in ['<','>','"',';','&','@','%'
Hi !
I develop some tools for better/easier usage of SQLite wrapper(s).
It have two parts:
1.) Custom interface with common methods.
2.) APSW oriented class.
The codes are abs. free, no copyright, licence is freeware.
Use them as you need.
I publish them, because I does not found same thing i
Hi !
Dennis Lee Bieber írta:
> On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 17:29:28 +0200, Christian Stooker
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
>> Please answer me: it is wrong I write about, or that is seems to be not
>> working in SQLite ?
> I don't think the fea
Hi !
I have this code in my program. Before this I use APSW, but that
project's connection object doesn't have close method...
... crs.execute(*'''create table files
(*f_id integer not null primary key, f_name varchar(255), f_size long,
f_attr integer, f_crtime varchar(20), f_mdtime varchar(20)
Hi !
I want to process many data with python, and want to store in database.
In the prior version of my code I create a simple thing that delete the
old results, recreate the database and fill up it.
But that is not too flexible, because when an power supply or hardware
problem occured, all o
Hi !
I want to create a database from datas.
I want to store my datas in lists/dicts/normal variables.
I thinking about that I can use the pickle to serialize/load my datas
from the file.
But: I remember that in the year of 2004(?) I tried this thing. I store
my CD informations in pickled obje
Hi !
I want to create graphs (edges, nodes) from python.
In the last project I used that create dot files - and then I
can convert these dot files with ATT neato command line tool.
But ATT code is instable, sometimes need to reinstalling, and it is use
horizontal layouts. This cause the
Hi !
I want to set the temp. build directory that it is does not placed in
python source directory.
I want to set this:
compiled version
python source
temp build dir
How to I do it ?
Thanx for help:
def __init__(self, **kw):
# for the versioninfo resources
self.version = "1.5.0"
self.company_name = "DurumDara Ltd."
self.copyright = "Copyright
Hi !
I need to create a program that read eml file headers, analyze the
receive tags and create a path database. I finished with this program
But I want to show a graphical summary about the paths.
This is (what I want to show) like a graph - show ways, stations, etc,
and I want to s
Hi !
I need to create a program that read eml file headers, analyze the
receive tags and create a path database. I finished with this program
But I want to show a graphical summary about the paths.
This is (what I want to show) like a graph - show ways, stations, etc,
and I want to show
Hi !
>I've snipped out the relatively small files above. Yes, true, some of
>them consume about 0.5MB each.
>It seems to me that your choice of GUI framework is a major cost here. I
>have never used wxpython. Instead my GUIs are based on tkinter. What I
>typically end up with is roughly 7MB.
everything except the executables and
the python dll.
# Can include a subdirectory name.
windows = [wxPyHDDirList],
Can I increase level of the optimization ?
Can I increase level of the zip packing ?
Please help me: dd
Martin Franklin wrote:
>Durumdara wrote:
the code size.
Thanx for help:
>11MB is seldom a concern for today's machine.
>Durumdara wrote:
>>Hi !
>>I have a problem.
>>I have a little tool that can get data about filesystems and wrote it in
Hi !
I have a problem.
I have a little tool that can get data about filesystems and wrote it in
The main user asked me a GUI for this software.
This user is needed a portable program, so I create this kind of the
software with Py2Exe.
But it have very big size: 11 MB... :-(
The dist di
Hi !
I have a text processor code and I want to put the results to standard
HTML, XML, SQLite - they are ok.
But I want to put these datas to DBF too, because when records are many,
does not fit in Excel table (load from HTML). XML and SQLite need some
development to get datas.
I need
Hi !
I have some backup files on a server farm.
I want to store these local backup files on a backup file server for
"safety's snake".
These files are compressed zip files with 12 character length password.
But my system admin asked me, how can I improve the safety of the copy
operation, and the
Hi !
I have some backup files on a server farm.
I want to store these local backup files on a backup file server for
"safety's snake".
These files are compressed zip files with 12 character length password.
But my system admin asked me, how can I improve the safety of the copy
operation, and the
Hi !
I have some backup files on a server farm.
I want to store these local backup files on a backup file server for
"safety's snake".
These files are compressed zip files with 12 character length password.
But my system admin asked me, how can I improve the safety of the copy
operation, and the
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