
> drop table blobs
> create table blobs (whatever definition it had originally)

It was a test. In PGSQL, PYSQLite that was:

delete from blobs where (file_id in (select file_id from pics where

So I need to delete only all blobs that processed.

> > When I tried to start this, I got error:
> > _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')
> > I read that server have some parameter, that limit the Query length.
> > Then I decreased the blob size to 1M, and then it is working.
>         What is the table definition? In MySQL 4 (and likely not changed in
> v5 -- I've got the old brown tree book handy, hence the mention of v4)
> field type BLOB is limited to a length of 2^16 (64kB), MEDIUMBLOB is
> 2^24, and LONGBLOB is 2^32 (if the system is using unsigned integers
> internally, that should support 4GB...

I used the latest community server.
I tried LONGBLOB also, and I got also this error... :-(

>But do you have enough memory to
> pass such an argument?

I have enough memory (4 GB), I want to insert only 1-8 MB size
pictures, that is working under PYSQLITE/PGSQL.
I saw that packet size need to configure - may mysqldb don't handle
this with right error message, replace with "gone" error.
I set these packet, and other parameters in my.ini, and I restarted
the mysql, but this don't solve the problem.

May I need to set this from client, but I don't know, how to do it...

Thanks for every help:

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