Hi! As I see that XML parsing is "wrong" in Python.
I must use predefined XML files, parsing them, extending them, and produce some result. But as I see that in Windows this is working wrong. When the predefined XMLs are "formatted" (prettied) with CRLFs, then the parser keeps these plus LF characters (not handle the logic that CR = LF = CRLF), and it is appearing in the new result too. xo = parse('test_original.xml') de = xo.documentElement de.setAttribute('b', "2") b = xo.toxml('utf-8') f = open('test_original2.xml', 'wb') f.write(b) f.close() And: if I used text elements, this can extend the information with plus characters and make wrong xml... I can use only "myowngenerated", and not prettied xmls because of this problem! Is this normal? Thanks for your read: dd -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list