OriginalBrownster wrote:
> I'm very new to python, and I have been using the TurboGears Framework
> to use python to power my application.
> […]
> my problems is that when I want to download that file from the server I
> want to zip the files selected. but how does a
Steve Holden wrote:
> You obviously haven't yet passed your floating-point number proficiency
> test yet. Please restrict yourself to integers until you understand the
> difficulties that inaccuracies in floating-point can create ;-)
hm, actually, i understand the limitation of floating point.
try a few IDEs out to see which fits you best. IDLE ships with python,
and isn't significantly objectively worse than any other python IDE,
GUI designers aren't necessary because there's usually so little
boilerplate code in any python toolkit, but, again, whate
I'm thinking of using Python to build the prototype for a business web
appplication. The development and test machine is XP, while ultimate
deployment will be on a shared Unix web host.
What would you recommend I get, besides the Python engine itself? Good
IDE (Kodomo?) ? Some kind of GUI d
Hi,I have a task to write a program that will do the following.1. Run from the command line2. Get data from a text file (say data.txt) in the following format 111: peter edward
"Nick Vatamaniuc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello Chaos,
> Then of course if you do the whole thing many times you could just
> pre-generate the indices as in:
> all_indices=[]
> for i in xrange(thisHeight):
> for j in xrange(thisWidth):
> all_indices.a
"Chaos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> myCol = (0.3 * image.GetRed(thisX, thisY)) + (0.59 *
> image.GetGreen(thisX, thisY)) + (0.11 * image.GetBlue(thisX, thisY))
> if myCol < darkestCol:
>darkestCol = myCol
>possX = thisX
>possY = thisY
Psyco may b
Hi all,
I have been looking into non-blocking read (readline) operations on
PIPES on windows XP and there seems to be no way of doing this. Ive
read that you could use a Thread to read from the pipe, but if you
still use readline() wouldnt the Thread block too?
What i need to do is, create a proc
Ben Sizer wrote:
> Ray wrote:
>>Just that it's a big, huge, humongous pity to see Python keeps missing
>>the big thing over and over again. Last time when biotechnology was
>>hot, which language became The Language? Perl. Now simple web app is
>>hot? It's Ruby.
> The problem is that Python
alf wrote:
> I have one thread app using SocketServer and use server_forever() as a
> main loop. All works fine, but now I need certain timer checking let's
> say every 1 second something and stopping the main loop. So questions are:
> -how to stop serve_forever
Override serve_forever() and
By any chance the command window hasn't been restarted after you've
changed the PATH? Strange that looks OK.
If you do echo %PATH% what does it tell you, is Python there?
Daniel Mark wrote:
> Hello all:
> I have set the PATH for Python as follows:
> My Computer->Properties->Advan
Hello all:
I have set the PATH for Python as follows:
My Computer->Properties->Advanced->Environment Variables->System
...; C:\Program Files\Python24;
Then I try to run python under command line
I got nothing:)
It works iff I run as follows:
> FIELD!!!
I have a vision of a sweeping magenta fabric rippling through the cosmos.
Perhaps a mauvic, cyanic, or even aubergenic field would be more stylish.
-- Paul
Duncan Booth wrote:
> But you wouldn't complain about this would you?
> >>> print "%10.4f" % 1.23445
> 1.2345
> >>> print "%10.3f" % 1.23445
> 1.234
> A value which is slightly than 1.2345 prints to 4 decimal places as 1.2345
> and to 3 decimal places as 1.234.
> That's all that hap
It seems that both ways are here to stay. If one was so much inferior
and problem-prone, we won't be talking about it now, it would have been
forgotten on the same shelf with a stack of punch cards.
The rule of thumb is 'the right tool for the right job.'
Threading model is very useful for long C
>> Hunh! I thought pyparsing was included with Debian.
>> (
Yes, it's available. Laziness is the main factor
here...however, it's simply an "apt-get install pyparsing"
>> And is downloading a package really such a hardship?
>> What, a
By locked files i mean Outlook PST file while Outlook has it open
Simon Forman wrote:
> Kirt wrote:
> > i have a code that backsup file from src to dest.
> > Now if some of the files are locked , i need to skip those files..
> > I was trying to use fctl module but it can be used only in unix i
I have one thread app using SocketServer and use server_forever() as a
main loop. All works fine, but now I need certain timer checking let's
say every 1 second something and stopping the main loop. So questions are:
-how to stop serve_forever
-how to implement timers
thx, a
Simon Forman wrote:
> Chaos wrote:
> > As my first attempt to loop through every pixel of an image, I used
> >
> > for thisY in range(0, thisHeight):
> > for thisX in range(0, thisWidth):
> > #Actions here for Pixel thisX, thisY
> >
> > But it takes 450-1000 m
Hi There.
I'm very new to python, and I have been using the TurboGears Framework
to use python to power my application.
I have a class which handles the upload of a file to a directory called
"uploads", which is hosted on a server.
my problems is that when I want to download that file from the s
Have you tried PIL? (Python Imaging Library)
"Chaos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>As my first attempt to loop through every pixel of an image, I used
>for thisY in range(0, thisHeight):
>for thisX in range(0, thisWidth):
> #Actions here for Pixel thisX, thisY
Chaos wrote:
> As my first attempt to loop through every pixel of an image, I used
> for thisY in range(0, thisHeight):
> for thisX in range(0, thisWidth):
> #Actions here for Pixel thisX, thisY
> But it takes 450-1000 milliseconds
> I want speeds less th
Chaos wrote:
> John Machin wrote:
> > Chaos wrote:
> > > As my first attempt to loop through every pixel of an image, I used
> > >
> > > for thisY in range(0, thisHeight):
> > > for thisX in range(0, thisWidth):
> > > #Actions here for Pixel thisX, thisY
> >
Hello Chaos,
Whatever you do in "#Actions here ..." might be expressed nicely as a
ufunction for numeric. Then you might be able to convert the expression
to a numeric expression. Check out numpy/scipy.
In general, if thisHeight, thisWidth are large use xrange not range.
range() generates a list
John Machin wrote:
> Chaos wrote:
> > As my first attempt to loop through every pixel of an image, I used
> >
> > for thisY in range(0, thisHeight):
> > for thisX in range(0, thisWidth):
> > #Actions here for Pixel thisX, thisY
> OT: you don't need the 0 in
On 2006-07-28, switzerland qunatium computer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Optical Quantum computing Information encoded in a laser moves faster
> than time! So if someone triangled 3 satelight in orbit. Someone could:
You don't, by any chance, know Ludwig Plutonium, do you?
Grant Edwards
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) to dist
Paul Rubin wrote:
> Actually I don't understand the need for SSH.
Who are you and what have you done with the real Paul Rubin?
> This is traffic over a
> LAN, right? Is all of the LAN traffic encrypted? That's unusual; SSH
> is normally used to secure connections over the internet, but the
> l
mark wrote:
> The debate should not be about "threads vs processes", it should be
> about "threads vs events".
We are so lucky as to have both debates.
> Dr. John Ousterhout (creator of Tcl,
> Professor of Comp Sci at UC Berkeley, etc), started a famous debate
> about this 10 years ago with the f
Chaos wrote:
> As my first attempt to loop through every pixel of an image, I used
> for thisY in range(0, thisHeight):
> for thisX in range(0, thisWidth):
> #Actions here for Pixel thisX, thisY
OT: you don't need the 0 in the range call. Taking it out does
As my first attempt to loop through every pixel of an image, I used
for thisY in range(0, thisHeight):
for thisX in range(0, thisWidth):
#Actions here for Pixel thisX, thisY
But it takes 450-1000 milliseconds
I want speeds less than 10 milliseconds
I have t
> Thanks for the thumping, will try harder next time.
> _
> Thanks for commit comment i think that whats i need.
> _
> I think you should support people rather than pay
On 2006-07-27 17:10:55, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>> Isn't being on the LHS the only way to write to a non-mutable object?
> You *don't* "write to a non-mutable object". You rebind the name to
> another object (mutable or not, that's not the problem).
Ok, sloppy writing (sloppy thinking, or
No, it's very low level :)
Please post back if you find a good solution (or have built something that
you want to
open source :)
> Well, thanks, but I think it's so few for beginning. ,-(
> Is it not any high-level DNS class? E!!!
> Regards,
> Xan.
> Jack wrote:
>> I was looking for s
thebjorn wrote:
> John Machin wrote:
> > thebjorn wrote:
> [...]
> > > You give a good argument that the concept of a month is fuzzy
> >
> > Sorry, I can't imagine where you got "fuzzy" from. Perhaps you mean
> > some other word. The concept is capable of being expressed precisely.
> and the se
i am doing the problems at
one problem involved finding factors, i used
def divisors(n):
divisors = set([1])
for i in range(1, math.ceil(n ** 0.5)+1):
if n % i == 0:
On Wed, 26 Jul 2006 10:54:48 -0700, Carl J. Van Arsdall wrote:
> Alright, based a on discussion on this mailing list, I've started to
> wonder, why use threads vs processes.
The debate should not be about "threads vs processes", it should be
about "threads vs events". Dr. John Ousterhout (creator
Ok, nevermind, I figured it it, see below
On 7/27/06, Gregory Piñero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Wise Python Folk,
> Here's my code:
> >>> p={'type':'bar','title':'Gregs Chart 1','values':[1,2,3],'labels':[1,2,3]}
> >>> urllib.urlencode(p)
I simply should have said:
On Thu, 2006-07-27 at 19:56 +0200, Laurent Hermann wrote:
> Hi I'm new on this list so let me say hello to everybody.
> I have a little problem with tkinter but I could not find the solution
> on the net so I ask it here...
> The thing I want to do is simple but I cannot, I would like t
Hi Wise Python Folk,
Here's my code:
>>> p={'type':'bar','title':'Gregs Chart 1','values':[1,2,3],'labels':[1,2,3]}
>>> urllib.urlencode(p)
Now I just can't figure out what it's giving me for say values? What
is tha
Hi I'm new on this list so let me say hello to everybody.I have a little problem with tkinter but I could not find the solution on the net so I ask it here...The thing I want to do is simple but I cannot, I would like to have a tkinter window that update itself during the program is running, I crea
On Thu, 2006-07-27 at 20:44 +, John Salerno wrote:
> My code is below. The main focus would be on the OnStart method. I want
> to make sure that a positive integer is entered in the input box. At
> first I tried an if/else clause, then switched to try/except. Neither is
> perfect yet, but I
I have a similar question (importing cx_Oracle, but not related to
cron). I would like to use solution #2 below and it does not work. If
I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running python, it works. If I try to set
it via os.environ, it does not work.
I have tried this in an interactive Python shell.
> > Hiya, you might be interested in this alternative config parsing
> > program:
> >
> Yes, I know it. But I don't like it. Either a simple ini file do the
> trick, or I need a full blown app-specific DSL - which can be as simple
> as a Python f
The Eternal Squire wrote:
> A developer's installation of PSF, including Pywin, WxPython, Numpy,
> Scipy I believe can run up to 300 MB, no?
you're missing the point, no one forces you to install all these, also
it is very unlikely that someone would have these unless they needed
> Does it actually tell you the target is the problem? I see an
> "OSError: [Errno 17] File exists" for that case, not a permission error.
> A permission error could occur, for example, if GDS has the source open
> or locked when you call os.rename.
No it doesn't tell me the target is the issu
A possibility:
import os
_, _, file_names = os.walk("").next()
print sorted(file_names, key=lambda fn: os.stat(fn)[8])
Hi allI am trying to understand the magic of Python's class variables and tried the following code (see below).Just
out of curiosity, I tried to define a property that provides access to
a seemingly instancae variable which is in fact a class variable. All
seems to work fine (case 4), but when a cu
Hi allI am trying to understand the magic of Python's class variables and tried the following code (see below).Just out of curiosity, I tried to define a property that provides access to a seemingly instancae variable which is in fact a class variable. All seems to work fine (case 4), but when a cu
The way I do it is, is I ask myself 'is there a more common (basic)
base between the code paths or do they both have about a 50/50 chance
on average?' or 'will one code path be taken during an error and the
other one during the normal processing?'. If there is a clear single
Khoa Nguyen a écrit :
> Hi,
> I have a requirement to process all files in a directory in
> chronological order.
Access time, modification time ? Ascending, descending ?-)
> The os.listdir() function, however, lists the
> files in random order. Is there a similar function in Python that
> allo
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> cursor.description -- after an .execute() has selected data.
Thanks Dennis, The desciription works, but gives some funky results,
but with python it is not a big deal.
(('activity_id', None, None, None, None, None, None),
('case_id', None, None
Noah Roberts wrote:
> What happens if you print Parent.getcount() now?
You still get 2 since there is no new instance of Parent that was
The Eternal Squire wrote:
> A developer's installation of PSF, including Pywin, WxPython, Numpy,
> Scipy I believe can run up to 300 MB, no?
> Otherwise, I'll put up a different percentage.
Well, if you refer to a Python installation including all these packages
(anyway, I don't think it would
My code is below. The main focus would be on the OnStart method. I want
to make sure that a positive integer is entered in the input box. At
first I tried an if/else clause, then switched to try/except. Neither is
perfect yet, but I was wondering which I should try for in the first
place. I fig
How about using os.listdir to build a list of filenames, then sorting
them by modification time (via os.stat)?
A developer's installation of PSF, including Pywin, WxPython, Numpy,
Scipy I believe can run up to 300 MB, no?
Otherwise, I'll put up a different percentage.
Georg Brandl wrote:
> The Eternal Squire wrote:
> > Diet Python is a flavor of Python with allegro, multiarray, umath,
> > calldll, npstr
Khoa Nguyen wrote:
> I have a requirement to process all files in a directory in
> chronological order. The os.listdir() function, however, lists the
> files in random order. Is there a similar function in Python that
> allows me to specify the listing order (like ls -t for example)?
There is no s
> Rob Williscroft wrote:
> > If this is more than idle curiosity I strongly suggest you post
> > a version of the python code you need to translate to C++.
> For the moment this is just healthy curiosity but i will still post the
> code i would like to see translated:
bei a écrit :
Please don't top-post
> Hi,Simon,
> Thanks for your reply.It's very helpful :)
> But I am sorry for my given example.Actually, my data in the arrays are
> all float point datas.And I use integer in the example.The code is like
> this.
> ("x,v,...,h" are floating point number arra
PipedreamerGrey wrote:
> That seems logical, but the syntax doesn't work. I keep getting the
> error:
> 'module object' has no attribute 'dirname'
os.dirname() was a typo, try os.path.dirname().
In my .basrc file I commented the line of ActivePyton and after reboot
everything is fine now.
I can use Python 2.4.3 even on console and SPE both.
> I have two python 2.4s on my Ubuntu Linux box. One is Python 2.4.2 and
> other is Python 2.4.3. I use SPE as an
Gerhard Fiedler a écrit :
> On 2006-07-27 14:15:34, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
>>>In a language like C the name doesn't hold anything either. The name is
>>>just a way for refering to a memory space which will hold something.
>> Except for one difference... In C (and most other lan
Rob Williscroft wrote:
> If this is more than idle curiosity I strongly suggest you post
> a version of the python code you need to translate to C++.
For the moment this is just healthy curiosity but i will still post the
code i would like to see translated:
class Parent:
"Paul Boddie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Well, PyXPCOM didn't support out-of-process automation last time I
> checked, and I haven't read anything on the PyXPCOM list [1] that would
> suggest otherwise. Meanwhile, there is support for automation of
The Eternal Squire wrote:
> Diet Python is a flavor of Python with allegro, multiarray, umath,
> calldll, npstruct and curses builtin, all else nonessential to language
> ripped out. Total size < 3MB, 1% of PSF Python. Diet Python helps keep
> clients thin :)
Erm... Which "PSF Python" are you
Gerhard Fiedler a écrit :
> On 2006-07-25 13:33:40, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
>>>Surprising for me are actually two things: 1- the fact itself, and 2- that
>>>term "binding", and that whatever it means (I'll have to read more on that,
>>>now that I know the term) is different for read-only and
On 2006-07-27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So there is no easy built in way to do this?
Depends on what you mean by easy. A look at the pty module
may help.
Antoon Pardon
Gerhard Fiedler a écrit :
> On 2006-07-27 13:44:29, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>>What bother me with the "hold" term is that I understand it as meaning
>>that the name is some kind of container by itself - which it is not.
>>Consider the following:
>>d = dict()
>>d['name'] = 'parrot'
Paul Rubin wrote:
> "Paul Boddie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Whether this solves the questioner's problems remains to be seen, but
> > issues of handling SSH-based communications streams do seem to be
> > addressed.
> Actually I don't understand the need for SSH. This is traffic over a
> LA
I have a requirement to process all files in a directory in
chronological order. The os.listdir() function, however, lists the
files in random order. Is there a similar function in Python that
allows me to specify the listing order (like ls -t for example)?
> I want to get rid of ActivePython which I happend to install because I
> was trying to Test the IDE by ActiveState and I think this version of
> Python was installed by it.
> I am happy using Python 2.4.3 but there is not way I am being able to
> use it on console.
Antoon Pardon a écrit :
> On 2006-07-27, Bruno Desthuilliers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Antoon Pardon wrote:
>>>On 2006-07-27, Bruno Desthuilliers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>It can only take you so far. Now it's time you know the truth: there are
>>*no* 'variabl
> Carl J. Van Arsdall wrote:
> [...]
>> I actually do use pickle (not for this, but for other things), could you
>> elaborate on the safety issue?
> >From :
> Warning: The pickle module is not intended to be secure
Paul Rubin wrote:
> "Paul Boddie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Whether this solves the questioner's problems remains to be seen, but
>> issues of handling SSH-based communications streams do seem to be
>> addressed.
> Actually I don't understand the need for SSH. This is traffic o
On 2006-07-27 14:15:34, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
>> In a language like C the name doesn't hold anything either. The name is
>> just a way for refering to a memory space which will hold something.
> Except for one difference... In C (and most other languages) that
> memory space is FIXED
I have two python 2.4s on my Ubuntu Linux box. One is Python 2.4.2 and
other is Python 2.4.3. I use SPE as an IDE for coding. I have written a
small app in wxPython. If I run it from SPE it just works fine, but if
I run it from console it gives me import wx eror.
Following is the log which you mi
"Paul Boddie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Whether this solves the questioner's problems remains to be seen, but
> issues of handling SSH-based communications streams do seem to be
> addressed.
Actually I don't understand the need for SSH. This is traffic over a
LAN, right? Is all of the LAN tr
Carl J. Van Arsdall wrote:
> I actually do use pickle (not for this, but for other things), could you
> elaborate on the safety issue?
>From :
Warning: The pickle module is not intended to be secure
against erroneous or maliciously constructed
So there is no easy built in way to do this?
Thanks for your reply.It's very helpful :)
But I am sorry for my given example.Actually, my data in the arrays are
all float point datas.And I use integer in the example.The code is like
("x,v,...,h" are floating point number arrays)
> I am using a python script as a way to test another program that I have
> written in C++. The program cannot be altered. It needs to stay the way
> it is.
> I need to simulate a few keystrokes to the application while it is
> running. The application uses number keys
Hello everyone,
I am using a python script as a way to test another program that I have
written in C++. The program cannot be altered. It needs to stay the way
it is.
I need to simulate a few keystrokes to the application while it is
running. The application uses number keys and y and n to naviga
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> Which conversion ? How do you get the data ? as a datetime object ? as a
> (y,m,d) tuple ? as a "y-m-d" string ? Else ?
All input routines, whether they're from a web-form, database, command
line, or anywhere else, only produce objects from the datetime module
for cale
> Carl J. Van Arsdall wrote:
>> Ah, alright, I think I understand, so threading works well for sharing
>> python objects. Would a scenario for this be something like a a job
>> queue (say Queue.Queue) for example. This is a situation in which each
>> process/thread n
On 2006-07-27, Dennis Lee Bieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 27 Jul 2006 14:11:35 GMT, Antoon Pardon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
>> In a language like C the name doesn't hold anything either.
>> The name is just a way for refering to a memory space whic
bei wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to write several arrays into one file, with one arrays in
> one column. Each array (column) is seperated by space.
> ie. a=[1,2,3, 4] b=[5,6,7,8] c=[9,10,11,12]
> 1 5 9
> 2 6 10
> 3 7 11
> 4 8 12
> Now I use the function file.writelines(a), file.writelines
wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] in
> I think what you say makes perfect sense
> I am using 2.4.2 python (I typed pthon -V on console to get)
> How can I find what my SPE editor is using ?
Wherever you can run python you can find the version by running
the following
That right..on my console it shows python 2.4.2 and on SPE it shows
2.4.3. The wxPython is working fine in SPE i.e with Python 2.4.3.
How can I make sure that when I type python on console I get the 2.4.3
Every help is greatly appreciated.
John Salerno wrote:
On 2006-07-27, Bruno Desthuilliers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Antoon Pardon wrote:
>> On 2006-07-27, Bruno Desthuilliers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (snip)
>It can only take you so far. Now it's time you know the truth: there are
>*no* 'variables' in Python (hence the term 'binding')
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 5:51 PM
> Subject: How do you implement this Python idiom in C++
> I am no C++ expert but i guess there might be some in the Python and
> C++ news
Will McGugan wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been using Python for years, but I recently encountered something
> in the docs I wasnt familar with. That is, using two arguements for
> iter(). Could someone elaborate on the docs and maybe show a typical use
> case for it?
> Thanks,
> Will McGugan
> --
On 2006-07-27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> If you're sharing things, I would thread. I would not want to
>> pay the expense of a process.
> This is generally a false cost. There are very few
> applications where thread/process startup time is at all a
> fast path,
Even if i
Carl J. Van Arsdall wrote:
> Ah, alright, I think I understand, so threading works well for sharing
> python objects. Would a scenario for this be something like a a job
> queue (say Queue.Queue) for example. This is a situation in which each
> process/thread needs access to the Queue to get the
On 2006-07-27 13:44:29, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> What bother me with the "hold" term is that I understand it as meaning
> that the name is some kind of container by itself - which it is not.
> Consider the following:
> d = dict()
> d['name'] = 'parrot'
> Would you say that the string "na
wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] in
> #include
> using namespace std;
> // A base class that provides counting
> template class Counted {
> static int count;
> };
> template int Counted::count = 0;
> // Curious class definitions
> class CountedClass : public Counted
I am trying to write several arrays into one file, with one arrays in
one column. Each array (column) is seperated by space.
ie. a=[1,2,3, 4] b=[5,6,7,8] c=[9,10,11,12]
1 5 9
2 6 10
3 7 11
4 8 12
Now I use the function file.writelines(a), file.writelines(b),
file.writelines(c). And th
Will McGugan wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been using Python for years, but I recently encountered something
> in the docs I wasnt familar with. That is, using two arguements for
> iter(). Could someone elaborate on the docs and maybe show a typical use
> case for it?
> Thanks,
> Will McGugan
> --
What's new in this release?
Release 0.2 has a reworked Python module interface to the _alpymodule.
I believe it to be much more 'pythonic'. There's a lot less code to
just in order to make a simple example work. See the examples!
I've dropped in th
Will McGugan wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been using Python for years, but I recently encountered something
> in the docs I wasnt familar with. That is, using two arguements for
> iter(). Could someone elaborate on the docs and maybe show a typical use
> case for it?
> Thanks,
> Will McGugan
> --
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