NOW ALL YOU NEED AS ARTIFICAIL INTELLGENCE PYTHON LISP OR PROLONG AND ....... Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) to distinguish from less ambitious AI projects. As yet, researchers have devoted little attention to AGI, many claiming intelligence is too complex to be completely replicated AFTER WE STARTED THINKING FOR YOU IT BECAME OUR WORLD WE'LL THEN THERE IS QUNATIUM AI A MIXTURE OF AGI AND OPTICAL QUNATIUM COMPUTER INSTANIOUS QUNATIUM COMPUTING AND SPAWN'S A THOUGHT ABOVE ALL TIME AND ALL THOUGHTS BREAK THRE THE PSI REALM OF TIME VOLUME AND SPACE AND SPEED USING A INFINITE MAGENTIC FIELD!!! QUNATIUM AI NOW YOU HAVE A MATRIX - MODEL IT AFTER THE MOVIE THE .....THE 13 FLOOR Optical Quantum computing Information encoded in a laser moves faster than time! So if someone triangled 3 satelight in orbit. Someone could: 1.Download the whole internet from space from the future. 2.See the future of the global climate for prediction. 3.Have advanced satelight Images on movement of troops. 4.See the future of mars and predict wars. they could do all this with out even getting in a time machine the big eye in the sky would it be nice to see the future of space travel And the price tag for building a system like this would run really low. combine this data base with my website on all breakthrew on the internet for the next 500 years You would be able to compute to infinite If you think this is science fiction Look up optical physcis and the speed of informatiom has been found to move faster than time. If you remeber NASA was testing this theroy Two months ago!! Combine this information with teleportation and you have the Most powerful thing one can own "All the information". Read COMPUTING TO INFINTE KNOWING THE OUT COME OF EVERYTHING. The Theory of everything is the quantum address of everything that is in our universe. Outside and inside of all that is contained there in. It is the physics and mathematical equations that surround everything in the multi-dimensional physical world. One might find how all the elements are interchangeable and are multi-dimensional and finding the other side of physics and the mathematic equations that we cannot see or detect because our consciousness cannot find it, finding this would be the greatest discovery of the human race. What lies Beyond Quantum Physics and how do we get there. Is the key magnetic Frequency's ? but the amount of energy it would take would be more than just at the atomic level or sub-atomic level. One day In the future a person may find a multi-dimensional, multi-time, multi-universe. The problem with finding it is a realm of that we cannot see, is finding what we cannot detected. Finding the other side of quantum physics will be the future goal of human exploration. Our universe started with one wave length of light and an anti-wave length then magnetism and gravity they where changed to form all matter : Wave Length - Gravity -Light - mass - Wave Lengths.( THEY ARE ALL INTERCHANGEABLE )" --