[issue34071] asyncio: repr(task) raises AssertionError for coros which loop.create_task accepts; complications ensue

2022-03-21 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: As the original reporter, I have no objection to closing this old report. It remains in the historical record. That was its purpose all along. Thank you to all the bug data maintainers! -- ___ Python tracker

[issue36675] Doctest directives and comments missing from code samples

2020-04-24 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: We discovered and fixed this same problem back in 2011-2012 with #12947 . That was apparently the source of the monkeypatch that was removed as "obselete code" on 2019-09-12. That old issue commentary has some suggestions about other workaro

[issue36675] Doctest directives and comments missing from code samples

2021-01-25 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: My goodness, things get complex sometimes. If we cannot make Sphinx preserve doctest directives and comments, perhaps we should go back to the historical bug discussion to look at workarounds which we considered earlier. For instance, maybe we should modify

[issue29428] Doctest documentation unclear about multi-line fixtures

2017-04-17 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: Bump. Could I get a few more eyes looking at the current state of https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/45/ ? * @bitdancer made some suggestions. I accepted some, and replied to others where I think we should keep looking for common ground. I'd like t

[issue33649] asyncio docs overhaul

2018-07-02 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: I'm a developer using Python in my application. I just spent the last couple of weeks learning about asyncio with the present documentation. I am very happy to see that work is underway for improved documentation. I would be glad to take on writing tas

[issue34071] repr(task) raises AssertionError for coros which loop.create_task accepts; complications ensue

2018-07-08 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
New submission from Jim DeLaHunt : In Python 3.6.5, Task.__repr__() with raise an AssertionError for certain, arguably incorrect, coroutines which the instantiation of Task() accepts. repr(task) thus fails with an AssertionError, instead of returning a string which describes the task object

[issue34071] repr(task) raises AssertionError for coros which loop.create_task accepts; complications ensue

2018-07-08 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: This is what I observe when I run my original program with Python 3.7.0. Notice that the Task object instantiation fails with a clear error message: % python -c 'import sys; print(sys.version)' 3.7.0 (default, Jun 28 2018, 06:01:52) [Clang 8.

[issue34176] Asyncio StreamReader fails to close Transport

2018-07-20 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
New submission from Jim DeLaHunt : Asyncio's StreamReaderProtocol[1] often returns True from Protocol.eof_received(). This tells the Transport that "closing the transport is up to the protocol" [2]. However, StreamReaderProtocol does not call Transport.close().

[issue29428] Doctest documentation unclear about multi-line fixtures

2017-02-02 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
New submission from Jim DeLaHunt: I just had a problem with doctests. It manifested as an error that occurred when I did >>> import StringIO in my doctest. After some investigation, I realised that my actual problem was that the doctest library documentation https://docs.python.org/

[issue29428] Doctest documentation unclear about multi-line fixtures

2017-02-03 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: Marco, thank you for your prompt comment. However, > Maybe you are running the doctest with Python 3. The StringIO module is no > more available in Python 3, so your doctest will fail on Python 3 Please let me be clear. This issue is not abo

[issue29428] Doctest documentation unclear about multi-line fixtures

2017-02-03 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: Marco, thank you for the suggestion to watch Raymond Hettinger's talk. > I suggest you to watch this talk of Raymond Hettinger, before going on: > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voXVTjwnn-U That video is 63 minutes long, and a lot of those min

[issue29428] Doctest documentation unclear about multi-line fixtures

2017-02-03 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: Marco and David, thank you again for your prompt replies. Let me respond to both of your comments on the doctest module documentation itself. [Marco] > The example in section [1], before the compound statement (the if/else), contains two sim

[issue29428] Doctest documentation unclear about multi-line fixtures

2017-02-04 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: Marco, thank you for the suggestion of a howto. That is a good idea. In parallel, I was thinking of some howto content that I would like to see documented. • How to decide what to test with doctests and what with unittests. I have a feeling that the sweet

[issue29428] Doctest documentation unclear about multi-line fixtures

2017-02-08 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: Marco: > To have a wide view, usually it is a good idea to start from the beginning: > > https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/comp.lang.python/DfzH5Nrt05E/Yyd3s7fPVxwJ Thank you, that is a very interesting thread. Clearly the creator of doctests, T

[issue29510] gitignore settings files for Eclipse IDE

2017-02-09 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
New submission from Jim DeLaHunt: The Eclipse IDE, and its relatives pydev and LiClipse, store settings in the root of a repository. It would be nice for the master .gitignore file to ignore these files, so that individual developers don't have to do this. I am preparing a GitHub

[issue29510] gitignore settings files for Eclipse IDE

2017-02-09 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: A fix is in GitHub cpython PR #75. -- pull_requests: +26 ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue29510> ___ ___ Python-bug

[issue29510] gitignore settings files for Eclipse IDE

2017-02-09 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Changes by Jim DeLaHunt : -- type: -> enhancement ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue29510> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscrib

[issue29510] gitignore settings files for Eclipse IDE

2017-02-09 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: I'm now looking at cpython as retrieved from Mercurial by Eclipse. It appears to be concerned by the presence of .project which is also an Eclipse settings file. It might be reasonable to extend the scope of this issue to include telling Mercurial to i

[issue29510] gitignore settings files for Eclipse IDE

2017-02-09 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: gitignore_global is a great idea. I had not heard of it before. But here it is: https://help.github.com/articles/ignoring-files/ . This instruction also has a link to a gist with a lot of helpful global ignores. I understand your reluctance to add entries for

[issue29510] gitignore settings files for Eclipse IDE

2017-02-09 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: I have set up a global gitignore, and it works for me. % git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global (Amusingly, I had _already- set a global gitignore, but I had forgotten it existed, and it didn't ignore these IDE files.) I agree that we s

[issue29520] Documentation uses deprecated "defindex.html" Sphinx template

2017-02-09 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
New submission from Jim DeLaHunt: When I build the documentation on the current CPython code, there is a deprecation warning on the console. = (beginning of output) % make html sphinx-build -b html -d build/doctrees -D latex_elements.papersize= . build/html Running Sphinx v1.5.2

[issue29521] Minor warning messages when compiling documentation

2017-02-10 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
New submission from Jim DeLaHunt: When I build the documentation on the current CPython code, there are various error and warning messages on the console. Here's what my build output looks like. I've marked the messages I'm concerned about with a numbered >>0>> p

[issue29520] Documentation uses deprecated "defindex.html" Sphinx template

2017-02-10 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: The other warnings in the "make html" output are the subject of http://bugs.python.org/issue29521 . -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.o

[issue29521] Minor warning messages when compiling documentation

2017-02-10 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: Thanks, Martin, for your suggestions. In Misc/NEWS, I've respelled the ``char *`` as you suggested. In faq/windows.rst, I've used your wording from the discussion in http://bugs.python.org/issue29387 . Pull Request 76 https://github.com/python/cpyth

[issue29387] Tabs vs spaces FAQ out of date

2017-02-10 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: I just created Pull Request 76 https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/76 to address http://bugs.python.org/issue29521 . In faq/windows.rst, I've used your wording from the discussion in of this bug. I may have address this issue completely, in fact.

[issue29521] Minor warning messages when compiling documentation

2017-02-10 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: My Pull Request was closed, because apparently https://github.com/python/cpython/ will not be the new GitHub repo for Python. The actual repo will open on 11. Feb, I'm told. I will repeat the PR there. Please sta

[issue29428] Doctest documentation unclear about multi-line fixtures

2017-02-10 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: I've drafted some fairly restricted changes to the doctest documentation page. They are in my Github branch, https://github.com/JDLH/cpython/tree/Issue29428_doctest_docs . The diffs are at https://github.com/JDLH/cpython/c

[issue29521] Minor warning messages when compiling documentation

2017-02-11 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: It looks like commit e7ffb99f842ebff97cffa0fc90b18be4e5abecf2 to the new GitHub python/cpython repo, by Ryan Gonzalez, fixed the problems in Doc/conf.py, Doc/Makefile, and Misc/NEWS . It did not fix the problems in Doc/make.bat or Doc/faq/windows.rst . I&#x

[issue29521] Minor warning messages when compiling documentation

2017-02-11 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: I submitted a PR https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/41 to the new Github repo which finishes clearing the warnings in this bug report. I would appreciate review and committing. -- pull_requests: +43 ___ Python

[issue29387] Tabs vs spaces FAQ out of date

2017-02-11 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: PR https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/41 to the new Github repo contains the following wording in Doc/faq/windows.rst: Python raises :exc:`IndentationError` or :exc:`TabError` if mixed tabs and spaces are causing problems in leading whitespace. You may also

[issue29428] Doctest documentation unclear about multi-line fixtures

2017-02-12 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: Pull Request https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/45 submitted to new Github repo. I would appreciate a review. I attempted to balance all the different opinions in the discussion below: stay concise, but also improve the clarity. -- pull_requests

[issue29561] Interactive mode gives sys.ps2 not sys.ps1 after comment-only line

2017-02-14 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
New submission from Jim DeLaHunt: When you run the Python interpreter in interactive mode, get a sys.ps1 prompt (`...`), and type a comment-only or white-space-only line, the interpreter responds with a sys.ps2 prompt (`...`), instead of a sys.ps1 prompt. This seems wrong. For example

[issue29562] test_getgroups of test_posix fails (on OS X 10.10)

2017-02-14 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
New submission from Jim DeLaHunt: When I run test.test_posix.PosixTester.test_getgroups on my Mac OS X system, it fails: % ./python.exe -m unittest -v test.test_posix.PosixTester.test_getgroups test_getgroups (test.test_posix.PosixTester) ... FAIL

[issue29562] test_getgroups of test_posix fails (on OS X 10.10)

2017-02-14 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: I have pushed a branch for this issue to my cpython fork: https://github.com/JDLH/cpython/tree/bpo-29562_failing_test_getgroups_on_os_x It modifies test_getgroups in test_posix.py to give better diagnostics in the event of a test failure. It says specifically

[issue29563] Update Devguide about building documentation.

2017-02-14 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
New submission from Jim DeLaHunt: The Devguide section 7.5.1 "Building the documentation" / "Using make / make.bat" is out of date. The document lists 10 documentation targets for `make`. The Doc/Makefile lists 17. One important omission is `make check`, which

[issue29563] Update Devguide about building documentation.

2017-02-15 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: Per request from Brett Cannon, I've moved this issue to https://github.com/python/devguide/issues/116 . Please continue the discussion there. -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/is

[issue29561] Interactive mode gives sys.ps2 not sys.ps1 after comment-only line

2017-02-15 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: Thank you for the analysis, Eryk Sun. You wrote, "the interpreter is correctly conveying that it's still tokenizing the input; it hasn't compiled or executed any code." I think one important question for this issue is, what meaning should

[issue29562] test_getgroups of test_posix fails (on OS X 10.10)

2017-02-15 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: Some diagnosis. Group `com.apple.sharepoint.group.1` appears to be related to a certain kind of file sharing, but I don't have hard evidence. Its only member was a test user I created as part of screen sharing with Apple Support. ``` % dscacheutil -q

[issue29562] test_getgroups of test_posix fails (on OS X 10.10)

2017-02-15 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: I guess I didn't state the things I find odd about what the new test_getgroups results. 1. `os.getgroups()` used to return group (395, 'com.apple.access_ftp'), but no longer does. I don't see a reason why. 2. `os.getgroups()` is returnin

[issue29562] test_getgroups of test_posix fails (on OS X 10.10)

2017-02-15 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: The Mac OS 10.10 man page for initgroups(3) says: "Processes should not use the group ID numbers from getgroups(2) to determine a user's group membership. The list obtained from getgroups() may only be a partial list of a user's group membersh

[issue29520] Documentation uses deprecated "defindex.html" Sphinx template

2017-02-18 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: Jaysinh, thank you for checking. From your log, I see you are using Sphinx version 1.3.6. I am seeing this problem with Sphinx version 1.5.2. I think you need Sphinx 1.5.2 or later to see the warning message. I notice my original bug description didn&#

[issue29562] test_getgroups of test_posix fails (on OS X 10.10)

2017-02-19 Thread Jim DeLaHunt
Jim DeLaHunt added the comment: > Note that the result of getgroups(2) is fixed on login, while "id -G" > reflects the current state of the user database on macOS. Wow, that's interesting! Thank you for this information. The test code for test_getgroups does not mention