New submission from Jim DeLaHunt:

When I run test.test_posix.PosixTester.test_getgroups on my Mac OS X system, it 

% ./python.exe -m unittest -v test.test_posix.PosixTester.test_getgroups
test_getgroups (test.test_posix.PosixTester) ... FAIL

FAIL: test_getgroups (test.test_posix.PosixTester)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jdlh/workspace/cpython/Lib/test/", line 824, in 
    self.assertTrue(not symdiff or symdiff == {posix.getegid()})
AssertionError: False is not true

Ran 1 test in 0.013s

FAILED (failures=1)

Details of my system:
% sw_vers
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.10.5
BuildVersion:   14F2109

% id -G
20 507 12 61 80 
98 399 33 100 
204 395 398 
% id -G -n
staff xampp everyone localaccounts admin 
_lpadmin _appstore _lpoperator 
# I wrapped these lines similarly, to make the correspondence clearer

% ./python.exe -c 'import grp,os; g={i: (n, p, i, mem) for (n, p, i, mem) in 
grp.getgrall()}; print(sorted([(i, g[i][0]) for i in os.getgroups()]) )'
[(12, 'everyone'), (20, 'staff'), (33, '_appstore'), (61, 'localaccounts'), 
(80, 'admin'), (98, '_lpadmin'), (100, '_lpoperator'), (204, '_developer'), 
(395, ''), (399, ''), (507, 'xampp')]

So the difference, which triggers the test failure, is that id -G is returning 
groups (701, ''), and (398, 
''), while posix.getgroups() is not.  I do not 
yet understand why.

Others say this test works on their OS X 10.10 system, so maybe it's triggered 
by something in my environment. 

Also: python3.6 from MacPorts, and python2.7 from MacPorts, return the same set 
of groupids as does the dev build of python3.7.

This bug affects the same test, and the same posix.getgroups() call, as "test_getgroups of test_posix can fail on OS 
X 10.8 if more than 16 groups" (2013-2014, closed).  But I think it is a 
different problem: issue17557 is related to how posix.getgroups() deals with 
large numbers of groups, and it is fixed.

I would appreciate help in getting this test to pass. Maybe my environment is 
wrong, in which case I should fix my environment. But maybe the cpython code is 
sensitive to some detail of my environment, in which case perhaps I should fix 
the cpython code.

components: Tests
messages: 287806
nosy: JDLH
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: test_getgroups of test_posix fails (on OS X 10.10)
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7

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