Jim DeLaHunt added the comment:

Marco and David, thank you again for your prompt replies. 

Let me respond to both of your comments on the doctest module documentation 

[Marco] > The example in section [1], before the compound statement 
(the if/else), contains two simple statements. I also think the example is 
complete and straightforward for its purpose, and it does not have to be 
complicated adding avanced features.

You are correct, it contain two simple statements. I missed this when I first 
read the example.  Part of the problem is that the example is contrived. It is 
an actual test. I think it would be better to replace these two lines by a 
two-line test, one which sets up state and another which exercises the module 
under test.

You believe "the example is complete and straightforward for its purpose, and 
it does not have to be complicated adding avanced features." I am giving you 
feedback that it was not complete and straightforward for me, as an ordinary 
software developer trying to use the documentation. 

[Marco] > If you want a more complex control over your tests, for instance 
adding fixtures, you can find how to do it later...

No, control over tests is not what I am bringing up in this issue. I an 
concerned with documentation of doctest "Examples".

[Marco] > I am -1 on this [changing]. IMHO there is no need to add 
extra description to a such self-explaining, clear and concise example. But 
this I think is also clear from the beginning. Infact, the first line of the 
doc says: "The doctest module searches for pieces of text that look like 
interactive Python sessions"

[David] > As for the prompts, I agree with Marco: I don't think there is any 
need to add words, since it clearly says it is supposed to look like an 
interactive session and the reader gets reminded of the rules for that by the 
example provided.  IMO it is not appropriate to re-document those rules here.

My feedback to you is that for me, as an ordinary software developer trying to 
use the doctest module, this section is not "self-explaining, clear and 
concise", and that "How Docstring examples are recognised" is not "clear from 
the beginning". 

Perhaps we have a difference of opinion on how clear and effective this 
documentation is.  The best way to resolve that would be to gather data: having 
several ordinary software developers reading the document, then measuring their 
comprehension. That would be hard to arrange. At least this bug report will 
serve as a data point.

I believe that a library module documentation should at some point clearly 
specify how the module works. I believe section Section " How are 
Docstring Examples Recognized?" does poorly at that. To say, "In most cases a 
copy-and-paste of an interactive console session works fine, but doctest isn’t 
trying to do an exact emulation of any specific Python shell." is not a 
specification. It's a blurry generalisation. The list of "fine print" is at a 
better level of detail, but still doesn't mention how the parser treats 
statements, nor how prefixes relate to statement boundaries.

I am giving you feedback that for me, as a developer trying to use the doctest 
module, this documentation failed to give me the comprehension I needed to be 

[Marco] >Also this section [, execution context] IMO is well written 
and clear. I do not know what to say... If someone else thinks it is not enough 
understandable, maybe the better think to do is to add a very small example, 
with two functions, that shows their docstrings have independent globals.

[David] > It does appear that "test" is being used ambiguously in the docs.  In 
most places it means a single statement, but in execution context it appears to 
be being used as a synonym for "docstring".  In that section it should be 
replaced by "docstring".  It would probably be worth checking the rest of the 
doc to make sure it is used consistently elsewhere as well.

[David] > The execution context section makes it clear that you can use names 
defined earlier, as does the fact that doctests emulate interactive sessions.  
Both of these make it clear you can do multi line examples that use shared 

Again, I am giving you feedback that this document was not "clear" for me. I am 
taking the time to write this issue because I think the documentation has 
weaknesses, and would like to help improve it.

I agree with David, that one problem in this section is that the word "test" is 
used with three different meanings. Some instances of the word "test" should be 
changed to "docstring" or similar. That would help. 

[David] > So in summary, I think we *need* a one word change in the execution 
context section, and we'll consider any other enhancements you want to propose.

All right, I'll work on a patch that makes that one-word change, and offers 
some other concise improvements. I expect it will be more that you think 
necessary, given that we disagree on how "clear" the current documentation is.

Given that reviews are a bottleneck, I fear my patch may grind to a halt 
waiting for review. But this is my first contribution to Python. We'll see. I 
clearly have a lot to learn.

[David] > And thanks for wanting to improve the docs!

You are welcome!

Thank you again for your prompt responses. And thank you for all your work to 
build this marvelous Python language, which helps so many.



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