Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
New changeset 9f0e40fae5191c3e3ed6109bd2e2f97aa0ac8d64 by Miss Islington (bot)
in branch '3.10':
closes bpo-38522 docs: remove references to Py_USING_MEMORY_DEBUGGER (GH-30284)
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
New changeset 43c5c1369cb21f08a1dc1d63923c3586b883e3e8 by Julian Gilbey in
branch 'main':
closes bpo-46253: Change Py_UNICODE to Py_UCS4 in the C API docs to match the
current source code (GH-30387)
Change by Benjamin Peterson :
components: Library (Lib)
nosy: benjamin.peterson
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: expose IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT linux socket option
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.11
Python tracker
Change by Benjamin Peterson :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +29289
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Benjamin Peterson :
New changeset 1aa6be06c4cb7f04a340adb1c7b16b89803ef254 by Benjamin Peterson in
branch 'main':
closes bpo-46626: Expose IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT socket option. (GH-31106)
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
clang doesn't like the typedef forward-decl:
In file included from ../cpython/Modules/_ctypes/_ctypes.c:108:
In file included from ../cpython/Include/Python.h:43:
../cpython/Include/object.h:109:3: warning: redefinition of typedef 'PyObject&
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
New changeset 0bb40a42d71873ea267aace8c92a02d66fe36dc2 by Dong-hee Na in branch
closes bpo-46736: SimpleHTTPRequestHandler now uses HTML5. (GH-31533)
Changes by Benjamin Peterson :
resolution: -> invalid
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
New submission from Benjamin Peterson :
Extended attribute support currently exists in the os module for Linux. BSD's
(including OSX) have a similar (but of course incompatible) interface. They
should be exposed through the same functions. For example,
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
This is because how the filesystem encoding is determined has changed. You
probably need to explicity discover how non-ascii characters like those in
'/home/vincent/àéèîö.jpg' are encoded in your filesystem.
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Approved for 3.1 as far as I'm concerned.
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Not anymore, though. :)
resolution: -> fixed
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Almost, that is. The unicodedata module still needs to use the new PEP 393 API.
resolution: fixed ->
status: closed -> open
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Fixed in 3.3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 16, in
TypeError: __init__() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'remote_user'
and 'remote_prefix'
nosy: +benjamin.peters
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
You have to implement __truediv__.
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
resolution: -> invalid
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
That's not true. You simply call the metaclass itself.
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
resolution: -> invalid
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
I think it needs tests.
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Or perhaps we don't need joke backward compatibility? (That's nearly 3 years
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
The cause is ctypes caches POINTER types. You have to make sure to clear the
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
Python tracker
Changes by Benjamin Peterson :
nosy: +rhettinger
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Also, the documentation should indicate what exactly is supposed to be returned
by "opener".
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
Python tracker
Changes by Benjamin Peterson :
priority: normal -> low
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Or you could just explicitly write out the exec(compile()) in your 2.x code.
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
There's no reason you couldn't write your own input() function in Python to do
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Generally, we don't do style cleanups for the sake of style cleanups.
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
resolution: -> rejected
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
2011/11/7 skreft :
> skreft added the comment:
> Hi all again:
> in the original posting of this issue, I asked what would be the best way to
> address this issue. Additionally I proposed to use existing tools to check
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
In this context, "may" means "allowed to". In other words, it is equivalent to
"The pointer argument is not allowed to be NULL".
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
resolution: -> wo
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Perhaps Raymond has a different view, but I don't this patch makes anything
more clear. There's only three things to remember and its convenient to unpack
it in the loop like
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(somewhere):
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
2011/11/9 Nick Coghlan :
> Nick Coghlan added the comment:
> Why provide any namedtuple interface in any context? After all, you can just
> unpack them to individual variables.
> The point is that the values produced by os.wa
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Fixed recently.
resolution: -> out of date
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Things won't ever be removed from the __future__ module, but there's no harm in
removing ones with no effect.
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
It's fine as it is; constants are often denoted with capital letters.
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
resolution: -> rejected
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Benjamin Peterson :
assignee: docs@python ->
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
The reason is simply that 2.6 basically unmaintained.
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Yes, last time I checked 2to3 doesn't work on 2.5 or 2.4. People will just have
to run build_py2to3 on 2.6+.
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Of course; that's what the recursion limit protects against.
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
resolution: -> invalid
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Quoting the PEP "While the Py_UNICODE representation and APIs are deprecated
with this PEP, no removal of the respective APIs is scheduled. The APIs should
remain available at least five years after the PEP is accepted"
I don't think
Changes by Benjamin Peterson :
resolution: -> invalid
status: open -> closed
superseder: -> ast.literal_eval does not handled new set literals
Python tracker
New submission from Benjamin Peterson :
HTTPConnection.send() should use os.sendfile when possible to avoid copying
data into userspace and back.
components: Library (Lib)
keywords: easy
messages: 149052
nosy: benjamin.peterson
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
2011/12/8 Giampaolo Rodola' :
> Giampaolo Rodola' added the comment:
> This is not possible for two reasons:
> - on most POSIX systems, sendfile() works with mmap-like ("regular") files
> only, while HTTPConne
Changes by Benjamin Peterson :
assignee: -> eric.smith
nosy: +eric.smith
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mai
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
-1 in general. I think that's too domain specific to belong in stdlib.
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Hardly, being a widely applicable mathematical function. Also, it's in a C math
library which is what Python's is originally based on.
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
2011/12/15 Meador Inge :
> Not just *a* C math library. *The* Standard C library! :-)
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
I think it's fairly harmless. Perhaps Python 4.
priority: normal -> low
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Seems mostly fine to me.
assignee: -> benjamin.peterson
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Python isn't crashing; it's bailing out of an impossible situation. It's not
clear what the correct behavior is, since you're basically preventing Python
from aborting the recursive behavior.
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
The behavior of Python 2 is not anymore correct than that of Python 3.
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
There is no place for it to raise a RuntimeError which will continue to
Python tracker
Changes by Benjamin Peterson :
resolution: -> invalid
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Changes by Benjamin Peterson :
assignee: -> rhettinger
nosy: +rhettinger
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mai
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
I'm not sure Python should be in the business of distributing CA certificates.
I think it's better left to the application or Linux distribution.
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
Python trac
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Nothing, but that would be pointless; the recursion would just start again.
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
2011/12/24 Georg Brandl :
> Georg Brandl added the comment:
>> Nothing, but that would be pointless; the recursion would just start again.
Because it would be caught in the function call abo
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Basically forget my last 3 messages.
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
2011/12/24 Georg Brandl :
> Georg Brandl added the comment:
> Would it?
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
f0fcb82a88e9 broke bots. See
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
What would you use the functionality provided by this patch for?
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Are you telling me that XATTR_SIZE_MAX is defined nowhere on eglibc?
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
I think the idea has some merit. I think it should be well vetted on
python-ideas, though. One thing that will certianly weigh against it is that
implementation would not be trivial.
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
2011/12/28 João Bernardo :
> João Bernardo added the comment:
> I see that every other comparison operator (<, >, <=, >=, ==, !=) except for
> `is` work the way I expect and is able to return anything.
> e.g.
Changes by Benjamin Peterson :
resolution: -> rejected
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
I think this more the domain of pylint/pyflakes.
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
resolution: -> rejected
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
I suggest you mail python-ideas.
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailin
Changes by Benjamin Peterson :
resolution: rejected -> invalid
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mai
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Barry, when this gets fixed, shall we coordinate release times?
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
It's still possible; it's just apparently limited to ASCII characters.
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
No. Python's dictionary implementation is designed to handle hash functions
with the properties of Python's.
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
resolution: -> rejected
status: open -> closed
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Closing now.
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
resolution: -> out of date
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
I'm just going to close this and say "use 3.3".
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
resolution: -> out of date
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Changes by Benjamin Peterson :
resolution: -> out of date
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Here is a patch. I only dealt with case mappings and not titlecase. Doing
titlecase properly requires word segmentation, which I think should be another
patch/issue. This patch fixes swapcase(), capitalize(), upper(), and lower().
It does not include the
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
I would be happier if there was precedent for this with "ur" = "ru" in 2.x,
which is not true.
Python tracker
New submission from Benjamin Peterson :
components: Unicode
messages: 150996
nosy: benjamin.peterson, ezio.melotti
priority: low
severity: normal
status: open
title: add a casefold() method
type: enhancement
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
New patch. I implemented it the way Antoine desired. It seems rather
inefficient to be copying around so much data...
Added file:
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
__ap__'s implementation method is about 2x faster than mine.
Python tracker
Changes by Benjamin Peterson :
Added file:
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Unfortunately, that would be a new feature, so it is not acceptable to Python
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
resolution: -> rejected
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
New patch with title casing mappings added.
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Benjamin Peterson :
resolution: -> fixed
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Patch for review.
keywords: +patch
title: add a unicode.casefold() method -> add a str.casefold() method
Added file:
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Indeed, Include/Python-ast.c and Python/Python-ast.c should be touched to avoid
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
It's true that Python use to be the only dependency for, but now
Mercurial is, too.
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Yep, len() has to return something less than sys.maxsize.
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
resolution: -> works for me
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
You change caused test_socketserver to hang. I attempted a fix, but I'm not
sure if it's completely correct.
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
2011/5/24 Charles-François Natali :
> Charles-François Natali added the comment:
>> You change caused test_socketserver to hang. I attempted a fix, but I'm not
>> sure if it's completely correct.
> I'm a mo
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
2011/5/24 STINNER Victor :
> STINNER Victor added the comment:
>> It's a bit of a rite of passage for new developers to
>> break the buildbots. :)
> How long is this rite?
The approximate number of times you do it
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Here is an improved patch. Sans comments, I will apply in a few days.
Added file:
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
2011/5/24 Nick Coghlan :
> Nick Coghlan added the comment:
> Just to articulate the rationale, I'm guessing the reasoning behind this is
> to make it feasible for source->AST->source translators to retain the
> origina
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
How exactly does it bring down your disk space?
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
2011/5/26 Mike Solomon :
> Mike Solomon added the comment:
> If you have a file with say a hundred functions, and each function contains
> the full path of that file on disk, your pyc file will contain about
> (100*(path_size+overhea
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
As you can see, I've implemented a similar solution in 3.3. It should have the
same memory savings but not disk space saving. (This would require
reintroducing the marshal feature for interned st
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
FWIW, if you still want to advance this, you could bring it up on Python-dev. I
still feel uncomfortable with the API but could be convinced with others
thought it was the best solution.
Python tracker
New submission from Benjamin Peterson :
You can write them as one compound statement in Python, so there's no point in
having two ast classes.
components: Interpreter Core
files: try.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 137097
nosy: benjamin.peterson, ncoghlan
priority: normal
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Okay, I'll close.
resolution: -> fixed
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Thanks for the review. New patch.
Added file:
Python tracker
Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
Everything is an instance of object.
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
resolution: -> invalid
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
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