Hi Marc,
The latest versions of PyMOL (e.g. 2.4) work fine on macOS Big Sur.
Old versions of MacPyMOL (until 1.8.6) are not compatible, unfortunately,
and we're not aware of any workarounds to make it work. Upgrading PyMOL is
your only option.
On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 8:16 AM Ma
Hi Andras,
Thanks for reporting this issue and for posting your solution/workaround.
This issue will be fixed in PyMOL 2.5.
On Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 10:25 AM András Ferenc WACHA
> Dear fellow PyMOL users,
> I have found a solution (at least a workaround):
> pymol -c
Hi Ioannis,
Might need more information regarding what you mean about 'complex
property', but if you want a selection to include descriptors A, B, and C
into a selection, something like
select your_sele, (A | B | C)
would suffice.
select your_sele, A
select your_sele, (your_sele |
Dear PyMOL community -
The time has come for me to hand over my PyMOL development
responsibilities at Schrödinger. It's been an incredible journey for
me to get involved with the PyMOL community, to become a PyMOL fellow
in 2011 and to start working full time for the project in 2012. I'm
Thank you Thomas for all the help you have provided us over the years! You have
certainly made my experience with PyMOL far more useful and easier, with all of
the answers and shortcuts you have provided to this list!
> On Apr 30, 2021, at 9:14 AM, Thomas Holder
> wrote:
> Dear PyMOL
Dear Thomas Holder,
Thank you for helping out PyMOL users like myself. Also putting up user
friendly advise for the over the years who use PyMOL.
I tend to read your email correspondence with other users, since they seem to
be more thought through than my few emails I asked in these forums.
Hi Everyone,
I'd like to publicly thank Thomas for his contribution to PyMOL over
the last decade.
PyMOL is the primary tool the broader scientific community uses to
access the results we create as structural biologists.
For many researchers, PyMOL is their first window into macromolecular