Hi Ioannis,

Might need more information regarding what you mean about 'complex
property', but if you want a selection to include descriptors A, B, and C
into a selection, something like

select your_sele, (A | B | C)
would suffice.

select your_sele, A
select your_sele, (your_sele | B)
select your_sele, (your_sele | C)

Hope that helps,

Jarrett J

On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 8:03 AM Ioannis Riziotis <rizio...@ebi.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hello,
> Is there any way to define a custom selection operator in a script? E.g.
> select all atoms with complex properties A, B, and C.
> Otherwise, what is the proper way of appending atoms to a selection in
> scripting?
> Thank you,
> Yannis
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