hares, $nfs_mounts)
I get error: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure 701-231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, IACC Building 701-231
and the list of nameservers. So I would like to use a
single template for /etc/resolv.conf which simply plug in data available in
variables accessible by the template
You probably could do that, but I think the template will be more
complicated this way. Selecting different templates based on wh
In regard to: Re: [Puppet Users] Telly: Nagios types moving into Module,...:
If I wanted to use a
secondary package management system, I could use gems or eggs or CPAN, but I
don't. ;)
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Comp
module is installed
- what "version" is present in each instance
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure 701-231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, IACC Building
has been mentioned on the list even today.
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure 701-231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, IACC Building 701-231-8541 (Fax)
North Dakota State
oncat::fragment { "firewall-base":
target => "$firewall_config",
content => [
order => '01',
But that seems kind of hack
x27;s no
template code in them, and use
concat::fragment { 'firewall-base':
target => $firewall_config,
content => [
order => '01'
order => '01',
puppet does not support this either :)
what you'll get there is a concat of the 2 templates
Oh, that's quite disappointing. We'll need to completely rethink how
we're doing this.
a better way to break up long lines, perhaps a "join" function
I've missed that would allow me to do something like
class foo {
yumrepo { 'some-repo':
baseurl => join(
In regard to: Re: [Puppet Users] linting manifests with long lines, Nan Liu...:
On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 11:55 AM, Tim Mooney wrote:
I've been working through our local manifests with puppet-lint, trying
to make certain we're as prepared as possible for puppet 3.x. I would
ldconfig/manifests/config.pp at line 6; cannot
redeclare at /etc/puppet/modules/ldconfig/manifests/config.pp:6 on node
- I've considered giving the exec an alias that is unique per define,
e.g. something like
exec { '/sbin/ldconfig
x27;s all around the best available option. It's much nicer than the
original version, even, because users don't have to separately include
class 'ldconfig' before they can use the define.
Agreed, that's something I was hoping to avoid.
Tim Mooney
t, but it's perfect. :-)
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure 701-231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, IACC Building 701-231-8541 (Fax)
North Dakota State University, Far
'd like to do is put some sort of condition that will look to see
if the driver is installed and if it is, the class "nvidia_driver" won't
What I'm describing would still have the file resource fire every time
/tmp gets cleaned and you need to re-dow
s it is.
You probably have some kind of "base" or "our_site" module already that
just does things like
include ntp
include admin_packages
include ssh
include syslog
etc. You could associate your custom fact(s) with that module by putting
them in
in other words, more complicated data structures.
Both recommendations on whether or not that's a good idea *and* examples
on how to successfully access the nested bits from within puppet would
be appreciated.
Advanced examples with create_resources() mig
might go about developing your own (perhaps
one for a database). See
Note also there's a part 2 that you'll want to check out.
The most straightforward method would probably be to enable the yaml
backend and just pull the dat
Look in that directory. Does your oc4j.rb file exist in the directory?
If it does, then pluginsync is working correctly, but the code itself
isn't doing what you expect.
If it doesn't exist, then it's not getting synced down to the client(s)
correctly, so you'll need to debug w
gid => 'bar',
automatically ensures that group 'bar' is present before user 'foo'.
I don't know if that same thing is true for supplemental groups, but if
it's not, I would first try using the -> notation to establish ordering,
like this
oups, ',')
Groups[$groups_as_array] -> User[$username]
? I have my doubts, but it's what I would try next.
Note that split() is part of the default set of functions that are part
of puppet. For more info on functions, see
rd-auth-ac/*[type = "auth"][module =
"pam_succeed_if.so"][argument[position()] = "uid"][argument[position() + 1] = ">="]
it fails to match.
Anyone have an idea how I can rewrite things so that the match isn't
dependent on the exact current order o
th "DROP" then whitespace, then "all", then
anything, then NEW, then any amount of whitespace
# For some reason iptables -L has a whitespace after NEW
if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
echo "iptables is running"
n that we
didn't quote true or false in some places and leave them as barewords
elsewhere, or it just wouldn't work. Mixing quoted & nonquoted gave us
unreliable and unexpected results.
This brings me back to the questions: where in the docs is this covered,
and what are the reco
ice" init script and have that script call the original
script and augment the logic in start/stop/status/whatever to do whatever
is needed to work correctly with puppet.
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastruct
true/false a few months ago, search
the archives for that. I can't remember if the style guide was updated
with recommendations regarding quoting true/false, but that would also
be a place to look.
Try using yes/no (as strings) and checking for that in your class.
You may also want to
the final result back to the
client for application.
Note also that this means that all functions run on the master too.
though I've actually seen better diagrams of the communication, that's
the one I'm findi
host => 'foo99.example.com',
port => '443',
I need my template to iterate over the http_servers and https_servers
arrays and resolve the values for the host key for each element.
Anyone have an example of how
admit that while I find hiera fantastic, I've really struggled
with how our complex data should be organized in hiera. I'm looking
forward to the hiera examples that Kelsey Hightower mentioned a couple
weeks ago on the list, but seeing examples like this in the interim is
really helpfu
is new to me.
Time to do some more reading and research, but what you've provided really
helps point me in the right direction.
On Thursday, August 9, 2012 1:38:14 PM UTC-7, Tim Mooney wrote:
Environment: puppet 2.7.14 on both master and all clients. We're also
using puppet
;s much more complicated than just using the "namespace via _"
method that we're currently using.
My hope is that some best practices and more examples with be part of some
forthcoming documentation.
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.e
to use
a flat namespace, so you design things like this
ntp_type: client
ntp_type: server
As I've said before on the
rap your file{} resource in a conditional
that tests the fact.
Certainly vague answers to your question, but hopefully this gives you
something to go on. If it's not enough to go on, provide more information
about your environment. That will hopefully make it
same question on May 21st, check the group archives for the
thread and some options. I believe the subject was "linting manifests
with long lines".
My solution:
01:20 PM dogbert ~$ cat ~/.puppet-lintrc
Tim Mooney
50] root@testweb11:~# facter | grep ec2_instance_type
ec2_instance_type => m1.large
It's a facter variable. What's it complaining about?
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure
does help, thank you.
It's one of those things that I wish I had known before I spent hours
changing our modules in preparation for what I thought was going to
be a requirement for puppet 3.x, but better late than never. :-)
I appreciate the clarity you've provid
list understand that this kind of thing is going to happen on
occasion, especially when a major release is in the works. I certainly
The trick is going to be stamping out places where "you must top-scope
facts" may have already crept into documentation or people&
class {
That might be worth considering. We're not doing it that way, but
perhaps we should be.
So...what am I doing wrong? Does the puppet philosophy not really allow
for maintaining package lists in classes?
It does, but in my expe
ere it really was not
intended. Your use of defined() might be perfect, but I just tend to shy
away from defined(), probably because my knowledge of puppet doesn't make
me certain that I would use it in the appropriate cases.
Thanks for all of your advice. It's nice to
- '2001:4930::/:::'
You could pretty easily write a custom parser function to return the data
structures you want.
Perhaps if I was as adept in ruby as many of the Puppetlabs employees,
that would be pretty easy, but unfortunately I'm not
a stance from the designers and architects saying either "bad idea, don't
do it" or "yeah, should work and we're not opposed to it".
If I need to open a separate ticket to get that kind of directional
clarity, I would be happy to do so.
Tim Mooney
In regard to: Re: [Puppet Users] Getting all variable occurrences from...:
On Wednesday, August 22, 2012 6:01:06 PM UTC-7, Tim Mooney wrote:
If I need to open a separate ticket to get that kind of directional
clarity, I would be happy to do so.
A ticket specifically about this use-case
ractical and important to start
Thanks all.
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7;s all just using file shipping, though. We looked
at templating some of the config but decided that was more advanced than
what we wanted for our first solr roll-out.
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure
the paragraph between the first two code
blocks. That spells out why the 'before => Class["slave"]' that you're
using isn't doing what you want.
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastr
m plenty of first-hand experience that another reason why I
might see a "could not find class " is if I have a typo in the
class name within the .pp file, but I've reviewed the classes involved
here and don't see any problems.
Any thoughts on whether it's
modules/mymodule/manifests/special_type.pp to our VCS. :-| Oops.
On 28.09.2012, at 12:53, Tim Mooney wrote:
I'm using puppet 2.7.14. I've reviewed
but it doesn't seem to
My resources within the class are using explicit "require" when necessary
and relying on puppet's automatic "require" logic in other places so
they are correctly ordered, but it's not clear from the pattern document
in the wiki or the ticket whether the
In regard to: Re: [Puppet Users] anchor pattern and class containment...:
On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Tim Mooney wrote:
We're currently using puppet 2.7.14 on master and all clients.
I thought I understood why 'anchor' is part of stdlib, but after
re-reading bot
In regard to: Re: [Puppet Users] anchor pattern and class containment...:
On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Tim Mooney wrote:
I thought I understood why 'anchor' is part of stdlib, but after
re-reading both
I suspect Dan & John have covered this well enough for you but I
info: Applying configuration version '1349982313'
notice: Finished catalog run in 49.28 seconds
Does it change if you also add '--no-noop' to the puppet apply command?
Is it possible someone modified /etc/puppet.conf and added
osted on GitHub no longer seems to follow
any notion of "versions" or "releases". This makes packaging and local
version tracking a bit more tricky.
I see that you PuppetLabs folks are continuing to do a good job of tagging
release versions, though. That's great news, and
settings, along with a bit of logic in
the manifest for whether AMM is in use or hugepages.
We too have multiple databases per host, which complicates things
If you come up with something you feel is even moderately elegant,
consider sharing it on the forge.
Tim Mooney
th the simple stuff, like file-shipping entire config files
where necessary, but keep learning and keep refining.
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure 701-231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, IACC Bui
In regard to: Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet & Oracle Database config...:
Have you got any examples of the hiera config you're using?
As I said, it's pretty rough.
class oracledb::sysctl(
$use_amm = false,
$large_mem_pages = '0',
$hugetlb_gid = '1001',
) {
ury all the fetch/extract/configure/compile/install logic
in the shell script, which puppet will make certain is always present
on the system. It will only execute it if /your/python/lib/dir is not
But if you're going to build fetch/extract/configure/compile/install logic
In regard to: Re: [Puppet Users] Have Class Only Perform Actions When There...:
On Friday, October 26, 2012 2:31:56 PM UTC-4, Tim Mooney wrote:
In regard to: [Puppet Users] Have Class Only Perform Actions When There
I would highly recommend you just package your custom python and
ensure => installed,
This virtual package then pulls in whatever dependencies you have listed.
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure 701-231-
one the parts that a lot of people seem to want to skip;
specifically packaging the software and creating a local repo with the
software in it. You just need to define your repo to puppet and then
use a very standard "package" resource to make it present.
Note the yumrepo resource type
e from your repo?
If it does, then using just the "package" resource should be enough to
get it installed. On a CentOS client, you shouldn't need to do anything
with "provider" and you shouldn't need to set "source". If it'
ve those settings come from hiera, and as things
currently stand booleans from hiera are just a trap for the unwary.
I would actually do the wordpress stuff as a separate class, which has
its own wordpress::instance define, and then call that define from within
efreshonly => true,
notify => Service['postfix'],
restart service postfix
service { 'postfix':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
Tim Mooney
tp and has enough disk space to
store your RPMs, you're already most of the way there.
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure 701-231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, IACC Building
ather than "/private" and we're
using %H (fqdn) rather than %h (short host name).
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure 701-231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, IACC Building
e them run as a non-privileged user (& group).
Note that if your puppet master is a client of itself (or some other
puppet master) then the puppet agent running there still needs to be
run as root. The agent enforces the state, which requires administrative
access. The master calculates the s
ersions, though there's a setting in
2.7.20 that allows it to work again.
My recommendation is that you install 3.0.x somewhere, install
puppet-lint, and use puppet-lint and "puppet parser validate" on your
manifests. Study the output from both, and adjust accordingly.
from -e:1:in `'
(learning Ruby
is still on my to-do list)
Same for me, and it has presented a slight barrier to entry for becoming
really comfortable with puppet.
ruby -e "require 'iconv'; puts Iconv.list.sort"
That should dump out the list
done so far haven't turned up anything helpful.
Can anyone that's familiar with writing types and providers shed some
light on what I should be doing to augment this? I know this is as much
ruby ignorance as puppet ignorance, but I have to believe that there are
people here that can po
In regard to: Re: [Puppet Users] passing an environment variable to a...:
On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Tim Mooney wrote:
We have some custom types & providers related to mysql (mysql_user,
mysql_grant, mysql_db) written by an admin that's no longer here. The
provider just uses
In regard to: Re: [Puppet Users] passing an environment variable to a...:
On Jun 28, 2013 2:06 PM, "Tim Mooney" wrote:
works fine, but on hosts where we use our mysql module with the custom
types and provider, we can't do that. We instead have to
sudo su -
and that on my real master I will need
to uninstall the 'rubygem-hiera-puppet' package, but the client I promoted
to be the temporary master has never had that installed.
Google searches for this error just turn up the "install rubygems" r
& puppet-server
packages, and that still didn't make any difference.
I definitely appreciate the response and the suggestions for stuff
to look for, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be what's causing
the issue.
On 1/8/2014 5:16 PM, Tim Mooney wrote:
t' package, but the client I promoted
to be the temporary master has never had that installed.
Google searches for this error just turn up the "install rubygems" response.
Brent Clark posted to this list in December with the same problem, but
there were no follow-up responses.
point me at some prior art, I would greatly
appreciate it.
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure 701-231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, Quentin Burdick Building 701-231-8541 (Fa
In regard to: [Puppet Users] Re: selecting a command in a provider based on...:
On Friday, April 11, 2014 7:15:05 PM UTC-5, Tim Mooney wrote:
Hi All!
The tl;dr version:
Can anyone point me at an example of an existing provider that selects
a particular command based not on a facter fact
nction normal again.
Hope this helps.
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure 701-231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, Quentin Burdick Building 701-231-8541 (Fax)
North Dakota State U
ice people have regarding workflow with environments and
subversion would be greatly appreciated!
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure 701-231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, Quentin Burdick Bui
nt spot, has a different init script, etc.
The default parameters in the puppetlabs-apache module assume the
older 'httpd' package, /etc/httpd for the base dir, etc. I'm looking
for what parameters people are passing to the apache class to
As you might guess, this is to make $new_hash suitable for passing
to create_resources.
Is there some other way to create a new hash, give it a single top-level
key that is a variable, and assign a separate (passed-in as a parameter)
hash as the value for that key? I would be fine with using
iable, and assign a separate (passed-in as a parameter)
hash as the value for that key? I would be fine with using stdlib::merge,
but I don't see any obvious way to accomplish this task with stdlib::merge
Tim Mooney tim.m...@nd
In regard to: Re: [Puppet Users] Re: creating hashes from other hashes,...:
On 2014-07-11 23:43, Tim Mooney wrote:
In regard to: [Puppet Users] Re: creating hashes from other hashes,
Huh, at first glance that to me looks like a parser bug.
Not so much a bug as an unessesary
27;t be able to use the Puppet Labs packages
anymore, at least on the master.
The big concern I have relates to how advisable it is to use a different
version of ruby on the master vs. all of the clients? Have other RHEL
users tried this, with any succes
so broken it can't be fixed" that caused me to ask here.
You have been extremely helpful! Thanks so much for the information
you've provided! It very likely has saved me a lot of work.
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computi
has been painful
enough just getting the traditional stack upgraded.
Thanks for your thoughts on this! Very much appreciated.
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure 701-231-1076 (Voice)
witching our puppet master to use the "ruby193-*" packages from
SCL. A minor downside is that I won't be able to use the Puppet Labs
anymore, at least on the master.
The big concern I have relates to how advisable it is to use a different
version of ruby on the master vs. al
provide the output from --debug for both the new master and the client,
if anyone is interested in looking through it.
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure 701-231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242
, but setting just the first setting should provide
suitable defaults for the others.
This doesn't work, because there's a chicken-or-the-egg problem here.
Class sandbox inherits from sandbox::params to follow the "params
pattern", so
In regard to: Re: [Puppet Users] class parameters that depend on other...:
On 2018-06-12 00:55, Tim Mooney wrote:
[snip some of my original context]
Here's an example:
# This module exists only to serve as a sandbox where we can experiment with
# p
. The options you considered and then rejected,
and the reasons why were also very useful to hear.
Between you and John, I have lots of great suggestions that I now need
to consider.
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing
how I can modernize and
hopefully simplify several of our home-grown modules and classes. The
time you took to read and reply is greatly appreciated.
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure 701-231-1076 (V
h puppetlabs-mysql?
I've searched these forums and the web, and other than an outdated and
now incorrect hit on StackOverflow, I'm not finding information on what
should replace *public* use of mysql_user and mysql_grant.
Tim Mooney
I was trying to discover: what are the replacements for these
resources that have transitioned to "private"? It just seems strange to
me to mark something as private without first having an established
Tim Mooney
there were between 3.8 and 5.x,
but there has to be more to it than just update the packages without
making any changes to your config files, etc.
For others that have been through the same upgrade recently, what docs
did you follow, and were there any gotchas that weren't covered?
easier than 3.8.x to 5.x. Martin's info
confirmed that I had found everything I needed. The Example42 blog
post Martin linked was also very helpful in working around the CA changes.
The upgrade went smoothly and we've been using 6.x for a few weeks now.
Thanks again!
On 19. Mar
RHEL 9 has been out for a few weeks.
I see OpenSource puppet agent 7 and puppet bolt packages for RHEL 9, but
no OpenSource puppet agent 6 releases.
Are there plans to package puppet agent 6 for RHEL 9?
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
! Much appreciated.
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure /
Division of Information Technology/701-231-1076 (Voice)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164
You received this mes
HEL 9?
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure /
Division of Information Technology/701-231-1076 (Voice)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164
You received this message be
hat's running a web server, you're most of the way there already.
Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure /
Division of Information Technology/701-231-1076 (Voice)
North Dakota State Un
7;t enabled (first). If we
manually (outside puppet) switch the client to the correct stream,
then the 2nd package resource does install the version we want.
Obviously, we want to control the one-time module stream selection in
puppet too.
Can anyone tell me what the correct idiom is to do what I&
've struggled with that question too, so I look forward to hearing what
other sites are doing.
I've also never been sure what the best practice is for where these
type of host-specific resources should be in the overall class hierarchy.
Tim Mooney
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