In regard to: [Puppet Users] Have Class Only Perform Actions When There Is...:
Howdy. I feel like I am missing something really simply with regards to the way that Puppet works and I am wondering if someone can point me in the write direction. I have written a class that downloads, uncompresses, compiles, and installs Python from source. So far so good.
I would highly recommend you just package your custom python and install it using a package management system, rather than doing what you're doing. Depending on what host OS you're using, it's not too difficult, and it works a lot better with puppet *and* you get all the benefits of having the package installed through a more coherent means.
The problem is that it only needs to do this once, when Python is not already in place (or some other custom indicator of the Python version). I have my 3 calls to exec doing their checks just fine, but my calls to wget::fetch and archive::untar both fire during every apply. Specifically, archive::untar takes about 30 seconds to run and I'd prefer it if it only ran conditionally. What is the best way to make sure that this code: wget::fetch { "python-${version}": source => "${version}/Python-${version}.tgz", destination => "/tmp/Python-${version}.tgz", } archive::untar {"/tmp/python-${version}": source => "/tmp/Python-${version}.tgz", compression => 'gz', rootdir => "Python-${version}", require => Wget::Fetch["python-${version}"], }
As you're discovering, these kind of exec chains, where the first part of the chain involves temporary files, don't really fit into the puppet paradigm very well. About the best you can do is something like exec { '/usr/local/sbin/': source => 'http://your_module/', creates => '/your/python/lib/dir', } and then bury all the fetch/extract/configure/compile/install logic in the shell script, which puppet will make certain is always present on the system. It will only execute it if /your/python/lib/dir is not present. But if you're going to build fetch/extract/configure/compile/install logic into a shell script, you're probably 85% of the way to packaging the software appropriately anyway. Tim -- Tim Mooney Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure 701-231-1076 (Voice) Room 242-J6, IACC Building 701-231-8541 (Fax) North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164 -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at