In regard to: [Puppet Users] Puppet - Postfix - How-To edit generic.db,...:

New-ish to Puppet.  I'm just getting beyond the basics, now.

Got a postfix module defined.  But there is a wrinkle: the server needs to
send mail from root as not

So the big question is whether this config needs to be applied to *all*
the systems where you might run postfix, or whether it's specific to
one particular system or set of systems.

Because our service desk accepts tickets from servers BUT the counts as
'spam' anything NOT from

This is easy with postfix:

edit /etc/postfix/generic - add ""

You need to modify a file, so you'll want to have a file resource
defined somewhere.  Are there other settings in that file you typically
customize?  If so, you may want the source for the file to be a
template().  If not, there are other ways you might handle it.

So, the file resource is going to look something like

        file { '/etc/postfix/generic':
                ensure => file,
                owner  => 'some_user',
                group  => 'some_group',
                mode   => '0somethingsomethingsomething',
                source => yet_to_be_determined,
                notify => Exec['postmap-generic'],

The real question is what goes in the "yet_to_be_determined" area for
the source.  It could be a template

        source => template('postfix/generic.erb'),

or perhaps it's a list of files (first one that matches is used):

        source => [

Determining how you pick the source for the file is going to be the
most difficult part of this, and it depends on how much customization
you need to do.

$ postmap /etc/postfix/generic

For that, you need an exec resource to execute your command after the file
is modified:

        exec { 'postmap-generic':
                cwd         => '/etc/postfix',
                path        => '/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin',
                command     => 'postmap generic',
                refreshonly => true,
                notify      => Service['postfix'],

restart service postfix

        service { 'postfix':
                ensure => running,
                enable => true,

Tim Mooney                                   
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure                  701-231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, IACC Building                             701-231-8541 (Fax)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164

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