Re: [Puppet Users] finally have puppet/passenger/dashboard working... new problem

2012-01-27 Thread Justin Stoller
I found this bug in Redmine that sounds like it could be your problem. It looks like a long standing issue, but that Nick L is possibly on to a solution. Could you review the ticket to see if this is what is affecting you and if so post your newest info i

Re: [Puppet Users] Cannot see node on Live Management

2012-02-20 Thread Justin Stoller
Have you tried su-ing to the peadmin user on the master node and trying `mco ping`? Live Management is basically a front end for actions the peadmin user can do. Dropping down to that level may let you debug the issue easier. Other things to check are that activemq is working and correctly config

Re: [Puppet Users] Upgrading puppet - upgrade O/S of puppet master but leave clients on older version?

2012-03-29 Thread Justin Stoller
On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 9:16 AM, Richard wrote: > Hi there, > > I'm currently using an old version of puppet - my server is running > puppet-server-0.25.4-1.el5 and my clients are running puppet-0.25.4-1.el5. > This is on RHEL 5. > > I'm thinking of making the jump to the latest stable release -

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet Enterprise 2.5 and cucumber-puppet

2012-03-30 Thread Justin Stoller
I've used PE with cucumber-puppet before I put cucumber/cucumber-puppet in the same ruby as PE (which I *think* is a requirement for cucumber-puppet), which required manually setting up the dependencies for, and installing pe-ruby-devel then using /opt/puppet/bin/gem. Installing the ruby developm

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: PE - installation error

2012-04-01 Thread Justin Stoller
So, this is an Awesomely un-helpful error message. First there's two (possibly three) things that happen between the "Setting up puppet agent..." message and whatever message comes next (the next message depends on if you're installing the console or not). First the installer runs puppet agent -t

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: HP-UX Puppet Agent

2012-04-05 Thread Justin Stoller
On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 8:22 AM, Nan Liu wrote: > On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Michael Glatz wrote: > > Removing the default group worked for the most part but I am still > > running into some issues > > > > It cataloged correctly and even ran the test class I created > > > > notice: Starting

Re: [Puppet Users] PE Install Problem Finding /erb/console_auth_db_config.yml.erb

2012-06-16 Thread Justin Stoller
On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 3:07 PM, hulk15 wrote: > Hey guys, >     Trying to install PE for a PoC and have run into the following:  Has > anyone seen this? > > Starting puppet:   [  OK  ] > ** chkconfig pe-puppet on > ** cp -a /etc/puppetlabs/puppet-dashboard/

Re: [Puppet Users] inventory service vs stored config (conflicts?)

2012-07-25 Thread Justin Stoller
they will conflict you should definitely look into puppetdb as a more scalable solution than the active_record terminus for both inventory service and storeconfigs storedconfigs stores resources from your puppet manifests and inventory service stores facts. - Justin sorry for the top post On

Re: [Puppet Users] inventory service vs stored config (conflicts?)

2012-07-25 Thread Justin Stoller
d inventory service. the actual code to retrieve, save and query facts (inventory service) and puppet resources (storedconfigs) are different however and even if the tables exist they all won't be populated until you enable both. does that make sense? > > On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 10:46 AM,

Re: [Puppet Users] initial puppet agent --test --verbose upon quick start installation FAILS v2.53

2012-08-10 Thread Justin Stoller
On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 6:08 AM, Patrick McCarty wrote: > All, > > I am evaluating Puppet for a client. It has not been a smooth evaluation. :-) Sorry to hear that. It's a great tool, but its still got a few edges that if you fall on can be mighty sharp. > > I have four machines, puppet, consol

Re: [Puppet Users] syntax change or regression?

2012-08-12 Thread Justin Stoller
On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 1:35 AM, Samuel José Martín wrote: > > Hi, > > I am using puppet to generate ipsec tunnels configuration on OpenBSDs > gateways. > Having a bunch of offices, I did something like this: > > $enc = $office ? > { > "paris" => > { > "lond

Re: [Puppet Users] Error 400 on SERVER: Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error at '{'; expected '}'

2012-08-14 Thread Justin Stoller
On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 7:49 AM, Jen Patrick wrote: > It's barfing on this: Is this in relation to a previous thread? > Error 400 on SERVER: Could not parse for environment production: Syntax > error at '{'; expected '}' is there a line number? > > Here's the node.pp Does this work? > > nod

Re: [Puppet Users] puppet-rspec / puppetlabs_spec_helper

2012-08-17 Thread Justin Stoller
On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 8:42 AM, llowder wrote: > > I am using puppet 2.7.14 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I have the following gems: > > *** LOCAL GEMS *** > > diff-lcs (1.1.3) > hiera (0.3.0) > hiera-puppet (0.3.0) > metaclass (0.0.1) > mocha (0.12.1) > puppet-lint (0.1.13) > puppetlabs_spec_helper (0.2.

Re: [Puppet Users] don't push out facter-1.6.11 without testing ; causes puppetd hang

2012-08-20 Thread Justin Stoller
Hey Jo, Do you have any debugging information about this issue? Stack traces, systems, versions, ruby, custom facts, etc would all be helpful. It certainly seems from what you said that the version of Facter had something to do with this error, but I'm not exactly sure how Facter would affect Pupp

Re: [Puppet Users] Hiera to hash

2012-08-22 Thread Justin Stoller
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 1:34 PM, Douglas Garstang wrote: > On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 11:08 AM, Douglas Garstang > wrote: >> On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 11:51 PM, Douglas Garstang >> wrote: >>> On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 11:44 PM, Douglas Garstang >>> wrote: On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 11:19 PM, Stephen

Re: [Puppet Users] puppetlabs jenkins setup

2012-08-25 Thread Justin Stoller
On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 6:14 AM, Choon Ming Goh wrote: > Hi, > > I'm in the middle of setting up jenkins for testing and building our puppet > modules. I'm quite new at this and been trying to make it work the way i > wanted but in reality it doesnt. There are a few issues/questions that I > hope

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Announce: Puppet 3.0.0-rc4 Available

2012-08-25 Thread Justin Stoller
On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 3:45 AM, Sandra Schlichting wrote: > Does there exist a tracker bug of blocking bugs for final release? Redmine supports filtering tickets by their target version. You can filter based on which are still open and targeted at 3.0.0. This link might work for you (or might re

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Help! A simple question but always distrubs me .

2012-08-30 Thread Justin Stoller
On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 7:10 PM, Edward Tuan wrote: > ps: when I start with : puppet master . then I check with: service > puppetmaster status ,show: the puppetmaster is running .orz... the `puppetmasterd` executable was deprecated in favor of using the single executable `puppet`. xmlrpc was depr

Re: [Puppet Users] How to make a module reject invalid parameter

2012-09-25 Thread Justin Stoller
On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 8:57 AM, Philip Brown wrote: > I tried a few google searches on this, and attempted to look through >, but couldnt find anything... > > how do you make a module throw an error for an unrecognized parameter? > > ie: > > class setitup($machtype) { > case

Re: [Puppet Users] writing providers

2012-09-25 Thread Justin Stoller
I know that yours was more a question for the community but have you checked out: If those aren't super helpful we'd love to make them better. HTH, Justin On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 10:47 AM, Jakov Sosic wrote: > On 09/25/2012 05:09 PM, Da

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet 3.0 fails install on Solaris 10 w/ ruby 1.8.7

2012-10-01 Thread Justin Stoller
On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Matthaus Owens wrote: > The puppet 3 gem requires hiera, whose latest version requires json, > which can be either json (a c extension), or json_pure (a ruby > implementation). If it is the c extension, make and gcc are required > to build the c components. The mkmf

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet 3.0 + Inventory search

2012-10-04 Thread Justin Stoller
Are you using +ExportCertData in your configuration? Have a look at: and let us know if you think this is what is affecting you. HTH, Justin On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 9:47 AM, Jeff McCune wrote: > On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 2:00 AM, Nathan Flynn wrote: >>

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet liveManagement very slow

2012-10-13 Thread Justin Stoller
Try su-ing to the peadmin account and issuing `mco ping`. What kind of time are you seeing there? Live Management is a GUI front end to using mcollective and the peadmin account has all of the mco subcommands added to its path. If there's a reason mcollective is running slowly it will bog down Live

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet console not accessible after installation.

2012-12-18 Thread Justin Stoller
On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 9:03 PM, lalit jangra wrote: > Hi, > > I have an amazon ec2 instance where i have installed puppet from > Installation is successful > without any issue as per > After success

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: New Type/Provider... How to handle cli input???

2013-02-07 Thread Justin Stoller
There's a completely undocumented (outside of the Pickaxe book) Ruby STDLIB module called 'expect' that you could use in 1.8.7, open up irb and give it a whirl. You can find other expect like gems (or at least crib how they're using the pty)[1]. I think you'll want something like expect4r[2] extend

Re: [Puppet Users] I can't get a custom fact to work in Windows

2013-02-07 Thread Justin Stoller
On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Dan McManus wrote: > Hello all! > > I am using open source puppet 3.0.1 on both the client and master. The > issue I am having is that I cannot get a simple custom fact to be > recognized in my manifest. Hopefully I am missing something. > > I am trying to have a c

Re: [Puppet Users] Windows Firewall Question

2013-02-14 Thread Justin Stoller
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 7:29 AM, jim wrote: > Hello all, > > I'm currently running 2.7.19 (Puppet Enterprise 2.7.0) > > I want to use puppet to add / amend or delete windows firewall rules, is > there a tidy way of doing this > > exec { "Check_MK_Firewall_Rule_create": > command => 'C:\Windo

Re: [Puppet Users]

2013-03-16 Thread Justin Stoller
Hi Frank - On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 11:03 AM, ureal frank wrote: > Hi, > > I'm trying to setup a Puppet 3.1.1 (master) under NetBSD 6.0.1 > > I've installed Ruby 1.9.3 through pkgin and Puppet with $ gem install > puppet. > > (pkgsrc has a puppet port under sysutils/puppet but is very very > outd

Re: [Puppet Users] Windows Features/Roles vs. DISM

2013-04-07 Thread Justin Stoller
On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Joaquin Menchaca wrote: > I was wondering what experiences (or how to get started) with configuring > features and roles (some of which may require reboot) on Windows 2008R2 > (and other versions) that others might have had. > > Manually, I have experimented with DI

Re: [Puppet Users] External Facts on Windows with Powershell

2013-04-10 Thread Justin Stoller
This only works in Facter 1.7, what do you get when you run `facter --version`? Have you double checked ensure that the powershell scripts are enabled? - Justin On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 8:44 AM, Grant Trevor wrot

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Using onlyif for Windows exec

2013-04-16 Thread Justin Stoller
On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 1:29 PM, Gary Park wrote: > Hello, > > Thanks for getting back to me. > > I think I forgot to mention, I am using this: > > > > Does this "change" how the onlyif parameter interprets what it is provided? > yes it should. t

[Puppet Users] Re: [Puppet-dev] Managing System Reboots

2013-04-18 Thread Justin Stoller
On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 1:09 PM, Erik Dalén wrote: > Would the reboot_pending fact return true on Unix after a newer kernel > version has been installed but the system isn't rebooted yet? > If I understand the armature correctly the fact example is simply something that could be implemented at an

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet and VMWare - A potentially stooopid question

2013-06-20 Thread Justin Stoller
On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Dan White wrote: > But I'd rather be certain of the answer than guess or try it and go down > in flames: > > The question: Can one integrate VMWare with Open Source Puppet ? Or is > this a Puppet-Enterprise-only thing ? > You can integrate anything you'd like w

Re: [Puppet Users] Is it possible to pass extra flags to Puppet via rspec?`

2013-06-26 Thread Justin Stoller
It's been a while since I jumped into this code and it's late, forgive me if I say something naive inline. On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 8:14 PM, Nan Liu wrote: > On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 7:23 PM, Amos Shapira wrote: > >> I'm writing my first puppet function rspec test and am having a problem >> which

Re: [Puppet Users] get some issues using rake command with puppet enterprise VM

2013-07-10 Thread Justin Stoller
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 2:15 AM, Wen Andes wrote: > Hi, all, > > I use puppet enterprise VM (pe 3.0) with dashboard (version 2.0 built-in) > to set up my very simple env. but in the master node, when I want to check > the 'rake' API, I failed with '-bash: rake: command not found'. And I also > se

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Unable to use Cloud Provisioner

2013-07-17 Thread Justin Stoller
On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 4:23 PM, shivaraj mathrubai wrote: > I'm using CentOS > > > On Thursday, 18 July 2013 00:21:52 UTC+1, shivaraj mathrubai wrote: >> >> >> Hi Guys, >> >> I'm unable to load the module cloud provisioner, when I try to run >> node_aws it gives me the below errors: >> >> Error:

Re: [Puppet Users] Attention!!! Puppet pe-activemq not Starting

2013-07-18 Thread Justin Stoller
On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 12:44 AM, Ripunjay Godhani wrote: > > > getting error change from stopped to running failed: Could not start > Service[pe-activemq]: Execution of '/sbin/service pe-activemq start' > returned 1: at > /opt/puppet/share/puppet/modules/pe_mcollective/manifests/activemq.pp:25 >

Re: [Puppet Users] Howto install current Version on SLES

2013-10-17 Thread Justin Stoller
SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 is a supported PE platform. You can download a demo for it here: (good up to 10 nodes) Puppet Enterprise contains an installer that will guide you through setting up Puppet, Facter, MCollective and the Enterprise Console. For more info yo

Re: [Puppet Users] node_aws issue: undefined method

2014-01-02 Thread Justin Stoller
On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 1:23 PM, Colin Cullinan wrote: > Hello, > > I am attempting to manage EC2 instances using Puppet's node_aws but > everytime I run > > *~$ sudo puppet node_aws list* > > > I get the following response > > *Error: undefined method `reject' for #* > *Error: Try 'puppet help no

Re: [Puppet Users] installing PE 3.1 on OpenSuse 13.1 x64

2014-01-08 Thread Justin Stoller
On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 12:21 PM, expouser wrote: > > Hi All, > Does anyone know how to install PE (3.1 latest) on OpenSuse (13.1 x64) > Linux. > Unfortunately, you can't as it's not a supported platform (SLES is though!) > > I'm getting: > !! ERROR: Unknown platform > > ===

Re: [Puppet Users] beaker ec2 example, should this work?

2014-10-06 Thread Justin Stoller
On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 6:44 PM, Ken Barber wrote: > > I was just testing the host config file from puppetdb coupled with the > documentation on the beaker documentation. > > Those docs honestly look old, they are still mentioning blimpy which I > effectively deprecated/superseded with the aws_sdk

Re: [Puppet Users] Problems with new PE 2016.4 install

2016-11-03 Thread Justin Stoller
On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 2:52 AM, Jonathan Gazeley <> wrote: > Hi folks, > > I've been running open-source Puppet 3.x for years but this week I'm > dabbling with a new installation of PE 2016.4. I installed from the > pointy-clicky installer and so far the PE server on

[Puppet Users] [ANN] Puppet Server 2.7.2 Available

2016-12-06 Thread Justin Stoller
We’re happy to announce the 2.7.2 release of Puppet Server. This is a backward compatible bug fix release. The release contains packaging related fixes: * Remove unneeded RPM dependencies, including system ruby <--- Regression in 2.7.x that precipitated this release * Improvements to service

Re: [Puppet Users] Beaker and mock services

2015-10-20 Thread Justin Stoller
On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 12:49 AM, Alex Harvey wrote: > Hi all, > > I am investigating whether or not I can use Beaker to do acceptance > testing on roles and profiles. > > I've had a look at Liam Bennett's excellent blog posts - > >

[Puppet Users] Re: beaker gem vs rspec spec/acceptance ?

2016-02-16 Thread Justin Stoller
On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 11:00 AM, Brett Swift wrote: > It's the spec_prep that is failing, so even bundle exec spec won't work. > Just an FYI: the spec* rake tasks are controlling and setting up lower level unit tests using "rspec-puppet"[1] while the task to run acceptance tests with beaker-rs

Re: [Puppet Users] Announce: Puppet Platform 5.5.6 is now available!

2018-08-23 Thread Justin Stoller
On Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 1:42 AM Peter Meier wrote: > On 08/22/2018 08:42 PM, Molly Waggett wrote: > > Puppet Platform 5.5.6 is a bug-fix, feature, and deprecations release > > that includes updates for Puppet 5.5.6, Facter 3.11.4, and Puppet agent > > 5.5.6. For details, see the Puppet > >

[Puppet Users] [puppet-users] A note regarding deprecated CA related settings in Puppet 5.5

2018-08-24 Thread Justin Stoller
Hello! We recently released a new version of the Puppet Platform that contained many CA related deprecations and we wanted to reach out and clarify a few things. Currently in Puppet 5 there are two(!) mostly identical CA implementations, which can cause race conditions in signing and revoking, ma

Re: [Puppet Users] New CA CLI tools in Puppet Platform 5.5.5

2018-08-24 Thread Justin Stoller
Thanks for feedback, Gabriel! On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 5:49 AM Gabriel Filion wrote: > Hi there, > > On 2018-08-23 2:35 p.m., Maggie Dreyer wrote: > > In the 5.5.5 release of the Puppet Platform, we released a new > experimental > > command line tool for interacting with the Puppet CA. > > > > pu

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Updates to CA command line interaction in Puppet 6

2018-09-27 Thread Justin Stoller
On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 9:12 AM wrote: > Hi again, > > I also tried to set allow-unauthenticated: true for rule "puppetlabs cert > status" and that worked. > Now I was able to sign the csr. > Be aware, this is a very dangerous way to solve the problem. This will allow anyone with http access to

Re: [Puppet Users] puppet.conf ini heading

2018-10-30 Thread Justin Stoller
On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 2:34 PM Matt Zagrabelny wrote: > Greetings, > > I'm running puppet 5.5.6 (Debian testing.) > > I'm seeing some curious and inconsistent results from where I put config > settings in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf. When I use the [master] heading, the > "external_nodes" setting is

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppet master not seeing certificate signing request from agent

2018-10-31 Thread Justin Stoller
What happens on the agent that is running on the master? When running any agent here's a flag, `--http_debug` I think, that will show you exactly what Puppet's requesting. Seeing the output from curling the CA endpoints from the agent in question might be helpful (both from curl's side and the ma

Re: [Puppet Users] Issue when trying to sign a certificate

2018-11-26 Thread Justin Stoller
Hi Jesus, On Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 6:44 AM Jesús Oliván wrote: > Hi! > > i'm experimenting a weird issue at random times when some clients are > trying to sign his certificate in their puppet masters. Here's the log > lines where error is visible: > > Info: Creating a new SSL key for pro-front-xx

[Puppet Users] [ANN] R10K 3.1.0 released

2018-12-07 Thread Justin Stoller
We're happy to announce the R10K 3.1.0 has been released to R10K provides the ability to reference environments acted upon in a deploy's postrun script. This should help users integrate the creation of Puppet's type generation into your code deployment. See this FAQ topic[1] for more

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet 3 and hiera

2019-01-09 Thread Justin Stoller
On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 9:06 AM Peter Berghold wrote: > Hi folks, > > I know... I know... get off of Puppet 3. I'll be getting there soon. > > Right now I have Puppet 3 in our production environment where I work. > Long political story as to why we are still on 3 that I won't get into. I > just

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppetserver 6.0.2 timeouts in the puppetserver log and on the agent side

2019-02-11 Thread Justin Stoller
On Mon, Feb 11, 2019 at 5:42 AM Mike Sharpton wrote: > Hey all, > > We have recently upgraded our environment from Puppetserver 4.2.2 to > Puppetserver 6.0.2. We are running a mix of Puppet 4 and Puppet 6 agents > until we can get them all upgraded to 6. We have around 6000 nodes, and we > had

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet Sever 6 upgrade on Enterprise Linux 7.6 issue

2019-03-04 Thread Justin Stoller
The new ca tool (which is one of the things node clean is calling under the hood) uses the CA's http api in most cases and requires special permissions. By default, the api now only allows access to most certificate endpoints by clients that contain a special cert extension. You can create a cert f

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet Sever 6 upgrade on Enterprise Linux 7.6 issue

2019-03-05 Thread Justin Stoller
x27;t clear to me which it's > talking about. > > On Monday, March 4, 2019 at 4:56:49 PM UTC-5, Justin Stoller wrote: >> >> The new ca tool (which is one of the things node clean is calling under >> the hood) uses the CA's http api in most cases and requires special &g

Re: [Puppet Users] PuppetServer failing after restart

2019-05-09 Thread Justin Stoller
On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 12:00 PM Zama wrote: > HI All , > > I had a working puppetserver. But after yesterday's OS reboot , the > service is not coming up . Below errors can be seen in log > > > Version are as follows: > > rpm -q puppetserver > > puppetserver-2.3.1-1.el6.noarch > > rpm -q puppet-a

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Could not retrieve file metadata for puppet:///files/limits-conf: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: Not authorized to call find on /file_metadata/files/limits-conf

2019-05-28 Thread Justin Stoller
That's not an error from Puppet Server's HTTP auth.conf, it's an error from Puppet's old auth.conf or its fileserver.conf. Note the "Not authorized to call *find* on ..." Puppet Server's auth handles HTTP verbs like GET, Puppet's indirector auth translates those to verbs like FIND or SEARCH. >From

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet server won't start

2019-09-04 Thread Justin Stoller
On Wed, Sep 4, 2019 at 12:16 PM 'Prentice Bisbal' via Puppet Users <> wrote: > I'm doing a fresh install of Puppet6 on CentOS 7.6: > > # rpm -qa | grep puppet > puppetserver-6.4.0-1.el7.noarch > puppetdb-termini-6.3.4-1.el7.noarch > puppet-bolt-1.26.0-1.el7.x86_64 > p

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppetserver fails with a load error of "concurrent"

2019-10-11 Thread Justin Stoller
The Puppet Server and Puppet Agent brought in a dependency on the concurrent gem in versions 6.7.0 & 6.9.0 respectively (the server and agent are unfortunately versioned slightly differently). On the master, the Agent and the Server also share Ruby code. So if you have a Server >= 6.7 with an Agen

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppetserver 6.2.1 refuses to start after crash

2019-10-28 Thread Justin Stoller
inline On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 8:53 AM Sander de Boer wrote: > I have a problem with a with Foreman and Puppet server (6.2.1) on a KVM VM > with Ubuntu 18.04. > After a crash of the VM Foreman starts without a problem (no errors in > it's logs) but puppetserver refuses with this JRuby java error

Re: [Puppet Users] PE 2019.2 with Puppet Agent 5.x (CA issue?)

2019-11-16 Thread Justin Stoller
Depending on your security inclinations you might try turning crl checking off on your 5.5 agent (iirc, that was the biggest issue - if not the only issue). You might have to also copy the signed cert over to the agent too). Otherwise, you may be able to turn off your master, delete your ssldir an

Re: [Puppet Users] PE 2019.2 with Puppet Agent 5.x (Turn off new Intermediate CA architecture)

2019-11-19 Thread Justin Stoller
to fail. I think we left the old bootstrap code in there for demo purposes, but it's not actively maintained. Again, there's probably a better way w/in PE to distribute the certs once you've regen them for the CA/master to the console/pdb, but I don't know it. You might want

[Puppet Users] puppet --trace content

2019-11-21 Thread Justin Stoller
Hello! I noticed that the way we were computing the "Puppet" stack (ie the files and line numbers from function calls within Puppet code like `fqdn_rand()`) had become slow and was likely to become slower. In my attempt to improve the situation I focused on ensuring backwards compatibility with ca

[Puppet Users] Re: puppet --trace content

2019-11-27 Thread Justin Stoller
or (but if more folks are concerned about this having been a breaking change I can put the solitary `--trace` output back to having them interleaved). On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 10:41 AM Justin Stoller wrote: > Hello! > > I noticed that the way we were computing the "Puppet" s

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppetserver performance plummeting a few hours after startup

2020-02-06 Thread Justin Stoller
Yvan your issue sounds like, do you know if that is fixed now, or has regressed since then? Your issue does sound like a CodeCache or Metaspace issue. One tunable you didn't mention was "max-active-instances" I've found a bunch of folks that turned t

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppetserver performance plummeting a few hours after startup

2020-02-10 Thread Justin Stoller
On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 1:44 AM Martijn Grendelman wrote: > Hi Kevin and others who have responded, > > Thanks all for your tips. Unfortunately, no breakthroughs yet. > > The current state is this: > >- Both Puppetservers typically run at the latest version, currently >both 6.8.0. >-

Re: [Puppet Users] The sense of the strict_hostname_checking boolean changed from 6.8.0-1 to 6.9.0-1 (Ubuntu 18)

2020-03-02 Thread Justin Stoller
On Sun, Mar 1, 2020 at 4:38 PM Simon Tideswell wrote: > Hello > > In case someone else gets tripped up by this, when upgrading from 6.8.0-1 > to 6.9.0-1 on Ubuntu 18 (and possibly other platforms) the sense of > *strict_hostname_checking* changes. Previously it appears it was set to > *false* by

Re: [Puppet Users] PuppetDB latest version has disabled APIv1 metrics

2020-03-13 Thread Justin Stoller
I believe a config value was added at: metrics.metrics-webservice.mbeans.enabled to match the jolokia one that controls v2. However the default for the mbeans / v1 endpoint is now `false`. Note that this is now the case for Puppet Server as well and can be re-enabled with the same config value in

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet on Ubuntu Focal

2020-04-29 Thread Justin Stoller
On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 4:46 PM comport3 wrote: > Thanks for the update Gabriel, appreciated. Do you know when v6.15.0 is > expected to be release, even approximately? > Hopefully tomorrow ( : We're double checking things now for the release and unless we find a blocker that's when it will

Re: [Puppet Users] SSL Port 8140 not running

2020-05-26 Thread Justin Stoller
I'd expect errors from the service framework/java level to go into the journal and/or /var/log/{messages,syslog}. If the service framework says it's up and running and there's nothing in the above logs there should be _something_ in /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver.log you might also want to doubl

Re: [Puppet Users] puppetserver - Performance and tuning

2020-06-15 Thread Justin Stoller
You might want to have a target for memory per worker that you tune for. In Puppet 5, if you are using the default JRuby 1.7 implementation, you might start at 1/2G per JRuby on a small test box and go up in 1/4G increments seeing how your average catalog performance changes. I want to say most fo

Re: [Puppet Users] How do I install Puppetserver for Ubuntu 20.04 (focal)?

2020-06-15 Thread Justin Stoller
We shipped agent support for Focal but did not have plans to support it as a master platform. I believe product was trying to gauge community interest before committing to it and taking requests in >From an internal note it looks like they have de

Re: [Puppet Users] Upgrade from puppet 5 to puppet 6

2020-06-18 Thread Justin Stoller
providing the erb template would be valuable, if possible. The error looks like someone defined new constants w/in a custom function file. Is your erb file calling a custom function? On Thu, Jun 18, 2020 at 8:08 AM Aditya Gupta wrote: > Hello All, > > Recently i have updated from puppet-5 to pu

Re: [Puppet Users] Upgrade from puppet 5 to puppet 6

2020-06-24 Thread Justin Stoller
> > On Friday, June 19, 2020 at 1:45:24 AM UTC+5:30, Justin Stoller wrote: >> >> providing the erb template would be valuable, if possible. >> >> The error looks like someone defined new constants w/in a custom function >> file. >> Is your erb file callin

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: revoke / delete node certificate from puppet ca remotely?

2020-07-15 Thread Justin Stoller
In Puppet 6 and the latest Puppet 5 releases we shipped a subcommand with Puppet Server `puppetserver ca` and an agent local subcommand `puppet ssl` that can remotely manage the CA or manage an agent's local certificate info respectively. These tools exist in Puppet 5 and and replaces the several c

Re: [Puppet Users] Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: no parameter named 'quick_check'

2020-07-16 Thread Justin Stoller
It maybe because of a long environment timeout: In PE this is set to unlimited by default when using code management. The code manager will then manually evict the cache after a code deployment to ensure that new code is viewab

Re: [Puppet Users] Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: no parameter named 'quick_check'

2020-07-17 Thread Justin Stoller
On Fri, Jul 17, 2020 at 7:41 AM Peter Krawetzky wrote: > Ok I figured out the curl command but I get this error: > > [root@mypuppetserver private_keys]# curl -v --header "Content-Type: > application/json" --cert > /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ > --key > /etc/pup

Re: [Puppet Users] Alternative autosign parameter

2020-08-05 Thread Justin Stoller
On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 9:10 AM <> wrote: > Is it possible to configure the automatic signing of certificates in such > a way that verification takes place according to a parameter in the config > on the client. For example, the client config will cont

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet Rest API's list

2020-08-12 Thread Justin Stoller
Let us know if they aren't easily findable from google or through the docs page. fwiw, they're linked by service/product like: db: server: and pe:

Re: [Puppet Users] Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: no parameter named 'quick_check'

2020-08-25 Thread Justin Stoller
> why wouldn't puppet just do this automatically when a module changes? Some background. Puppet's type and provider system modifies the running Puppet instance when they're _loaded_. This causes issues when you try to load multiple conflicting versions of a type in different environments. To work

Re: [Puppet Users] Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: no parameter named 'quick_check'

2020-08-28 Thread Justin Stoller
py the files over or atomically manage a symlink. If you are using environment caching as well it should be even safer because types will only be read from disk on the first compilation that uses them and then cached in memory after that. hth, justin 1.

Re: [Puppet Users] Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: no parameter named 'quick_check'

2020-09-15 Thread Justin Stoller
e difference of httpfile.rb. I >> quadruple checked the puppet module directory on the prod server and the >> code does have the quick_check parm. For some reason it is just not >> refreshing the server cache. Both domains have a value of 0 for >> environment_timeout for each en

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet Compiled catalog very slow after upgrade puppetserver from puppet5 to puppet6

2020-09-17 Thread Justin Stoller
This is a draft of a new 6.x tuning guide we're working on, it may be of some help to you The big things are a need for increased codecache and a very negative effect of low max-requests-per-instance values. hth, Justin On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 7:

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Older Ciphers? Weak Cipher Suites?

2020-11-10 Thread Justin Stoller
We needed to upgrade Jetty but they changed their defaults and started warning about weak ciphers. To avoid breaking folks we added back the ciphers that had been allowed at the start of the 6.x series but that causes a lot of warnings. If you don't have connections that rely on the older ciphers y

Re: [Puppet Users] init config once

2021-01-31 Thread Justin Stoller
Just to pile on. If you want the content updated whenever the package is updated and you are managing the package with puppet you can "subscribe" to the package resource to have the file resource only applied when the package changes. On Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 11:47 AM Ben Ford wrote: > I do have

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: open source puppet-agent for ppc64le / power9 on rhel 8

2021-03-02 Thread Justin Stoller
On Tue, Mar 2, 2021 at 9:05 AM Mark Dixon wrote: > Hi Nick, > > That's great news, for a moment there I was worried :) > > It's a new deployment so I'm fairly relaxed about puppet 6 vs. 7, but > specifically I'm feeling the lack of any version at all for rhel8. > That's a weird thing with the to

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppetserver ca migrate

2021-03-04 Thread Justin Stoller
Hi! If you've mounted external volumes for your cadir like: --mount source=ca-volume,destination=/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca You should instead mount the destination as /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/ca If you have a Dockerfile that pre-populates your cadir you'll need to update your script t

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppetserver ca migrate

2021-03-05 Thread Justin Stoller
ion values: That "Generation succeeded. Find your files in /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/ca" line should be coming from the "puppetserver ca" cli generating the CA files in the new location.... > > -Original message- > *From:* Justin Stoller > *Sent:* T

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppetserver ca migrate

2021-03-11 Thread Justin Stoller
te to the approach there if you want, otherwise I'll reply to this thread when it's sorted out. > -Original message- > *From:* Justin Stoller > *Sent:* Friday 5th March 2021 20:35 > *To:* > *Subject:* Re: [Puppet Users] Puppetserve

Re: [Puppet Users] Newbie wants to know your favourite distro for Puppet Server

2021-06-15 Thread Justin Stoller
On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 9:40 AM Jarod Schoen wrote: > Hi all, > I've been practicing getting Puppet Server (Master) up and running on a > whole variety of distros. CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian... and the more > instructions I read, the more its impossible to understand how Puppet works > and should be

Re: [Puppet Users] Making intermediate certificate

2021-07-06 Thread Justin Stoller
Hello! I don't have a favorite tutorial for making the certificate, but for steps two and three that you mentioned you should be able to run `puppetserver ca import` to help import your certs and get them to the correct location on disk. HTH, Justin On Fri, Jul 2, 2021 at 12:11 PM Jarod Schoen