> why wouldn't puppet just do this automatically when a module changes?

Some background. Puppet's type and provider system modifies the running
Puppet instance when they're _loaded_. This causes issues when you try to
load multiple conflicting versions of a type in different environments. To
work around this we have a kind of header file for your types that Puppet
can read w/o actually loading the type. This way Puppet Server can load
multiple versions of a type (as long as those different versions are in
different environments) and check that each environment uses the type
correctly for that version.

The command Dirk gave you, loads those types safely in a separate process
and then serializes their parameter information into a format for Puppet to
later read that doesn't corrupt its global state. It places this
information in the ".resource_types" directory at the root of your
environment (like "/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production")

Also, in order to speed up Puppet Server catalog compilation, we attempt to
cache information like type parameters.

In PE, if you use our built in code management facilities, we generate this
type information on every commit (if needed), distribute it to your
compilers, and then evict the environment cache so that any new information
will be read.

In FOSS, r10k has a config setting to generate this info when it deploys an
environment [1].

Now, the error you're ultimately getting involves Puppet Server thinking
that you're using the httpfile class wrong. It looks like the "quick_check"
field was added in the latest version. So really the first question would
be, are you using the latest version in this environment?

Assuming you're doing that you probably either have the environment cache
containing an older version of the module (which should be resolved by
restarting the server or evicting the environment cache) or an old
.resource_types in the root of your environment that should be removed and
regenerated like Dirk said. Possibly you could have an older version in a
different environment that's being loaded first, but I don't think that'd
cause a problem for uncached, new parameters on a type.



On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 9:42 AM pkraw...@gmail.com <pkrawet...@gmail.com>

> So a followup to the original question.
> As a test we created a simple module on the node which is failing when
> puppet agent executes.  Running puppet apply, the parameter quick_check is
> found and the module completes successfully.  So why would puppet apply
> work and not puppet agent?
> Code:
> class testmod()
>   {
>   httpfile { "ansible-2.8.0a1.tar.gz":
>     ensure      => present,
>     path        => "/u01/testmod/ansible-2.8.0a1.tar.gz",
>     source      => "
> https://mynexus.domain.com/nexus/repository/ae-raw-ansible-group/ansible/ansible-2.8.0a1.tar.gz
> <https://nexus.aetna.com/nexus/repository/ae-raw-ansible-group/ansible/ansible-2.8.0a1.tar.gz>
> ",
>     quick_check => true,
>   # hash    => 'hex form SHA2 hash OR an URL to the .sha file with that
> hash'
>            }
>   }
> Here is my run:
> [root@node testmod]# puppet apply --modulepath=/home/toor --test -e
> "include testmod" --verbose
> On Tuesday, August 25, 2020 at 12:38:05 PM UTC-4 pkraw...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Dirk, why wouldn't puppet just do this automatically when a module
>> changes?  Is there a bug somewhere?
>> On Tuesday, August 25, 2020 at 2:43:03 AM UTC-4 Dirk Heinrichs wrote:
>>> Am Montag, den 24.08.2020, 11:06 -0700 schrieb pkraw...@gmail.com:
>>> Justin, I implemented the suggestion you made however after running the
>>> curl command against the 2 environments having the issue and receiving the
>>> 204 response, the puppet module is still getting the 500 error.  Do you or
>>> anyone else have any other suggestions?  Is it possible it's related to
>>> ruby and/or java?  Frankly I'm stumped.
>>> Didn't see this earlier, sorry.
>>> The "no parameter named 'xxx'" error can usually be resolved by
>>> recreating the metadata for your Puppet environment(s). This can be done on
>>> the Puppet master using the following command (for the production
>>> environment):
>>> /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet generate types --environment production
>>> --force
>>> I've added this command to my environment update script after running
>>> into this problem myself a few months ago after updating some external
>>> modules from the forge.
>>> See https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/5.5/environment_isolation.html for
>>> the details.
>>> HTH...
>>> Dirk
>>> --
>>> *Dirk Heinrichs*
>>> Senior Systems Engineer, Delivery Pipeline
>>> OpenText ™ Discovery | Recommind
>>> *Phone*: +49 2226 15966 18 <+49%202226%201596618>
>>> *Email*: dhei...@opentext.com
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>>> Vertretungsberechtigte Geschäftsführer Gordon Davies, Madhu Ranganathan,
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