It maybe because of a long environment timeout:
In PE this is set to unlimited by default when using code management. The
code manager will then manually evict the cache after a code deployment to
ensure that new code is viewable and old code is cached for as long as
possible. If you are caching code with a long environment timeout, but not
using code management you can also evict the cache by using the
environment-cache endpoint:

On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 10:52 AM Peter Krawetzky <>

> I've reviewed sever 500 error posts in here but the answers seem to differ
> based on the situation.
> One of our developers modified code to include a parameter available in
> httpfile 0.1.9 called quick_check.
> We have two installation of puppetserver one in lab domain and one in
> production domain.  Neither talk to the other domain.  It is completely
> isolated to the nodes in each domain.
> What's odd is lab works but when they deploy the code to production, it
> doesn't work and received the 500 error below.  I've compared everything
> between puppetserver versions, puppet versions, httpfile module versions,
> etc and nothing is obvious.
> This httpfile module is not installed using puppet module install but is
> placed in the same location as other modules created by the developers.
> I've verified the code was deployed correctly to each of the 4 production
> puppetservers (we use a load balancer to distribute the work) into the
> environment defined at the node (dev).
> Code:
> define oracle::remote_file($remote_location=undef, $mode='0644', $owner='
> root', $group='root'){
> httpfile { "${title}":
> ensure => present,
> path => "${title}",
> source => "$remote_location",
> quick_check => true,
> # hash => 'hex form SHA2 hash OR an URL to the .sha file with that hash'
> }
> file{$title:
> owner => $owner,
> group => $group,
> mode => $mode,
> require => Httpfile["${title}"],
> }
> }
> Error:
> 2020-07-15T08:35:15.325976-04:00 myserver puppet-agent[24036]: Could not
> retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: no
> parameter named 'quick_check' (file:
> /u01/puppet/dev/modules/oracle/manifests/remote_file.pp, line: 6) on
> Httpfile[/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/oracle/options_packs_usage_statistics.sql]
> (file: /u01/puppet/dev/modules/oracle/manifests/remote_file.pp, line: 6) on
> node
> Any ideas what might be causing this?  Is there some cache not being
> refreshed on the pupperserver?
> --
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