Getting a couple of errors thrown with PuppetDB
2014-11-19 08:03:49,120 ERROR [c.p.p.command]
[22329b48-7c20-4ec4-beb2-15cd02e11bff] [replace facts] Retrying after
attempt 8, due to: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: update or
delete on table "fact_paths" violates foreign key co
I use puppet 3.7.3-1puppetlabs1. Puppet master is ubuntu 12.04, client is
ubuntu 10.04.
I have a resource file, content is a template that have the string {FOO}.
class test {
file {'/tmp/test':
ensure => present,
content => template('test/template.erb')
the template
So if I understand correctly, I can use 'null' as a value, and it will be
used instead of the value somewhere lower on the hierarchy?
If that is the case, my problem is solved (I think). Completely preventing
the nonsensical stuff is not the goal here, but it should be possible in
hiera to
Currently trying to get puppet, katello and foreman to play nicely.
Everything except puppet is working as I would expect.
No matter what I try, whether it be blasting the /var/lib/puppet/ssl
directory, running --clean (or whatever the commands are), or trying all
the steps on the Puppet tro
On 18/11/14 22:26, kevin.mastel...@gmail.com wrote:
Currently trying to get puppet, katello and foreman to play nicely.
Everything except puppet is working as I would expect.
No matter what I try, whether it be blasting the /var/lib/puppet/ssl
directory, running --clean (or whatever the comma
Hi peeps,
I'm rebuilding my old PuppetDB box on a new system, which is on a
v6-capable subnet. It has both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. However,
PuppetDB is only listening on v6, regardless of what I put in the jetty.ini.
If I set ssl-host = it ends up listening on :::8081
If I set ssl-h
I wanted to let everyone know about some upcoming events where we need
contributions from the Puppet community.
Do you contribute to Puppet core projects, Forge modules or other
Puppet community projects? If so, you should join us in Ghent, Belgium
on February 4 for the 3rd Puppet Contributor Summ
so the .txt file is on the agent?
Where is the fact from?
On 11/18/2014 02:36 PM, Spriya wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a requirement how to compare facts using variables which are in a
> txt file
> For example i have a facts
> java_known_weblogic_version1 1.7.0_72
> I have txt file java
I'm not well versed with the tool, but it reads as though your store
limits are too high, or your disk too small.
On 11/18/2014 03:54 PM, mike wrote:
> Hello Eveyone
> I've Puppet Server 3.7 running on Centos 6, i try install Puppetdb but
> when upload service inside the log i hav
Hi, colleagues!
Can I repeatedly use a one file resource in Windows in follow case?
1. Check file resource with md5 from source disk.
2. If it changed -> stop application -> replace .exe on destination ->
start application.
3. If not -> noop.
'Define' with 'realize' don't help me - d
These 2 values (Store limit , Temporary Store limit) are specified in
and matched against your local diskspace.
Q: should it be an ERROR of just a WARN like the 'Store Limit' message.
>>And the puppetdb port (8081) isn't running
There should be messages in
On Wednesday, November 19, 2014 3:55:15 AM UTC-6, Steven Post wrote:
> Hi,
> So if I understand correctly, I can use 'null' as a value, and it will be
> used instead of the value somewhere lower on the hierarchy?
YAML 1.2 defines the (unquoted) token "null" to be a scalar value
On Wednesday, November 19, 2014 6:24:28 AM UTC-5, Johan De Wit wrote:
> netstat -tupln | grep 8140 : is puppet master up and running and listening
> iptables -L -n : firewall settings correct
> ping my-puppet-svr : name resolution working
> Just checking the obvious stuff first .
[root@e-imgsrv puppet]# netstat -tulpn | grep 8140
tcp0 0*
LISTEN 48905/ruby
Don't have any firewall settings as network is unreachable from outside,
[root@e-imgsrv puppet]# iptables -L -n
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEP
My problem is solved now, I'll see if I can change the topic title to
reflect that.
The final solution looks like this:
useconcmarksweepgc: '-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC'
newratio: '-XX:NewRatio=2'
Yes .txt can be on agent.
The fact is already displayed on agent
Let me know
On Wednesday, November 19, 2014 8:57:17 AM UTC-5, Felix.Frank wrote:
> Hi,
> so the .txt file is on the agent?
> Where is the fact from?
> On 11/18/2014 02:36 PM, Spriya wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have
These errors are red herrings as far as PDB not running is concerned.
You can make them go away by changing the temp-usage and store-usage in
the command-processing section of your config file to limit ActiveMQ to
a space less than the size of your disk.
For those of you that are using puppet on RHEL 6.x (/CentOS/Oracle
Linux/Scientific Linux/etc.) and have experienced ruby segfaults on
your puppet master(s), what workaround or workarounds have you been
We have been using puppet 3.4.2 (from Puppet Labs repos) for some time,
with a R
The merge of beaker PR 536 (https://github.com/puppetlabs/beaker/pull/536)
will end beaker's support of Ruby 1.8. The change will be effective with
the planned release of beaker 2.0 in the next two weeks.
For most beaker users this will have no effect on their daily workflow.
For those who ha
Hey Paul,
That's some kind of DB corruption. Shouldn't be happening. Do you have
any sense of when this started or whether it was tied to a recent
upgrade? Is there a stacktrace in your logs that you could gist? Does it
happen on every agent run or only occasionally? Is it always the same
getting very frustrated and have covered the 7 or so pages on puppet's
documentation on hiera several times.
# cat hiera.yaml
- yaml
- defaults
- "%{clientcert}"
- "%{environment}"
- global
- common
- ldap
:datadir: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hieradat
On 11/19/14 10:42 AM, Craig White wrote:
getting very frustrated and have covered the 7 or so pages on puppet's
documentation on hiera several times.
# cat hiera.yaml
- yaml
- defaults
- "%{clientcert}"
- "%{environment}"
- global
- common
- ldap
(Following up to my own OP to complete the saga after much help from Ryan
Senior. I'm replying here instead of to the end of the other thread branch so
this will be more obvious in later searches. Warning, long and often ignorant.)
The problem might have been caused by factors external to puppet
awesome - thanks
On Wednesday, November 19, 2014 11:55:51 AM UTC-7, Ramin K wrote:
> On 11/19/14 10:42 AM, Craig White wrote:
> > getting very frustrated and have covered the 7 or so pages on puppet's
> > documentation on hiera several times.
> >
> > # cat hiera.yaml
> > ---
> > :backends:
I was wondering if it's possible to change the autosign behavior that it
will allow to autosign certs with alternative DNS entries. Currently the
problem is if an auto scaling events create another master the autosign on
CA will fail, because it has alternative DNS entries.
We also tried
Just a quick hack.
require 'facter'
Facter.add(:is_javaversion) do
setcode do
a = File.readlines('javaversion.txt').map { |x| x.chomp }.join
if Facter.value(:java_known_weblogic_version1) == a
Was trying something..
A clear snippet.
require 'facter'
Facter.add(:is_javaversion) do
setcode do
a = File.readlines('javaversion.txt').map { |x| x.chomp }.join
if Facter.value(:java_known_weblogic_version1) == a
27 matches
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