
Getting a couple of errors thrown with PuppetDB

2014-11-19 08:03:49,120 ERROR [c.p.p.command] 
[22329b48-7c20-4ec4-beb2-15cd02e11bff] [replace facts] Retrying after 
attempt 8, due to: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: update or 
delete on table "fact_paths" violates foreign key constraint 
"fact_values_path_id_fk" on table "fact_values"
  Detail: Key (id)=(512) is still referenced from table "fact_values".
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: update or delete on table 
"fact_paths" violates foreign key constraint "fact_values_path_id_fk" on 
table "fact_values"
  Detail: Key (id)=(512) is still referenced from table "fact_values".

Which is similar to PDB-1031 albeit with a different fact (ours is a custom 
one not _timestamp).

puppetdb=# select * from fact_paths where id = 512;
 id  | value_type_id | depth |                  name                  |     
 512 |             0 |     0 | XXXXXX_ethernet_eth0_intralink_unit_id | 
(1 row)

puppetdb=# select * from fact_values where path_id = 512;
  id   | path_id | value_type_id |                value_hash               
 | value_integer | value_float | value_string | value_boolean | value_json
 50319 |     512 |             0 | 80e54cb487aed67b98d7dc92feaac988bf95bcc7 
|               |             | 107827       |               |
 22128 |     512 |             0 | 47e3876c8d334accbeb827775e728643581bbb83 
|               |             | 107292       |               |

Is it just noise or something to be concerned about ? This is with v2.2.1 
and PostGres 9.3.5


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