These errors are red herrings as far as PDB not running is concerned. You can make them go away by changing the temp-usage and store-usage in the command-processing section of your config file to limit ActiveMQ to a space less than the size of your disk.

As far as PuppetDB not running, maybe you can provide more information? Have you tried restarting the service?


On 11/18/14 6:54 AM, mike wrote:
Hello Eveyone
I've Puppet Server 3.7 running on Centos 6, i try install Puppetdb but when upload service inside the log i have the next error:

2014-11-18 11:33:56,676 INFO [o.a.k.j.Journal] ignoring zero length, partially initialised journal data file: db-1.log number = 1 , length = 0 2014-11-18 11:33:56,779 WARN [o.a.a.b.BrokerService] Store limit is 100000 mb, whilst the data directory: /var/lib/puppetdb/mq/localhost/KahaDB only has 31266 mb of usable space 2014-11-18 11:33:56,779 ERROR [o.a.a.b.BrokerService] Temporary Store limit is 50000 mb, whilst the temporary data directory: /var/lib/puppetdb/mq/localhost/tmp_storage only has 31266 mb of usable space 2014-11-18 11:33:56,780 INFO [] Starting 1 command processor threads

And the puppetdb port (8081) isn't running

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