Thanks Walter for the answer, but thats its not a solution because maybe
there are plugins which are in development environment and arent on
production. I already found the solution this weekend, the problem was the
module ssh, it was too old. I have to patch the module for what it accepts
Thanks you people saved me lots of time :-)
On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 8:04 PM, Kevin wrote:
> No newer masters support older methods for a catalog.
> Newer agents will use newer methods.
> master >= agent == fine
> master < agent == borked
> On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 12:00 PM, Walter Heck wro
Morning all
I've had a quick google, but couldn't find anything useful for our
Basically, we use Nagios & NRPE in our environment, along with a hand-full
of in-house written plugins specific to our applications etc...
These scripts change on a fairly regular basis, so hand rollin
Well you can tell puppet to source a whole directory and put it
somewhere for you. Here is an example from our nagios application
specific manifest
class app {
#install the app package
include app::install
include base
#generic nagios checks like memory, load, etc
include nagios::targ
Hi Pete,
It depends on what version of puppet you use. If you use 3.x, then it has
hiera built-in. So it's very simple to write classes which are compatible
with v2.7 or v3.x versions.
I normally write something like this:
class foo(
$parameter = undef,
) {...}
What that means is that puppe
EOL distro's can be enabled manually but you'll need to contact one of the
the repo maintainers to do so. Click on the "users" tab in the webui and
email one or all of the maintainers.
On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 7:08 PM, Ashley Gould wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 10:35:55PM -08
Thanks for the great response James. I think you have done exactly what I
am looking to do. I want to ask more about controlling the versions of the
application packages in hiera. I have multiple different dev groups who
each work on different release schedules. I don't want to have
This is a great thread - it's really nice to hear others are pondering
similar challenges ;)
Count me in as "Puppet does this well, I'm unclear what the issues are"
I'm also in the process of pondering this very process. Here's what I've
come up with (which seems very similar to James'):
We are
On Sunday, December 2, 2012 9:42:08 PM UTC-6, Pete wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I currently have a giant file with default variables I use in a lot of my
> modules and I override those at the node level if I need to.
> I thought I would give porting that data into a hiera setup.
> I worked out
On Thursday, November 29, 2012 9:02:27 AM UTC-6, Fran Rodríguez wrote:
> Hi group,
> I got a problem with environments, im getting this erros from the client:
> Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
> Failed to parse template ssh/retrieve_priv_key.erb: canno
Which is the bast strategy to check if a DB has been populated?
The target is to execute the "mysql < file.sql" just once since it could
not be idempotent.
The idea is to use the unless clause to stop it to run if there is the
known data in the table, but it seems that it is just happy with the
Feature :)
This all comes down to the architecture of your processor.
Your SPARC64-VII processors is a quad-core, two-way SMT processor. So, you
have one physical CPU, four cores, and 8 threads.
physicalprocessorcount is derived from the output of psrinfo -p
and processorcount is derived fr
I have set up puppet to create a facts.yaml file for mcollective using the
following line:
content => inline_template("<%= scope.to_hash.reject { |k,v| k.to_s =~
/(uptime.*|timestamp|.*free|macaddress.*|ipaddress)/ }.to_yaml %>"),
However, it is creating a lot of unnecessary changes by reord
I am using the following and it serves us well. Basically it makes sure
that the importing is done and executes '&& touch semaphore' file. There
are plans to put those into /var/lib/puppet/sql-snippets instead of in
/opt but oh well it seems I am too lazy to go and move them on each
server now...
On Sunday, December 2, 2012 11:32:29 PM UTC-6, Smashed wrote:
> I'ven been learning puppet over the last 2 weeks and the one thing I've
> come to realize is there is a completely different way of thinking that
> I've normally been accustomed to. I've been trying to absorb as much
> knowledge
On Sunday, December 2, 2012 4:19:24 PM UTC-6, Vaidas Jablonskis wrote:
> wrong.
> Thanks to reidmv and Volcane from #puppet @freenode for explaining this to
> me.
> There is no easy way to use hiera_hash() or hiera_array() using the
> built-on hiera() lookup.
> The easiest workaround in
Thats my route and thats what i think, but if the module doesnt use
enviroment variable to create the path... bad!! Well, i mean old modules,
like mine.
On Monday, 3 December 2012 15:25:05 UTC+1, llowder wrote:
> On Thursday, November 29, 2012 9:02:27 AM UTC-6, Fran Rodríguez
What I am understanding is that people are having success
building/testing/deploying the OS/Middleware/Application stack by wrapping
applications in a puppet resource. Thus bringing all configuration
management under puppet. This is good as it is the direction I wanted to
go. I would like to
John, thanks for your input. I should note however that this application is
just one of several types of machines that we will set up. It's just that this
our primary type of machine that needs to be configured so I listed it as an
example. We have other such as, memache, redid, solr, hadoop, et
" But what these solutions have in common is that an individual at some
point in time has to make some change to the puppet system."
Please elaborate - Do you mean that someone has to "tell" Puppet about what
versions to use? My ultimate solution will be emitting a manifest containg
the names and
Hi Jakov,
/etc/puppet/modules/users/run/manifests/init.pp is not going to get applied.
A couple things.
* Somewhere in your manifests you need to have a 'node' definition.
Compilation starts with your manifest, which is
/etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp . You can either put node definitions
in that
Got a little further by running puppetdb-foreground. Now I can get as far
as node certificate generation.
Once I start the node certificate generation, I get a new certificate, but
then PuppetDB blows up with " Received fatal
alert: decrypt_error"
Immediately after t
Tried this, both systems are within seconds of each other as best I can
tell. Both are also synced to US NTP Pool 1.
On Friday, November 30, 2012 2:07:30 PM UTC-5, tas wrote:
> I have the same exact problem over and over and over, so I gave up on
> Puppet.
> But maybe you can try resolve this
@tas: Tried this already, both times were within a few seconds of each
other as best as I can tell. Additionally, both systems are synced to US
NTP Time pool 1.
On Friday, November 30, 2012 2:07:30 PM UTC-5, tas wrote:
> I have the same exact problem over and over and over, so I gave up on
I ran into the same thing. I think whoever made the snippet on the facts
via YAML page was either relying on some feature of a previous version of
ruby or simply didn't think the reordering was a problem. Given that they
included this line in their example:
loglevel => debug, # this is needed
Sorry, bit of a noob here at puppet -- I've been configuring puppet &
modules and I was installing a module and following the instructions -- and
they mention putting variables into the Console. I don't use any GUIs (nor
do I want to) for puppet, so I was under the impression everything was just
Hi Mike,
The 'console' is the Puppet Enterprise Console, a GUI that comes with
Puppet Enterprise. It was derivative of the Puppet Dashboard, which is
also a GUI based on rails. Everything specified in the console can be
specified in your site.pp, or in a class, or even looked up with something
On Monday, December 3, 2012 11:34:53 AM UTC-5, Brendan O'Bra wrote:
> " But what these solutions have in common is that an individual at some
> point in time has to make some change to the puppet system."
> Please elaborate -
Do you mean that someone has to "tell" Puppet about what versio
Though we have lots of automated testing we still rely on the human touch for
checking UI look and feel, and doing exploratory testing (in the pre production
environment). Once it has passed this step the human can approve it for
production deployment by updating the version number in hiera. I
On 12/3/2012 5:57 AM, Schofield wrote:
Thanks for the great response James. I think you have done exactly what
I am looking to do. I want to ask more about controlling the versions
of the application packages in hiera. I have multiple different dev
groups who each work on different release sch
I'm newbie to puppet, and I was wondering if it is possible to get
files from nodes to master, not only in uniderictional way like master to
agent nodes.
To be more specific, I need to create dumps of client's database and
get it back to the server.
Thank you!
Should you require all explicit dependencies when working with resources or can
you "cheat" like the following:
Basically, should the File['bas'] resource explicitly require File['foo'] and
You received this message because you are subscribed to
Dependencies can be 'chained' exactly as you specified in your gist.
File['baz'] will indeed come after File['foo'] and File['bar'] without the
explicit dependency on File['bar'].
On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 11:54 AM, Mark wrote:
> Should you require all explicit dependencies when working wi
As for the 'SHOULD I do this?' question, I think it's a perfectly
acceptable pattern as long as you understand that if File['bar'] fails,
File['baz'] will NOT be evaluated/created. If that's what you want, then
that's okay. If that's NOT what you want, then you need to change the
On Monday, December 3, 2012 2:32:15 PM UTC-5, j4m3s wrote:
> Though we have lots of automated testing we still rely on the human touch
> for checking UI look and feel, and doing exploratory testing (in the pre
> production environment). Once it has passed this step the human can
> approve
I have two puppet master servers in my fledgling puppet infrastructure, a
production one and a dev one.
I have configured the production one as the authoritative CA, and I have
one test agent machine which I'm switching back and forth with the "server"
option in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf.
When I
Correction; the mode the production server wants for that directory is
2775, not 2755. I'm still baffled why the two masters are different and
managing that directory on the agent.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Puppet Users" group.
To v
Hi, Nick -
Thanks for the response!
Those changes do appear to have made the manifest apply and work correctly.
Now I just have to figure out why corosync can't get jboss to stop once it
has been started (I can't either, 'service jboss stop' seems to hang
On to the next chal
I love this post on the evolution.
The one thing that is missing which im pretty sure I have seen somewhere is
the ability to properly name your hiera variables with the proper package
structure such that you dont even need to do a hiera lookup, they will just
get auto injected. Can someone po
I actually had the same issue and brought this up with Ken Barber at
PuppetConf. I believe he and several others have looked into this briefly
but nothing much has come from it. There was a puppet bug report where
another user had managed to have it take arrays without too much
This is in Puppet as of version 3.0.0 See
which will refer you to this section -->
Sorry, I have only really given you part of the story haven't I. We have a
puppet class hierarchy that we use to specify the various components that need
to go on a particular type of host - e.g app server or web server or db server.
A dev machine includes several roles (machines are identifie
Thanks for the reply. I will take a look at that patch.
I have been trying to accomplish this with defined resources, unfortunately
my particular case isn't working well for that.
Here is my attempt, perhaps anyone has some suggestions?
define myfirewall::accept($proto='tcp', $ports) {
Julia, did you ever figure this out? I'm running into this issue as well.
On Tuesday, May 22, 2012 5:28:05 AM UTC-4, Julia Smith wrote:
> I'm trying to use the firewall resource and it works fine for me for
> iptables.
> However, I'm not sure how I purge ip6tables?
> doing...
Hi Gavin,
I have a module i wrote that seems like it will do what you need.
I also have a nagios module that uses it to setup nrpe services on each
node and exports nagios checks to be imported into a nagios instance.
I basically setup nrpe on each node to use a config directory and have a
On 3 December 2012 22:38, Vaidas Jablonskis wrote:
> Hi Pete,
> It depends on what version of puppet you use. If you use 3.x, then it has
> hiera built-in. So it's very simple to write classes which are compatible
> with v2.7 or v3.x versions.
I am testing on 3.
I normally write something l
On 4 December 2012 05:33, cristy wrote:
> I'm newbie to puppet, and I was wondering if it is possible to get
> files from nodes to master, not only in uniderictional way like master to
> agent nodes.
> To be more specific, I need to create dumps of client's database and
> g
Puppet doesn't have a built-in way to grab data from the client-side and save
it on the Master. There IS the Filebucket
( but that's not something I
would feel comfortable
Hi again.
It's probably a better idea to use a dedicated backup tool to do this.
Puppet wasn't designed as a backup tool. It can likely be setup to manage
the backup software and such.
I personally do backups with amanda which I manage with puppet using a
module I found and some extra classes to g
Sounds good to me... N be easier than me re-inventing the wheel...
Would be happy to guinea pig... :)
On 3 December 2012 23:56, Peter Brown wrote:
> Hi Gavin,
> I have a module i wrote that seems like it will do what you need.
> I also have a nagios module that uses it to s
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