I have set up puppet to create a facts.yaml file for mcollective using the 
following line:

  content  => inline_template("<%= scope.to_hash.reject { |k,v| k.to_s =~ 
/(uptime.*|timestamp|.*free|macaddress.*|ipaddress)/ }.to_yaml %>"),

However, it is creating a lot of unnecessary changes by reordering the 
facts in the yaml output as you can see in the diff output between to runs;

--- facts.yaml 2012-12-03 10:25:15.389570751 +0000
+++ facts.yaml.copy 2012-12-03 10:24:31.982563969 +0000
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
   clientcert: rhel6test.shef.ac.uk
   rubyversion: "1.8.7"
   lsbdistdescription: "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.3 
-  architecture: x86_64
   boardmanufacturer: "Intel Corporation"
+  architecture: x86_64
   type: Other
   serialnumber: "VMware-42 26 2c 7e 64 54 65 e5-bd 53 81 d7 56 02 2e e4"
-  processorthreadcount: "1"
   lsbmajdistrelease: "6"
+  processorthreadcount: "1"
   title: "mcollective::server"
   lsbdistcodename: Santiago
   mcollective_serverpackage: mcollective
   id: root

At first I was thinking of just changing the template so that the the yaml 
output is sorted by key order 
(http://www.dzone.com/snippets/generating-yaml-hashes-sorted) but is this 
expected behaviour? Is there a better way to solve this problem?

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