I am using the following and it serves us well. Basically it makes sure
that the importing is done and executes '&& touch semaphore' file. There
are plans to put those into /var/lib/puppet/sql-snippets instead of in
/opt but oh well it seems I am too lazy to go and move them on each
server now...

class sql {
  $sqls = '/opt/sql-snippets'

  file { $sql::sqls:
    ensure   => directory,
    mode => "700",

  define do($source='', $db, $content='') {
    $script = "$sql::sqls/$name.sql"

    file { $script:
      mode   => "600",

    case $content {
      '': {
        File[$script] {
          source => $source
      default: {
        File[$script] {
          content => $content

    exec {"mysql-import-$name":
      path    => ['/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/bin'],
      command => "mysql --defaults-file=/root/.my.cnf $db < $script && touch 
      creates => "$script.semaphore",
      require => File[$script],
      timeout => '0',

  define source($local_script_path, $db) {
    $semaphore = "$sql::sqls/$name.semaphore"
    exec { "mysql-execute-script-$name":
      path    => ['/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/bin'],
      command => "mysql --defaults-file=/root/.my.cnf $db < $local_script_path 
&& touch $semaphore",
      creates => "$semaphore",
      timeout => '0',

  Class['mysql'] -> Class['sql']


Note that it requires a mysql class to be defined before that. 

You will get bonus points if you make it work for other databases like
postgre and what not 

Some problems:
* the name of the sql::do or sql::sourc should be lowercase as i don't
want to support that(if you want put quotes around semaphore in the


On Mon, Dec 03, 2012 at 06:57:28AM -0800, Luca Gioppo wrote:
> Which is the bast strategy to check if a DB has been populated?
> The target is to execute the "mysql < file.sql" just once since it could 
> not be idempotent.
> The idea is to use the unless clause to stop it to run if there is the 
> known data in the table, but it seems that it is just happy with the mysql 
> managing to connect and the fact that the DB return of an empy set is 
> treated as a success return from the mysql command (obviously it managed to 
> execute and the return value of the command does not depend on the result 
> of the query).
> Any hint?
> Luca
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