On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 11:38:29AM +0200, Ohad Levy wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 11:11 AM, Oliver Schad wrote:
> >
> >
> > Do you know process priorities? It's very easy to run puppet with this.
> > Most CPUs has so much idle times that puppet is not a problem. The RAM
> > usage could be a mor
On Wednesday 24 Feb 2010 18:12:18 Andrew Schulman wrote:
> > Hi Andrew,
> >
> > Just noticed that ssh::auth::server doesn't require the resource for
> > ~/.ssh directory. Considering the documentation says it does (in
> > Examples -> 1. With account management at the bottom mentions that
> > 'requ
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 2:07 PM, Thomas Bellman wrote:
> Dick Davies wrote:
>> host { "db.hosting.mydomain.com":
>> ensure => present,
>> ip => ip_of($activedbhost)
>> }
>> 'ip_of()' is what Puppet calls a 'function', right?
>> Does anyone have a reference on how to write them -
On Wednesday 24 Feb 2010 16:33:59 atom wrote:
> On Feb 24, 6:59 am, Rus Hughes wrote:
> > I've got an Apache module and a Nagios module which "require"s the
> > Apache module, in the Nagios module we need to add the apache user to
> > the nagios group, what would be the best most scalable method t
On Wednesday 24 Feb 2010 18:30:46 robbyt wrote:
> One problem that we frequently run into while building and supporting
> puppet infrastructures, is some cowboy developer who insists that he
> needs Python 3.1, PHP6, SWiG 1.3.40, etc, and these packages are not
> available in our Distro's stable pa
On Wednesday 24 Feb 2010 20:59:54 Andrew Hamilton wrote:
> I have a question hopefully someone here can help me out with. I have a
> module that I didn't write, I got it from the github. it's the postgres
> module. I'm running on CentOS 5. In the module there is this:
> case $ensure {
I also manage users using AD (and likewise-open deployed with puppet), and
I've had a similar issue.
I couldn't find an elegant way to deploy ssh public keys "only if" the home
dir exists.
I do NOT want the user homedir to be created by puppet! (It must be created
by likewise-open if the user log
On Wednesday 24 Feb 2010 15:56:17 James Turnbull wrote:
> On 24/02/10 3:00 AM, Michael Gliwinski wrote:
> > I see your point, but this is perhaps specific to the domain of
> > configuration management systems? I mean just look at some of the
> > largest free software communities like KDE, which is
Have you checked out what that command does when you run it from the
command line? Does it complete successfully? What is the return
Possibility 1: Your version of Puppet (you didn't say which) is not
correctly preserving the inner single quotation marks around '$name
*|'. This seems unli
On Feb 24, 9:53 am, Brian Ferris wrote:
> Yes to running in enforcing mode. I just tried turning enforcing mode off
> with a call to "setenforce 0" and I still get the same behavior.
Hmmm. This still feels like a possibility. The SELinux context of
the puppetd process is definitely different
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 3:14 PM, Haris Farooque wrote:
> Hello members,
> We are using Puppet-Server 0.24.8 with Factor (1.5.2-1.20) and Puppet 0.24.5
> (for client nodes) on our SuSE Machines and its working fine. We are now
> planning to upgrade to latest stable release 0.25.* for server (with
> I also manage users using AD (and likewise-open deployed with puppet), and
> I've had a similar issue.
> I couldn't find an elegant way to deploy ssh public keys "only if" the home
> dir exists.
> I do NOT want the user homedir to be created by puppet! (It must be created
> by likewise-open i
Hi Tim and thanks for the replies.
The code snippet for the facter will probably turn out to be very
Regarding the generate function:
> > Q2) Is it possible to pass information (e.g. string) i.e. an output of
> > an “exec” execution on a puppet-client and store this information into
> >
On Thursday 25 Feb 2010 15:39:09 Andrew Schulman wrote:
> > I also manage users using AD (and likewise-open deployed with puppet),
> > and I've had a similar issue.
> > I couldn't find an elegant way to deploy ssh public keys "only if" the
> > home dir exists.
> >
> > I do NOT want the user homedir
Thanks for the replies and other possibilities. I'm using version 0.25.2 of
puppet. I did a different kind of workaround mostly by doing the same thing
with a straight psql command with no pipe. ie.
"/usr/bin/psql -c 'select * from pg_user where usename = 'myuser'"
This at least seems to not e
I tried Michael's suggestion above and when running it from the command
line, it does complete successfully. It returns 0 when the user exists and
1 when it doesn't. Does that make sense? Anyway, inserting the pipe back
into it produces the same error as before. It's perplexing...
It looks to me like something is replacing your command before it gets
executed. I have no idea what could be doing that but what is being
entered as
/usr/bin/psql -l | grep '$name *|'
is then being changed to
/usr/bin/psql -c '\du' | grep 'puser *|'
so -l is being changed to -c '\du'. Both
Hi Andrew,
> > "IF homedir exists => deploy .ssh/authorized_keys , else do nothing"
> > As far as I know this is not possible with puppet.
> Marcello, I want to understand your use case. AD and LDAP seem to be
> fairly common in Puppet installations, and I'd like for ssh::auth to
> work well w
If you do that you would put all the public keys together, wouldn't you ?
That means users would be able to login as any other user. That is of course
not what you want.
We need to deploy a single specific public key per user.
> -Original Message-
> From: puppet-us
On Feb 25, 2010, at 11:23 AM, Marcello de Sousa wrote:
> Patrick,
> If you do that you would put all the public keys together, wouldn't you ?
> That means users would be able to login as any other user. That is of course
> not what you want.
> We need to deploy a single specific public key
What about deploying the keys to /etc/skel? Would that be enough for what you
On Feb 25, 2010, at 8:47 AM, Marcello de Sousa wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
>>> "IF homedir exists => deploy .ssh/authorized_keys , else do nothing"
>>> As far as I know this is not possible with puppet.
>> Marce
Hello Everyone,
I have a case where I'm depending on custom facter rules in my puppet
config, and those custom facter rules come from a ruby library that
puppet installs. I need to know how I can ensure that library is
installed by puppet before classes that depend on those facts are
Don't distribute your facter plugin via manifest. Use puppet's sync
which is described her:
This will distribute your facter addons at the beginning of your run
and you can use them in like any normal fact.
On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 10:25 P
On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Patrick wrote:
> On Feb 25, 2010, at 11:23 AM, Marcello de Sousa wrote:
> > Patrick,
> >
> > If you do that you would put all the public keys together, wouldn't you ?
> > That means users would be able to login as any other user. That is of
> course
> > not w
The ssh_config trick could be indeed the key for a workaround:
But I've tested it with a Centos 5 machine and it didn't work. I suspect the
problem is the expansion of %u to the username (our usernames have the
"mydomain\myuser" format). I w
So this is really getting to me and I can't seem to figure it out.
>From the documents:
> unlessIf this parameter is set, then this exec will run unless the command
> returns 0
I interpret this to be the return value of the command and not the output of
the command. So if the return value of
Thanks! That sounds like the right way to do it! How to I ensure puppet
copies out a new puppet.conf with the changes before evaluating the
class that uses 'case "$customfact"'?
-- Greg
Daniel wrote:
Don't distribute your facter plugin via manifest. Use puppet's sync
which is describ
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