On Thursday 25 Feb 2010 15:39:09 Andrew Schulman wrote:
> > I also manage users using AD (and likewise-open deployed with puppet),
> > and I've had a similar issue.
> > I couldn't find an elegant way to deploy ssh public keys "only if" the
> > home dir exists.
> >
> > I do NOT want the user homedir to be created by puppet!  (It must be
> > created by likewise-open if the user logs in.)
> > I also don't want errors to occur if the user folder doesn't exist. So I
> > need a "conditional" like:
> >
> > "IF homedir exists => deploy .ssh/authorized_keys , else do nothing"
> >
> > As far as I know this is not possible with puppet.
> Marcello, I want to understand your use case.  AD and LDAP seem to be
> fairly common in Puppet installations, and I'd like for ssh::auth to work
> well with them.  But I'm not that familiar with them.
> Are you saying that once a user is authorized for a host (or the whole
> domain), the user exists on that host, but his/her home directory doesn't,
> until they first log in?


> When the user logs in, is his/her home directory automounted from a network
> share?  In that case, the place to deploy the ssh keys would be in the
> user's home directory on the file server.  Or, is the home directory
> created locally on the host the first time the user logs in?

That depends, it is separate from LDAP integration.  In basic setup directory 
is simply created (from /etc/skel IIRC) when the user logs in.

> It would seem to me that once a user is authorized for a host, you'd want
> to create his/her ~/.ssh/authorized_keys right away, so they can log in by
> ssh.  If you can explain the sequence of how users get created and
> authorized and when their home directories get created, it would help me to
> address the need.

Yes, it is a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem because the way it works by 
default means first time the user has to log in using different method than SSH 
key auth.

Don't know, I had no brilliant ideas regarding this yet ;)  As it would seem 
for it to work first time the sshd on a host would need to check/pull user's 
key from the keymaster.

> Andrew.

Note that as I also mentioned before this means that there are no 'user' type 
resources in puppet (otherwise puppet would try to create them).

Michael Gliwinski
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