
The ssh_config trick could be indeed the key for a workaround:
AuthorizedKeysFile    /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/%u

But I've tested it with a Centos 5 machine and it didn't work. I suspect the
problem is the expansion of %u to the username (our usernames have the
"mydomain\myuser" format). I wonder how I can debug that and see what's
trying to find as user name.
I've tried the following names without success:

I'm still curious though if someone has a 'native' puppet workaround for
this 'conditional' situation, just in case this doesn't work on a specific
OS/ssh version or we face a similar problem in the future.

I also wonder if there's a way to use a user list instead of one hardcoded
class per user.

Thanks a lot for the tip!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: puppet-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:puppet-
> us...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of dan trainor
> Sent: donderdag 25 februari 2010 23:16
> To: puppet-users@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] ssh::auth server dependency on ~/.ssh and a
> scoping question
> On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Patrick <kc7...@gmail.com> wrote:
>       On Feb 25, 2010, at 11:23 AM, Marcello de Sousa wrote:
>       > Patrick,
>       >
>       > If you do that you would put all the public keys together,
> wouldn't you ?
>       > That means users would be able to login as any other user. That
> is of course
>       > not what you want.
>       >
>       > We need to deploy a single specific public key per user.
>       >
>       > Gr,
>       > Marcello
>       I guess I misunderstood your question.  I thought you had a
> really strange setup where you were doing just that.
> Hi, Guys -
> I've been following this thread for a bit here, and I was faced with a
> similar problem.  Since we only have a small admin team for some 400+
> machines, this worked out well for us.  However, your mileage certainly
> will vary.  This is assuming that you're already pulling auth
> information from LDAP, as well.
> What I've done is, maintained /etc/ssh/sshd_config with a few choice
> options, namely the AuthorizedKeyFile directive.  Here's an excerpt
> from sshd_config, which is a template in my puppet config - you'll see
> why, down at the bottom:
> Port 22
> ...
> PermitRootLogin without-password (or no, depending on the machine)
> ...
> RSAAuthentication yes
> PubkeyAuthentication yes
> AuthorizedKeysFile    /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/%u
> PermitEmptyPasswords no
> PasswordAuthentication no
> ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
> GSSAPIAuthentication yes
> GSSAPICleanupCredentials yes
> UsePAM yes
> ...
> DenyGroups    all
> AllowGroups Domain?Admins wheel <% if environment == 'dev' %>
> Domain?Users <% end %>
> ClientAliveInterval    300
> I then have a manifest like this:
> class sshd::config {
>     File {
>         require        => Class["sshd::install"],
>         notify        => Class["sshd::service"]
>     }
>     file { "/etc/ssh/sshd_config":
>         owner        => "root",
>         group        => "root",
>         mode        => 440,
>         #source        => "puppet:///sshd/sshd_config",
>         content        => template('sshd/sshd_config')
>     }
>         file { "/etc/ssh/authorized_keys":
>                 ensure          => directory,
>                 owner           => root,
>                 group           => root,
>                 mode            => 0755,
>         require        => Class["ldap"]
>         }
> }
> Further, I maintain that /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/dtrainor file (my
> key) with a class similar to this:
> class sshd::users::dtrainor {
>     include sshd
>     file { "/etc/ssh/authorized_keys/dtrainor":
>         owner        => 2690,   // pulled from LDAP
>         group        => root,
>         mode        => 0600,
>         source        => "puppet:///sshd/authorized_keys/dtrainor",
>         require        => Class["sshd::config"]
>     }
> }
> Now, I'm no programmer, and I'm certainly not a Puppet expert.  But
> I've gotten around the chicken-and-the-egg problem by just being able
> to apply sshd::users::dtrainor to a node that this key should be
> implemented on, and there it is.
> Of course I'm open to suggestion and would appreciate some feedback,
> but moreover I hope this gets you pointed in the right direction.
> sshd_config has many options - unfortunately RHEL uses an older sshd
> version that even limits those :)
> Thanks
> -dant
> --
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