>Message: 6
>Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 15:12:13 -0800 (PST)
>From: anthony baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Psyche RedHat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: ghosts in the machine (or just another UTS?)
>I tried to insta
Any ideas why I can't share .ical files between iCal on my iBook and
KOrganizer on my Psyche box? Seems like it is the exact smae program, and KOrg
purportedly should import these files. It would make my life a lot easier to be able
to share my calendar betweenthe two machines, since the i
I hadn't rebooted my machine since I upgraded to psyche in October, or something, so ,
just for the heck of it, I gave her the "halt" command and powered her down before
leaving this morning.
Now, we're experiencing technical difficulties.
Several attempts to boot her up have failed. She has att
Seems I have gotten fsck to run, after all.
deleted a lot of stuff, relocated lost inodes, altered erroneous numberings...
really, I would be lying if I pretended to understand what happened, but
I am writing to you from the errant psyche box now.
I half expect the monitor to spin around while the
Read, Connect, Learn!
>Message: 2
>Message: 6
>Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2003 17:04:26 -0800 (PST)
>From: anthony baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: sos, sinking quickly, mayday, mayday
>Reply-To: [EMAIL P
>Message: 3
>Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 08:36:59 -0600
>From: Aaron Konstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Mozilla or Netscape?
>On Mon, Feb 10, 2003 at 06:33:02PM -0800, Ilona wrote:
>> I'm a newbie to Linux and was wondering what people prefere
I have been trying all day to print my tax return.
I tried to file electrontically, but it was rejected for mysterious reasons that I
cannot fathom, so I downloaded the return in .pdf format from TurboTax and hvae not
been able to print it, whether with ps/pdf viewer, xpdf, Adobe, or Ghostview.
--- Aaron Konstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 10:36:33AM -0800, anthony baldwin wrote:
>> I have been trying all day to print my tax return.
>> I tried to file electrontically, but it was rejected for mysterious reasons that I
>> cannot fathom,
Linux hackers should get involved with Martus.
The Martus Project provides technology tools to assist the human rights sector
collect, safeguard, organize and disseminate information about human rights violations.
It is, as far as I can tell, basically encryption software, and open sourced, but, t
I am trying to find apt-get binaries.
All I can find is source at freshrpms.net.
Freedom to Learn!
GED$/L/P/FA d? s: a C++ L++ W++ N++ K- w--- M+ PS++
PE-- Y+ PGP- t+ tv-- b++(b) D? G e h++ r--- y?
I was trying to view an interactive feature at NYTimes.com today and was told I needed
macromedia flashplayer 6 to view it. I was certain that I had already installed it so
I checked and I do, in fact, have the latest libflashplayer.so in the
/usr/lib/netscape/plugins directory.
Nonetheless, I
I'm guessing everyone knows about the ptrace vulnerability.
I haven't the slightest idea what to do with this.
I went to the RH page and there are numerous patches and things available for
download but no instructions for their implementation
I'm new to the list.
I have been using the Redhat 7.2 based K12os for about 7 months and just installed
Psyche. I have also dabbled with RH 7.1, Blue Linux, Lycoris and Corel OS, but my
only extensive experience has been the last 7 months using the k12 os.
So, I am essentially still a newbie
Let me correct one thing from my previous post
When I try to run /usr/sbin/rhn_register
I am told there is no such directory or file.
Read, Connect, Learn!
Select your own custom email address for FRE
n/rhn_register (still get a :no such file or
directory message).
So, it seems one thing was fixed and others broken...
>Message: 13
>Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 11:35:45 -0800
>From: Jesse Keating <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: r
t;Message: 10
>Subject: Re: UTS bugs?
>From: Craig White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 27 Oct 2002 18:02:52 -0700
>On Sun, 2002-10-27 at 17:37, anthony baldwin wrote:
I signed in to gnome (or blue-whatever-they-are-calling-it) and
managed to fix xmms...not exactly sure how...
It seems, however, that sound record was not sapping the sound card, KCDplayer, or
whatever they call it, was. Not sure why that was running, possibly because I had a
CD of Gregori
>It is obvious that you are experiencing problems. However, the information
>provided was less informational (except in your choice of music) and more
>rant. Please provide versions of the things experiencing problems with the
>settings you think that may be relevant so that others that are
>Have a look in /usr/lib/RealPlayer8 there should be a file called
>realplay. At least this is on my Redhat 8.0 and it runs Realplayer 8.
>I also installed the download from the RealPlayer web site.
Neil, You are the man! It was exactly where you said. I could not find it, becuase
>--- anthony baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Oh...this is odd, or maybe it's just me. I started
>> up KDevelop this morning at 8am, and it is still
>> "indexing KDE Documenation" nearly 10 hours later.
>> Should it take that lo
>> A local lug fellow has suggested that my problem may be that I installed both CUPS
>and lpr. How might i remove CUPS? Can I do a rm CUPS, or something? Or can I just
>find the file and delete it (that always makes me nervous).
>> If I can get the printer solved, I'll feel like I am 95%
Read, Connect, Learn!
>> May I humbly request PLAIN TEXT EMAIL,
>> PRETTY PLEASE! That tiny font of yours is s little rough
>> on my ageing eyes.
I am using a webamil aservice from everyone.net on my domain. I do hope that it is
sending plain text, but, frankly,
I did a
mkdir /mnt/doze
then I did
mount vfat -2 /dev/hda1 /mnt/doze rw.nohide 0 0
AND I edited /etc/fsatb, adding this
/dev/hda1 /mnt/doze auto,rw,nohide 0 0
And my doze partition is mounted atomatically on boot.
I'm relatively new, too, but this worked for in on 7.2, as well.
I seem to be unable to burn MP3's to disc with XCDRoast.
I was having the same issue woith 7.2. I have also tried ERoaster,
with 7.2, haven;t tried it with 8.0 yet, but that kept telling me I had broken mksofs,
which is crazy becuase I could burn anything else I want, just not mp3s.
>Message: 12
>Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2002 21:23:10 -0500
>From: John P Verel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Psyche List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: How to Change Vfat ownership and permissions?
>I'm finding impossible to change ownership and permissions on my vfat
Read, Connect, Learn!
>Message: 12
>Date: 08 Nov 2002 07:58:38 -0700
>From: "John Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Mailing List - psyche-list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: xmms mp3 to ogg
>Something like this will work, but qua
I;ve been using linux for about 8 months now and it is time to get serious.
I want to network my iBook with this linux box.
I have them sharing the dsl connection, but not files or the printer.
Should I do that with nfs? smb?
And, can I set up an nfs server here when my ip is dynamic?
Sure, th
coding: quoted-printable
>On Sun, 2002-11-10 at 05:57, anthony baldwin wrote:
>> Okay
>> I;ve been using linux for about 8 months now and it is time to get seriou=
>> I want to network my iBook with this linux box.
>> I have them sharing the dsl connection, but
This might be stupid, too, but is anyone using an optical mouse with this OS?
I have one for my iBook, and I am thinking about getting one for the Nix box becuase
My old compaq mouse is sucking eggs...sticks and what not, making my graphics work
particularly painstaking, especially. One ne
>--- Chris Kloiber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Sun, 2002-11-10 at 10:25, Mike A. Harris wrote:
>> > > Actually, while Canada and Australia have beer
>> that is "real" (as
>> > >opposed to the swill water that's here in the
>> US), one must go to
>> > >Germany to find the Best Beer.
Where can I find good instructions for setting up a home lan network using my
Lniux box for a server. I have only linux and Mac OS machines to network.
No Micro$lop products here.
I took a graduate course in netwroking and only learned about protocols (ftp, http,
etc) and writes (twisted pair, et
I bought a Logitech optical mouse and I couldn't be happier.
I oculd connect with either ps/2 or usb, I chose ps/2 so I would\
not have to alter /etc/x11configs. I just plugged it in and went to
the races. Didn;t even have to reboot.
It's quick and accurate. I'm happy.
Thanks for input.
so what you are saying is that in order for these machines to have access
to each other, the present internal firewall on each machine would have to
compromised? So I should set up another machine as a server or use a router (not the
switch that I presently have)?
Where or how do I configure the start up menu?
I have inadvertenetly set Yahoo Messenger to start on login,
but I don;t want it to. I juset keep turning it off,
but it seems I ought to be able to change this.
Read, Connect, Learn!
What the heck does this mean? I was trying to run a java hangman game.
[root@localhost programs]# java -jar swingman.jar
Warning: -jar not understood. Ignoring.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: swingman.jar
at 0x4028115f: java.lang.Throwable.Throwable(java.lan
>Message: 8
>Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 20:52:44 -0700
>From: Ben Dugdale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Microsoft Mail (not Exchange) interface for Linux?
>I'm stuck running a Windows computer in addition to my Linux boxen
>because I need to int
I did a google search for Linux software for crossword puzzle creation.
(Any ideas, please send them!) At the top of the search results was this:
Linux Software - Discover Microsoft Visual Studio .NET today.
www.microsoft.com/vstudio Click for a free online hosted session.
I'm not lying
Hvae any of you run pgAccess?
Are there any other non-proprietary, gpl database gui front ends?
I am having difficulty with pgAccess. I htink it may be an issue with my
Postgres set up. I seem to be unable to create a non-root user, but
cannot sign in as "su postgres '.
I want to catalog my boo
>Message: 11
>From: Dusan Djordjevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Organization: Beotel
>Subject: Re: database front end gui
>Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2002 09:47:10 +0100
>Sunday 17 November 2002 03:36, anthony bal
I am trying to use pgAccess to build a databse of my library.
I am unable to use it, however, because I am unable to
create a postgres user. when I try to "su postgres"
I can not get in. I have tried my root password, no password,
and "postgres" as password. It is obvious that the user "pos
>Message: 8
>Subject: Re: database front end gui
>From: Gordon Messmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 17 Nov 2002 11:50:44 -0800
>On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 18:36, anthony baldwin wrote:
>> Hvae any of you
>Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2002 16:37:16 -0800
>From: "David M. Cook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: database front end gui
>On Sat, Nov 16, 2002 at 06:36:13PM -0800, anthony baldwin wrote:
>> Hv
I have only been using Linux since this past spring. I decided to get invovlved in
the opensource community for several reasons.
1-I am a teacher and a single parent and I just could not financially keep up with
Micro$lop's mercenary upgrade schedules.
2-The principles of sharing, community supp
I guess I will whine a little bit...even after whining about the whining.
Of course, I am just looking for assistance, not complaining, really.
I have never once gotten wine to work on a RH box. In fact, of all the distros I have
used, the only on e on which I have had any success using win
>Message: 6
>From: Wolfgang Gill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: whine about wine
>Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 10:58:02 +1100
>Don't ask why but, I had to install the Wine-devel*.rpm file to get wine to
>work?? I noticed tha
>Message: 13
>From: Wolfgang Gill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: Wolf/Wine
>Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 16:15:38 +1100
>I installed the one off the RH8.0 CD (The DVD actually), so I'm not sure
>which of the other CD's it wi
Read, Connect, Learn!
>Subject: Re: Re:wolf/wine--It's alive!!!
>Date: 25 Nov 2002 11:01:11 +
>Content-Type: text/plai
Why can't I get realmedia to open in Moz (or konqueror or galeon)?
I have the realplayer8 installed and I did
/edit/preferences/helperapplications and told it what to do.
Is there a plugin that needs installed in /usr/lib/mozilla-1.0.1/plugins/?
Read, Connect, L
>Message: 6
>Subject: Re: RealPlugin
>From: Neil Loffhagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Redhat 8.0 mailing list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Organization: C-W-Services
>Date: 26 Nov 2002 16:33:27 +
>The only reason I mentioned using the 1.0.1 folder is that I had all my
>Subject: Re: Calling all KDE fans!!
>On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Aaron Konstam wrote:
>=>It is offical; according to a survey in Linux Journal KDE is prefered
>=>over GNOME. Well explain how to do the following which ios easy in Gnome
>=>in KDE. I want to have an icon
>Message: 8
>From: "Jim Hubbard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: DLink DFE-530TX
>Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 22:58:58 -0500
>I've had problems with a D-Link DFE-530TX+ Rev.D2 under Mandrake recently.
>Under the recently released Mandrake MNF fir
About that kill app function.
I have run "man kill" and it is not in any decipherable language resembling
english. I have, from time to time, had apps hang and not respond and the only
recourse I have found is to log out. I know that is a weak way to handle the issue,
but I can ont figure for t
There was some useful information in that post, for sure.
I DID create desktop link to xkill and have now found it to be very useful.
I think I may be one of those who falls between newbie and advanced user. I've been
using Linux for about 9 months and can now accomplish most tasks.
>Message: 1
>Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 16:00:51
>From: "Stanley A. Klein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>My previous version of Postgresql (under RH 7.2) had pgaccess, a nice
>graphical interface to Postgresql that lets you define d
I tried to install kcreatecd and was told there was a missing dep, mpg123
Now, I thought that I had installed that, so I found the tar for it in my /home and
extracted it again and installed it.
Then I tried to install kcreatecd from rpm again, and I got the same message, that
mpg123 was "unlocata
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