Hi all :
Does anyone have an excellent Samba book to recommend
( A tutorial / reference book all in one )
I am considering getting that Linux Samba server admin
from the Craig Hunt Library.
Any suggestions ?
Regards , Jason
Hi ,
I have two Red Hat Linux 8 servers connected and talking
to one another on
a network.
I am trying to use the 'dump' command to perform a test
backup procedure
of a from one machine to the next.
I run the command like this :
# dump -0 -f
hostIPaddress:/target /source
Hi all ;
Does anyone know of a tool that I can use to analyse how
much disk space
a specific directory ( not filesystem ) is using ? in
otherwords , something that can
allow me to conduct an in-depth analysis of a directory
tree , how much space in Mb
that tree is using , how many files it
Hi all:
I have a fairly quick 'before-the-action' question to
I have an Adaptec Ultra160 SCSI controlled card and a
compatible Seagate SCSI disk.
The question : Will I need to download any special
or drivers to get this equipment to work on Red Hat Linux
on an Intel
Hi all:
OK, here is the situation. I have an Old Red hat
Linux 7 machine which
is running exim as a mail server. This machine also acts
as out firewall.
I am moving the mail services from that firewall machine
onto a new
Red Hat 8 machine running sendmail.
I had the MX record changed to
3 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: External email on RH 8
> On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Jason Dale wrote:
> > Hi all:
> >
> > OK, here is the situation. I have an Old Red hat Linux 7 machine which
> > is running exim as a mail server. This machine also acts as out
> > I am
Hi again,
Here is a screendump of the errors I am getting when I try
to send mail
from the outside world to my testmail
The other scary thing is that even when I send a mail to a
non-existent account, whether internally or
externally, I get the same
message as below
Spenneberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: External mail on RH8 again
> Am Die, 2003-02-18 um 09.06 schrieb Jason Dale:
> > Hi again,
> >
> > Here is a screendump of the errors I am gettin
ent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: External mail on RH8 again
> Am Die, 2003-02-18 um 09.44 schrieb Jason Dale:
> > Hi Ralph,
> >
> > Thanks for the input.
> >
> > Yes, is the correct IP address.
> >
> > When I type
1) When I do a man page on 'tar', the screen comes up all
garbled. I believe
this was discussed on the list a
while back, but I can't seem to find those mails
that will shed some insight on
why this is happening. Does this have something to
do with the $TERM
suggested )
Regards, Jason
- Original Message -
From: "Toni Erdmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: network backups with tar
> Aaron Konstam wrote:
> > On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 06:11:53PM +
I am thinking about this purely from my UnixWare 7 experience.
Trying to set up trusted hosts on UnixWare 7 was achievable,
except that you could not set up trusted access with the root
account across the two servers. I suspect that similar applies
for Linux. I am not sure about the SSH only being
Yup, I did use root, but I still had a typo after root, so it could not find
the user
name. Thanks, *looking very sheepish*
I don't suppose there is a way to supply the root passwpord on the
command line? this would be great, because I could then run this command
in the task scheduler
Hi A.J
Thanks for taking the time and the effort to write up your solution ! I
appreciate it :)
Unfortunately, still no joy. I assume that I am putzing up somewhere, so I
will give you a summarized log of exactly what I did on my servers.
The two test servers I am using:
'blackhawk' - Re
Hi all,
1) Does anyone know where Red Hat 8 keeps all of it's
temporary files,
cookies, cache
files that show where you have been surfing on the net?
much like the content cleanup programs
that you get for Windows?
2) Where can I find a filtering service to prevent
Hi There!
Ext3 came into the picture from around RH 7.2, and it comes with some
Journaling features designed to make your file system recover from crashes
better than ext2 did.
Because of this journaling, there will be a performance decrease, which
is probably what you are experiencing.
Hi all,
I have checked my resources and books and cannot seem
figure out what error code 87 is in FTP. I can't
seem to
find my answer
Where on my Red Hat system can I check for some sort of
index containing a list of these codes, and what they
preferably for each type of progr
I'll see if I can find a solution to this, as it does sound pretty wierd.
This probably won't work either, but it's worth a try ...
Backup all of the important data and programs and then remove
the user account and related directories:
# userdel -r [account]
If I am talking nonsense, someone wi
. Once you remove the account, recreate it with something like
# useradd -m [account].
Then reset the passwords as necessary
If reomving and recreating the account does not work, then this may
require a Linux Jedi to solve :)
> - Original Message -
> From: "
What type of mail user agent program are you using?
- Original Message -
From: "Alessandro Oliveira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 2:30 PM
Subject: Mozilla Personal Address Book Corrupted
> Hi guys,
> I know that this is not psyche
You can get many types of MUA's of which Mozilla can be one,
and you also get other programs like evolution, etc.
I have done some reading up, and I am wondering if the
${HOME}/.mozilla/default/*/Mail/hostname/inbox file is built
and mainted the same way sendmail builds the mail queue in
Hi all,
My ISP has advised me of possible Linux slapper worm
activity on one of
our Linux servers, running Red Hat Linux 6.2
This machine does NOT have apache or any ssl / ssh package
To my knowledge, Linux slappers exploit
vulnerabilities in openssl libraries.
I have searche
s sake.
safe than sorry.
- Original Message -
From: "Tony Nugent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Redhat 8. 0 Psyche Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: Linux Slapper worm - New variants ?
> On Fri M
Hi There,
I am a SCO ACE for the UnixWare 7 distro. If you need some help, you are
welcome to email me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] (post to the
if the questions are relevant to Redhat)
Of course, being a SCO ACE does not mean much at all - It just means that I
know shell programming and co
In my part of the world in the southern hemisphere, Linux became
an extremely popular server OS at more or less the same time that
the Red Hat 7.x series was out. For us, this was partly why 7.3
was the most popular, but RH 7.3 also *seemed* to be the most
'hassle free' Linux OS or there compared
I am not sure if you have done all of this before, so I will mention it just
in case ;)
Check your /etc/mail/sendmail.mc file for the following;
dnl DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')
Make sure the line above is commented out. If it's not, add the 'dnl' and
use the m4 prog
Does anyone know how to add an alias to a
network interface? for example, get 'eth0' to
respond to more than 1 IP address? do
I need to compile this option into the
I assume the system would reflect this as
eth0:1, eth0:2 etc for as many aliases that
you have on the same phys
uly 01, 2003 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: IP aliasing
> On Tuesday 01 July 2003 07:31, Jason Dale wrote:
> > Does anyone know how to add an alias to a
> > network interface? for example, get 'eth0' to
> > respond to more than 1 IP address? do
> > I need to compile this op
I am not sure about how OpenLdap works, but perhaps you
should try creating the user account and home directory manually
by using the command "useradd -m [loginname]" prior to setting
up or dealing with the OpenLdap.
Unless this issue only happens with a few acccounts, you should
check the pe
Hi all,
I have noticed that no matter how many times I reset the
date and time on my RH8 server, it keeps falling out of
synch, and jumps ahead by about 1 hour. It looks like it
has something to do with the time zone, but during the
installation I made sure to choose the correct country and
Does anyone know how to send mail to an IP address rather
than a domain name, for example, sending mail to
I have put the IP address in the 'local-host-names' file
and restarted sendmail. Even that did not work. I get
"Unrouteable mail domain" error messa
Hi all,
I am looking for a standard run-of-the-mill Linux command
that functions similarily to '/usr/sbin/mtr' ( A network diagnostic
tool ) except can monitor how many network packets get sent
to or from a specific port. For example, I would want to know
how much traffic get's sent to and from
Hi all,
I know that this is more a sendmail question, but there must be a
more intelligent way around this problem can can work with more
that one mail MTA.
Here is the situation: we have a server that hosts mail for '@domain1'
and '@domain2'. We have two people by the name of 'Bob' :
.. ;)
- Original Message -
From: "Jason Dale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 11:03 AM
Subject: RH8 and mail domain hosting
> Hi all,
> I know that this is more a sendmail question, but there must be a
gust 19, 2003 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: RH8 and mail domain hosting
> I'm pretty sure this is obvious, but you can't have two identical
> on the same system.
> You would have to have bobX and bobY as usernames and adjust your
> /etc/mail/virtusertable file accordi
Title: RE: shut down problem
I haven't been following this thread, but 'init 0' is what
I use to
shutdown my linux servers completely. (If they power back
by themselves, it might be a setting in your
'init 0' is not as 'graceful' as shutdown, which does
housecleaning an
Hi all,
I just used up2date on the Gnome desktop to upgrade my
sendmail packages, but just as the packages were installing,
up2date froze dead in it's tracks.
Now, when I use the rpm command to query packages,
it hangs. Even rpm --rebuilddb does not work, as I suspected
that the RPM package d
ould run package queries and updates again.
Had this failed, I would have spent months rebuilding the database,
or simply would have had to reinstall the OS.
- Original Message -
From: "Jason Dale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday
Thanks for the info y'all :)
Micheal, I know the term 'lock files' should be fairly
obvious, but what exactly do these files 'lock' ?
where can I find more info on these?
Thanks a stack,
- Original Message -
From: "Michael Fratoni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi all,
If I have been using Binary RPM's, and then switch to source
RPM's to update my packages on the system, how do I go
about updating the RPM database so that when I run a package
query (rpm -q) I can see the updated version number?
Plain and simple - how do you get source RPM software to
Hi all,
We have several clients who have dial-up accounts across a WAN
that point to our Linux servers to send and receive their mail.
What tends to happen is that they don't download their mail regularly,
and their mail folders start growing to huge sizes. Then they try
to download all 20+ M
1) 'df -m'
This command will show space
usage per filesystem
2) 'du -sh /directory'
This command will show
space usage for 'directory',
in summary form. To
get a breakdown of space usage
for the files
and directories within that directory, remove the
The CD burners that shipped with my RH Linux distro
don't seem to work properly.
Can anyone recommend good CD writing software for
Red Hat Linux? something like NERO burning ROM
that you get for Windows?
Psyche-list mailing list
I know that this is probably impossible, but is there a way
for me to 'read' or mount a DVD on a normal CD-RW drive?
or at least try to take a snapshot of the data and write
it on a normal CD?
Psyche-list mailing list
ps -u "[username]" will show you all of the processes
owned by the user.
or, if you know what terminal device the user was logged
in at, you can use "ps -t [terminal]"
You will see output that looks similar to this (ps -u):
1542 ?00:00:00 gnome-session
Hi Leonard,
I am not sure exactly how your user logged out, if he/she
typed 'exit' on the terminal emulator window or whether he/she
just clicked the 'X' button ;)
Logging out properly with 'exit' should take care of all of the user's
processes, unless he or she ran a program in the background t
This is not an RH8 specific question - it's about the
Nautilus 2.2.1 'explorer' if I may call it that.
I use Linux as my working OS, in place of a Windows
machine. I use Nautilus to connect to the Windows gateway
on the LAN, where I keep all of my back-ups and documents.
I was able to find
Hi Peter,
Thanks for the info. I guess it's just me then ;)
I am not familiar with SMB or Samba at all. Could you possibly
give me the guidelines for setting up an smbmount? I am not sure
how the whole process works ...
On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 20:32, Peter Larsen wrote:
> > It seem
Thanks again! I got the share to mount with the following
command (The other one gave errors)
# /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/smbmount //maxxsrv/maxxess /mnt/smbmnt -o
username=jason,password=jason -u 500 -g 501
I have enabled myself to use root passwords so that I don't have to
su first. 500 and 501
Thanks a stack for all the help! much appreciated.
The command
# /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/smbmount //maxxsrv/maxxess /mnt/smbmnt -o
worked nicely. The man page for smbmount is wrong, because there
it talks about using -u and -g, w
Hi again,
I find that myself too, which is why I use 'ps -elf' to
try and pick out which processes where still hanging on to
the SMB mount, because um-mounting tends to be unsuccessful because
the system still thinks the device/mount is in use even when it's not!
Even mounting the SMB share in t
chine didn't do that!)
A process needs to run in memory in order to make this
happen, but I don't know why such a process would still
be attached to my mount command. Still haven't figured that
one out!
On Wed, 2003-10-22 at 14:07, Jason Dale wrote:
> Hi again,
> I
This message was originally sent to the shrike mailing list,
(RH9) but I did not get any response.
I would appreciate any input!
--- Begin Message ---
Hi all,
I am running Red Hat Linux 9 on an AMD athlon 1.2 Ghz.
I have two questions:
1) I am battling to find a way to configure the s
I know this is actually an Enterprise Linux
question, but I am not receiving a response
anywhere else.
I am looking for an excellent hardware and software
tape backup solution for Red Hat linux that can
be ideal for server specs similar to those below:
* Compaq 360 G3 (2Gig Memory, 2 *
Hi all,
I would normally use 'vacation' for a job like this,
but some of our clients don't want anything installed
on their linux servers.
Does anyone have a simple '.procmailrc' file that I can
use to send an auto-response back to all senders, for
vacation notifications, etc? This saves me fr
Try adding the '-vv' flag to the rpm --rebuilddb command.
The output is more verbose, and that could give you some
useful info if all else fails
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of M A Young
Sent: 06 December 2003 07:27 PM
Have a look inside the log files located in
/var/log/httpd for starters. That may help
you trace the exact problem.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Suresh Babu A. [IT
Sent: 07 January 2004 11:33 AM
If I
recall correctly, you can 'defer' the installation of the network card
deal with that after you have installed the system, even
is not advisable.
As far
as the graphics are concerned, have you tried installing the
text-display mode instead of gr
Hi List ,
I am running an Apache web server ( httpd-2.0.40-11
) on Red Hat Linux 8.
I have recently finished configuring name-based
virtual hosts , and I have recently
noticed that when I restart my machine , apache
does not seem to start properly.
Here is what is in my boot log : ( The
ds , Jason
- Original Message -
From: "Kevin McConnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Apache SSL on Red Hat 8
> --- Jason Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi List ,
> Hi Jason
Hi :
You can use the 'up2date' facility within your system to get updates from
Red Hat.
These can be downloaded and installed onto your system. ( You will need to
for an account with the Red Hat Network ). This of course does depend on
what types
of bugs you are talking about and which pa
Hi Kevin
We were looking into using a package called Sophos anti-virus
software , which allegedly runs on Linux as well as Unix. Red
Hat x.x included , from what I am told.
Regards , Jason
- Original Message -
From: "Kevin McConnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri
I also had a Win98 and Red Hat dual boot environment here at the office.
Never had a hitch really , except for the fact that DOS seemed to treat my
Linux partitions as extended DOS , and when I ran scandisk , that is when
all hell broke loose .
- Original Message -
From: "Jesse
On Behalf of myself and my family , may you all have a
merry Christmas
and a happy new year !
Regards , Jason Dale
Hi :
Does anyone know of a command set that can be used to convert
Linux format files into DOS/Windows format , and visa versa ?
On UnixWare 7 there were commands called 'dtox' and 'xtod' ,
but I cannot find the equivalent commands on Linux
Regards , Jason
Psyche-list mailing list
Hi All:
Question #1
I am in the process of transferring mail server
functionality to
my new RH 8 machine , and everything seems to be
just fine. However , I need to find a way to 'test' the
new mail
server , without changing the MX record's IP address on
ISP's DNS servers. I
Hi all :
I have been searching for documentation for how to
a Red Hat Linux server to dial-out to a MAIL server. I
a program called 'wvdial' , but it seems as though this
deals with
modem connections to your ISP.
Could I use a program like weavedial ( Wvdial ) to
m's account info
Apologies for the confusion.
- Original Message -
From: "Neil Bird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: wvdial and mail access
> Around about 13/01/2003 09:24, Jason Dale typed ...
> >
Hi all :
I don't want to remain a Linux nitwit for the rest of my
life , so I am
looking at getting RHCE certified , perhaps using RHCT as
springboard. I don't have the money right now to afford
expensive tuition fees , so I am looking for a Red Hat 8
to buy that I can use to
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