OK ... I found a way to solve the problem.

The  %&@!&#*   up2date program crashed in 
mid-install while I was doing the latest errata 
updates, and in so doing actually *did*
stuff up the Packages database stored in
/var/lib/rpm. (Next time I will backup the 
database before TOUCHING up2date - 
serves me right)

Here is how I solved it :

1) Copy the 'Packages', 'Basenames', and 'Name' files from /var/lib/rpm
     to a different location (These all get modified during the up2date 
2)  Remove the lock files " __db*" in /var/lib/rpm. This step is
      IMPORTANT, otherwise attempting to rebuild the bd will fail

3) Rebuild the indices and perform a database sanity check by running
    the following command

#  rpm --rebuilddb -vv

That produced some horrendous amounts of output, but afterwards my
database was fine and I could run package queries and updates again.

Had this failed, I would have spent months rebuilding the database, 
or simply would have had to reinstall the OS.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jason Dale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 11:40 AM
Subject: RPM hangs

> Hi all, 
> I just used up2date on the Gnome desktop to upgrade my
> sendmail packages, but just as the packages were installing, 
> up2date froze dead in it's tracks.
> Now, when I use the rpm command to query packages, 
> it hangs. Even  rpm --rebuilddb does not work, as I suspected
> that the RPM package database might be corrupted. 
> Any command using the 'rpm' command is liable to produce
> the same result. Is there anything I can do?
> Thanks !
> -- 
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