And how do you do this for windows, from a French language windows to en
English-speaking PSPP ? I tried but did not succeed.
Which is the code, in which file to put, and in which folder to put the
file ?
Thanks in advance,
- ftr
On 19/09/2014 07:27, John Darrington wrote:
PSPP respects the
to psppire.exe on
my desktop and the prog starts in English. Hurray !
HTH for some other people in a similar situation.
- ftr
On 19/09/2014 12:31, F. Thomas wrote:
And how do you do this for windows, from a French language windows to
en English-speaking PSPP ? I tried but did not succeed
Great idea, Ben.
What should the output include ?
Which procedures? I guess no graphics.
On 29/09/2014 06:30, Ben Pfaff wrote:
I understand that SPSS's current output format is ".spv". I have read
some information on the format of these files, but I've been unable to
find any good
Where did you find it ?
GRAPH, CGRAPH are among the functions not implemented and are not listed
in the command index :-(
On 23/10/2014 11:44, Hulliger Beat wrote:
I just realised that the graph command is available with the syntax but not yet
in the PSPPIRE. Scatterplot and histograms w
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag
von F. Thomas
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2014 12:39
An: pspp-users@gnu.o
On 24/10/2014 11:28, John Darrington wrote:
SPSS does not permit you to examine their code, so nobody can know whether of
there are inaccuracies in it. I would be suspicious of any research
publication which
quotes statistical results produced by software which cannot be audited.
I work with PSPP latest version under windows 7 and every time I make a
go through my 67,000 cases for instance with a Frequencies command PSPP
does not answer for a minute.
Is this standard behaviour ?
Pspp-users mailing list
Hi Holger,
You should give a more precise description of the LimeSurvey data file
so that we can help you.
Which is the format of the LimeSurvey date file ?
In PSPP the data file that you get when you save is a .sav format like
any other SPSS data file. As far as I know SPSS maintained the s
I see no error message in the output.
This is too complicated to me.
My hints:
- You have to print the entire first line of the data and see whether
your formats and the data fit (like in the last century).
- What about entering the .dat file into a spreadsheet to see whether
the data import w
You export from Excel with a csv format and reimport into PSPP.
On 26/11/2014 02:57, abraham laredo sicsu wrote:
pls, how can I import an Excel file using the FILE/Import command?
I have tried saving the file as .txt but i jus get an error message
Imagem inline 1
I just tested with the Eurobarometer trend file 1970-2002 with about
1,123,000 cases.
The syntax below works fine.
Is the patched binary the pspp-084-20141204-64bits-Setup.exe file , in
the case of 64 bits files ? This one is marked as a RC1.
Thanks for the patching,
On 06/12/2014 12:34,
The error message no 21 lacks a character. It reads
.21 Attention le tableau croisé ne contient aucune observation on-manquante.
It should read:
.21 Attention le tableau croisé ne contient aucune observation
Where can I get it from to try it here ?
I searched on the web, but did not find it.
On 19/12/2014 21:22, Harry Thijssen wrote:
Oh, this looks promising. Thanks you.
I just generated a MSWindows build with a shortcut for the
commandprompt in the startmenu. If this is started yo
On 30/12/2014 23:13, Alan Mead wrote:
It looks like you are running PSPP directly. Maybe the manual tells
you to do so, but you actually want to run PSPPIRE, the GUI shell.
When I install the latest 64-bit Windows PSPP from I can start PSPP(IRE) the same
I found the MRSETS command which allows to analyse multiple reponse
But the MULT RESPONSE command has not yet been implemented, according to
the manual.
So how to analyse mult response questions ? What can you do with MRSETS
when you have no Mult response frequencies or tables ?
that lets me stick to SPSS. I'm not a progammer but would
help with testing and comparing.
Matthias Fäth
Im Mediapark 12
50670 Köln
t: 0221-2907973
m: 0171-9832175
e: <>
2015-01-08 14:3
Im Mediapark 12
50670 Köln
t: 0221-2907973
m: 0171-9832175
e: <>
2015-01-08 14:36 GMT+01:00 news>>:
On 08/01/2015 06:54, Ben Pfaff wrote:
I try to export a part of my sav file into a text file to treat it in
another prog.
This is the syntax used:
save translate
/outfile ="C:\Users\ftr\Documents\data\EVS-WVS\WVS5Europetrustvars.csv"
/type = csv
/cells = values
/keep v3 country v125 to v130.
The error message says
The file was not created. It is done with the latest version from yesterday.
On 13/01/2015 17:14, Alan Mead wrote:
Out of curiosity, your bug report doesn't actually say anything about
the file. It was NOT created? Or it was blank?
Is this with the version Harry posted yesterday or a
Sorry I am not a programmer. This is not a PSPP syntax code ? Where to
make it run ?
On 14/01/2015 08:47, Alberto Cabello Sánchez wrote:
On Tue, 13 Jan 2015 21:13:29 -0800
Ben Pfaff wrote:
The error message says (translated from the French text):
Creating temporary file result
On 16/01/2015 09:17, John Darrington wrote:
On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 11:17:32AM -0600, Alan Mead wrote:
I guess not. The code below that saves "test data.csv" produces the
error shown when I try to use "My Documents" but it works fine when I
use "Documents":
But then this would be an error with save translate, and not with save
Is there a difference in the coding of the two commands ?
On 1/16/2015 10:48 AM, F. Thomas wrote:
The surprising fact is that I can load sav and save formatted data
with this address including the blanks. I
With 360 cases consider the time that it already took you to search the
internet, read, try.
Do it manually. It's ugly, against the engineers' honor :-(
But you have full control of the results.
And it's rapid.
On 16/01/2015 21:54, Benjamin Oppermann wrote:
This is basicall
On 18/01/2015 20:25, Harry Thijssen wrote:
Could you use the latest ReleaseCandidate and try it again? John
improved the error handling so it should give 2 error messages now.
If it gives the same error, could you
show tempor show all
from the syntax window and check
I try to get a simple correlations matrix for some variables labelled
v12 to v21, with no significance levels (if you have 25,000 cases sig
levels become useless).
My command is
correlations var = v12 to v21/print nosig.
And I get significance levels printed.
I think this should be a (sm
A representative of SPSS said on the SPSS list some time ago that the
CTables module is the most sold module , besides the basic one.
As other free or open source stats programmes don't offer this
opportunity it would really increase the attractivity of PSPP.
- ftr
On 16/02/2015 19:38, Ben
On 17/02/2015 23:23, Crichton, Ronald wrote:
I work for a govt agency. They may not come up with money, but I
could put an argument that as they are currently paying about $2000
per year for an SPSS licence a proportion of that may be a good
Actually, I don’t like the version
This would be a good innovation, in particular because without saving
results for further work currently quick cluster is not so useful.
On 27/05/2015 17:46, Andy King wrote:
> Hello
> I have a PSPP technical queries please (I am using 0.8.4-g267362)?
> I am using the software t
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