With 360 cases consider the time that it already took you to search the internet, read, try.
Do it manually. It's ugly, against the engineers' honor :-(
But you have full control of the results.
And it's rapid.


On 16/01/2015 21:54, Benjamin Oppermann wrote:
This is basically a question about cleaning up my data:
I made a survey where for some of the questions, the answer could be any
number of keywords. The informant could be more or less specific to
their liking. This was intended to work like tags (they are
comma-separated), but we didn't consider that they would still end up in
the same column of the output.
This means, for example the values for "place of origin" could be as
precise as "Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany, Europe" or "Hannover,
Germany", or just "Hannover". All in the same variable!
I currently have this variable specified as a string in PSPP, which
means each represents a different value for PSPP.
I want to achieve an outcome where all these values would read the same,
i.e. the region, "Nidersachsen" in this example. Since my sample
includes ~360 cases, I'd like to find a way to do this automatically.
I might be able to do it in another program like a spreadsheet
application or GoogleRefine/OpenRefine, but maybe do you know a way to
recode this variable in PSPP? Any suggestions?

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