2018-04-07 Thread ftr public
Hi, I would like to adapt the output so that the count of the crosstabs shows integer values only. crosstabs voip05 by radTV05. OUTPUT MODIFY /SELECT TABLES /TABLECELLS SELECT = [COUNT] FORMAT voip05 radTV05 (F2.0). However, this reduces the trailing zeros in the value labels, but not in th

Re: Excel importing problems

2018-04-06 Thread ftr public
Hi Xerox, Did you solve the issue ? - ftr On 21/03/2018 17:31, ftr public wrote: Hi Xerox, With no other info about your installation I can't see an error.  Be sure that your spreadsheet file has the variable names in the first row. When importing you have to give the info via the

Re: NaN on linear regression with many categorical variables

2018-03-21 Thread ftr public
Hi, as you are a newbie first question: did you do standard multiple regression analysis with a continuous dependent and several continuous independent variables before so that you know what you get in the output window ? And how to understand it ? A first step is data cleaning. You should a

Re: Excel importing problems

2018-03-21 Thread ftr public
Hi Xerox, With no other info about your installation I can't see an error. Be sure that your spreadsheet file has the variable names in the first row. When importing you have to give the info via the menu that your data start in the second row and have to tick the options that the variable nam

Re: Can't import data to PSPP (Syntax error)

2018-03-18 Thread ftr public
There is no inline image. -ftr On 15/03/2018 23:10, Manuel Soares wrote: Still not working. Please see the prt sc os the error: Inline image *From:* ftr public *To:* pspp-users@gnu.org *Sent:* Wednesday, February 14

Assertion failed error

2018-02-20 Thread ftr public
Hi, I get the following error when demaning the execution of an EXAMINE command: MinGW Runtime assertion Assertion failed! Program: Program Files (...)psppire.exe File: src/math/chart-geometry.c, Line 65 Expression: high >= low Abandonner I Recommencer Ignorer So the program was ended "in an un

how to calculate the Mahalonobis distance values

2018-02-14 Thread ftr public
Hello, To find eventual multivariate outliers I have to calculate Mahalonobis distance values. SPSS provides this function in Regression, PSPP does not. Can I calculate it in PSPP ? TIA ftr ___ Pspp-users mailing list Pspp-users@gnu.org https://lis

Re: Can't import data to PSPP (Syntax error)

2018-02-14 Thread ftr public
Hello Manuel, As Ben says try to import through the GUI. Or maake a copy and paste from the manual and delete everything you don't need. In particular, you did not finish the line \FILE= with the delimiter ". Did you succeed in importing ? Regards ftr On 12/02/2018 22:28, Manuel Soares wr

Re: Pspp-users Digest, Vol 140, Issue 17/Sample Export Code

2018-01-30 Thread ftr public
Hi Allen, A first look into the Help can help you, as well as a copy of the error message PSPP generates for those on the list who answer. Did you replace the text {’TestCSVfile’} with the path and the name of the csv file ?  such as in /outfile= "c:\documents\datafile.csv" If you want to

Re: Importing Data

2018-01-27 Thread ftr public
Hi Tara, I guess you use the GUI. If you look into the manual and look how to import csv or ods files you avoid this error. Look for the GET DATA command: 9.4.3 Textual Data Files GET DATA /TYPE=TXT /FILE={’file_name’,file_handle} [ENCODING=’encoding’] [/ARRAN

Re: Can't install PSPP 1.0.1 on windows 7

2018-01-16 Thread ftr public
Hi Nadja, I have exactly the same configuration , and PSPP last version runs smoothly. So, I would install it a second time and manually change and rechange the installation path. Are you sure you see the system folders in Windows Explorer ? Regards, ftr On 16/01/2018 10:13, Nadja Baumgar

Box-cox transformation

2018-01-15 Thread ftr public
Sorry for the mangled page lay-out. I try again to make the macro readable. -ftr Hello, I did not find a function that produces a Box-Cox transformation in PSPP. On Raynald's SPSS macro pages a SPSS macro with syntax

Box-cox transformation

2018-01-15 Thread ftr public
Hello, I did not find a function that produces a Box-Cox transformation in PSPP. On Raynald's SPSS macro pages a SPSS macro with syntax has been published is published that does the job. * Box-Cox transformation f

Re: reading csv data set

2018-01-03 Thread ftr public
eems to be a really simple csv data set, and it didn't work, so I can only conclude this version of pspp isn't working, for the windows set up I have.  Again, I think it's windows 10, on a 64 bit laptop, and I downloaded pspp a couple of days ago from here https://sourceforge.n

Re: reading csv data set

2018-01-01 Thread ftr public
as expected." Can you please explain or give example? Thanks for your help. Gene -Original Message- From: ftr public mailto:public@free.fr>> To: someone mailto:maffyd...@aol.com>>; pspp-users mailto:us...@gnu.org>> Sent: Sat, Dec 30, 2017 4:09 pm Subject: R

Re: reading csv data set

2017-12-30 Thread ftr public
ed this get data   / type=txt   / file="C:\Users\Owner\Documents\icaap\data\testdata\PD_data_cia.csv"   / arrangement=delimited   / firstcase=2   / delimiters=",". now, only one error: .19: error: Syntax error at end of command: expecting '/'. Does that help? Thanks G

Re: reading csv data set

2017-12-30 Thread ftr public
Hi Gene, I also tried to import the csv data file and got into difficulties. How did you import the ods file ? Can you send the syntax ? What is funny is that the country data set has no case, i.e. country, names. Regards, ftr On 30/12/2017 01:00, someone wrote: Hi all I'm trying to read

Re: copy paste (Frank Thomas)

2017-11-23 Thread ftr public
19/11/2017 00:18, ftr public wrote: Aha ! I'ill try your test version. Hoping to have fun ;-) On 18/11/2017 17:12, Harry Thijssen wrote: This is a known MSWindows issue. Maybe it is solved in the near future as the test version on https://sourceforge.net/projects/pspp4windows/files/

Re: copy paste (Frank Thomas)

2017-11-18 Thread ftr public
work well for the copy.paste from.to <http://from.to> the sheet. Have fun Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2017 13:56:55 +010 From: Frank Thomas mailto:frank_tho...@orange.fr>> To: ftr public mailto:public@free.fr>> Cc: "pspp-users@gnu.org <mailto:pspp-users@

Re: copy paste

2017-11-15 Thread ftr public
How do other PSPP on windows users have the same difficulties on copying-pasting from the output window into the syntax window or into a another text treatment (in particular, Libreoffice 5.4)? -ftr On 15/11/2017 08:21, John Darrington wrote: On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 06:36:33PM +0100, ftr

copy paste

2017-11-14 Thread ftr public
Hi, I try to copy-paste from the output window into the syntax window but this does not work: In the output window I Select all, then Copy via the menu. And it seems that nothing is copied when I insert in the syntax window. This happens when I copy into the PSPP syntax window, into Notepad,

pspp4windows oddities

2017-08-29 Thread ftr public
Hi, Can anyone help to understand, please, the dates on the pspp4windows page. Today, 29 Aug 2017, it announces: Last update 14 hrs ago. When you look at the date stamp on the download button the PSPP file dates from 2017-07-30. What is the correct date information ? -ftr _


2017-08-29 Thread ftr public
Hi, I run PSPP 0.10.5-pre2g9a68ff under Windows 7 and when I click under the Help menu on About - Web site I get the error message Impossible d'afficher le lien. (Link can not be shown) The Help programme crashed: invalid argument. When I click under the Help menu on Reference manual I gete

histogram oddities

2017-08-06 Thread ftr public
Hi, I want to graph a simple frequency distribution of ta variable called soctrust from a national sample. I compare the histogram from a FREQUENCIES command with a diagramme from a GRAPH command. The variable can have integer values from 0 to 10. FREQUENCIES /VARIABLES= soctrust /FO

Re: Number of elements per case (0) is not between 1 and 134217727

2017-07-30 Thread ftr public
case the problem was really more with ReadStat, the software that wrote this file, but as I said I want PSPP to work with every file, not just ones that fit the format perfectly. On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 11:36:15AM +0200, ftr public wrote: Thank you, too. I understand that you think the problem is

Re: Number of elements per case (0) is not between 1 and 134217727

2017-07-24 Thread ftr public
, "ftr public" <mailto:public@free.fr>> wrote: Hello Be, Thank for offering your help. The original file is a cumulated multi-wave multi-country survey from the European Social Survey. It was so large (200 MB) that I downloaded a reduced version of

Re: Number of elements per case (0) is not between 1 and 134217727

2017-07-24 Thread ftr public
send a copy of the file that causes the problem? You can send it privately to me, if necessary, and I will not share it further. On Jul 22, 2017 9:44 PM, "ftr public" <mailto:public@free.fr>> wrote: Hi, I downloaded a spss sav file from the official site of the

Number of elements per case (0) is not between 1 and 134217727

2017-07-22 Thread ftr public
Hi, I downloaded a spss sav file from the official site of the European Social Survey and was not able to open it, getting the following error message: C:/... /ESS1-7e01.sav: Number of elements per case (0) is not between 1 and 134217727. The same message appeared in RKWard when using the R

Re: PSPP Regression with /noorigin

2017-05-14 Thread ftr public
I guess this runs under Linux only ? I work with Windows. - ftr On 13/05/2017 11:38, John Darrington wrote: I pushed it only within the last hour. So if you want to try it, you will need to check it out from the git repository and bootstrap it yourself. See https://savannah.gnu.org/git/?gro

latest version

2017-05-02 Thread ftr public
Hi, I look for the latest version for pspp for windows 64bit. When I go to sourceforge the latest update is of 2017-04-17. But the download file on the same webpage is marked 2016-09-27. How to understand that ? - ftr ___

missings in logistic regression

2017-04-21 Thread ftr public
Hi, I calculated a logistic regression based on poll data that show a large percentage of missing data. The initially summary shows - the missing sub-command set on default - included in the analysis8,196 missing cases7,253 Total15,449 To see whether the large part of missings ha

Re: Selecting cases using the "IF" Function

2017-01-19 Thread ftr public
You might find some guidelines here. Raynald web site is one of the most highly appreciated that exists. http://spsstools.net/pt/learning-syntax/ Regards, ftr On 18/01/2017 16:53, Aj Hollenbach wrote: Hi PSPP Users, I am transitioning from SPSS to PSPP and am having some troubles with case