
I calculated a logistic regression based on poll data that show a large percentage of missing data.

The initially summary shows - the missing sub-command set on default -

included in the analysis    8,196
missing cases    7,253
Total    15,449

To see whether the large part of missings has any effect on the result I excluded missings by counting all missing values in the list of dependent and independent variables and then filtered for no missings. In addition I set the missing sub-command on exclude.

count ka =   list of independent variables  (missing values).
sel if ka = 0.
LOGISTIC REGRESSION dependent WITH   independent
    /CATEGORICAL =     ...
    /CRITERIA = CUT(0.5) ITERATE(20)
    /miss exclude.

To my surprise, the number of missings did not drop to 0 .

The summary now shows

included in the analysis    8,196
missing cases    4,200
Total    12,396

How can I achieve to get the missings excluded so that included total ?

- ftr

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