
I imported the ods data file with the following syntax:

/FILE="(file path)\pd_data_cia.ods"

and it worked.

I also imported the csv file into Libreoffice Calc to see the data. When using the comma as a field delimiter I realised that the function of integrating several field delimiter into a single one made that the imported data and the column headers did not fit : there were too few data columns. Only when you stop the last functionality the importation went as expected.

Thanks for the idea of a direct importation of ods files into PSPP of which I was unaware.

- ftr

On 30/12/2017 18:49, someone wrote:

Thanks for the response. I imported the ods file through the gui interface. That is,
import data
went to my directory, clicked on the ods data set
got the screen importing spreadsheet data

I did notice that, when I read the ods file, pspp, in the output viewer, showed this

get data
 /sheet=index 1
 /cellrange=range "a1:al236".

So to try to read the csv file, I tried this

get data
  / type=txt
  / file="C:\Users\Owner\Documents\icaap\data\testdata\PD_data_cia.csv"
  / arrangement=delimited
  / firstcase=2
  / delimiters=",".

now, only one error:
.19: error: Syntax error at end of command: expecting '/'.

Does that help?



-----Original Message-----
From: ftr public <public....@free.fr>
To: pspp-users <pspp-users@gnu.org>
Sent: Sat, Dec 30, 2017 10:05 am
Subject: Re: reading csv data set

Hi Gene,
I also tried to import the csv data file and got into difficulties.
How did you import the ods file ? Can you send the syntax ?
What is funny is that the country data set has no case, i.e. country, names.

On 30/12/2017 01:00, someone wrote:

    Hi all

    I'm trying to read in a data set, in csv. I also have xls and ods
    versions, all here

    All the files I'm looking at are versions of the pd_data_cia data set.

    I -have- imported the ods version, but when I try to import the
    csv version, I just get blank. I go to file, import data, go to my
    directory, and all the files are listed. I click on
    pd_data_cia.cvs, and then on the upper left of the screen, where
    it says select file to import, I cannot select any of the options.

    I am using pspp version 1.0.1-g818227, downloaded a couple of days
    ago from here
    I'm on windows, 64 bit operating system, I think windows 10.

    I also tried using the command line, and, well, not doing it
    right, perhaps someone can help? These are the lines I tried

    get data
      / type=txt
      / arrangement=delimited
      / firstcase=2
      / delimiters=","


    Gene Shackman

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