Jim Seymour wrote:
Hi All,
I'm working on a new release even now. More information to
follow in a day or two.
That is great news - looking forward to your next release. It's a useful
tool indeed.
businesses, and at my fortune 100 employer, where 4 postfix servers are
pointed to the policy server.
Needless to say, I'm happy with it.
hpux, solaris,
slackware, redhat, fedora, SuSE, debian, ubuntu and others - as someone
just pointed out, having some knowledge of the platform you're running
postfix on is rather important.
I currently run a number of production mail servers on ubuntu LTS and
have never seen any of the problems you're struggling with.
Phil Howard wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 15:11, Joe wrote:
>> I currently run a number of production mail servers on ubuntu LTS and
>> have never seen any of the problems you're struggling with.
> Are you using the packaged version o
hop, and for my consulting, I work with ubuntu server for the
most part. I'm comfortable with ubuntu, and I make deb packages of the
latest and greatest postfix. Again, I can tell you that postfix runs
beautifully on ubuntu server.
Just try pick a distro you know and are comfortable with, and go with
it. Regardless, postfix is postfix.
On 07/15/2010 12:29 PM, Steve wrote:
Or GROSS (the only greylisting application that I know working with a bloom
filter (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom_filter)).
Thanks for the link, what I see there is very interesting - I'll check
this out...
tected the shortage in space in / (which includes /var but
> not /var/mail) as a problem?
Where is /var/spool/postfix?
This is a question of basic familiarity with your operating system. If
you would be so kind as to tell us what release of what operating system
you're running, someone will be able to tell you off the top of their
head how to find the logs.
On 09/25/2010 11:09 AM, Shane Dittmar wrote:
comfortable in a unix command line environment, I make sure they have
webmin access. Webmin doesn't interfere with my manual edits, and my
manual edits don't interfere with webmin.
Webmin is useful not only for postfix, but also for ip tables, dns, dhcp
and other facilities.
in the log files.
On 10/03/2010 01:11 AM, Eugene V. Boontseff wrote:
On 03.10.2010 03:06, jason hirsh wrote:
the change to the rc.conf doesn't apparently take effect until you
reboot.. there might be another way but i am a bit of a newbie
man hostname
On Oct 2, 2010, at 4:42 PM, j
x sendmail.
Hmm!! No mail is getting delievered.
What did I forget?
Gosh, it could be just about anything. How about some log entries, and
postconf output, per the troubleshooting guidelines?
is postscreen. I look forward
to it's inclusion in a stable release.
ity of split dns. I even use dns
views on my home dns servers.
Just a thought - assuming that usage of dnsmasq etc is not carved in stone.
good results.
on it has not been
a bottleneck at all. You might want to give it a try.
On 02/01/2011 03:39 PM, Simon wrote:
We are using postfix with debian lenny...
We are receiving what appears to be backscatter from spam that is
using a valid address in the Return Path. I have included an example
used on our servers:
smtpd_data_restrictions =
check_sender_access btree:/etc/postfix/backscatterer,
On 02/02/2011 12:05 PM, Joe wrote:
On 02/02/2011 10:28 AM, Steve Jenkins wrote:
After watching the recent thread about filtering restrictions, it's
got me curious as to whether mine are optimal. I've recently added
support for backscatterer checking in my restrictions, and I mo
ce 2003 or
so, you'd be doing yourself a big favor to bring your postfix up to date.
On 02/03/2011 03:51 PM, Jeroen Geilman wrote:
On 2/3/11 8:31 PM, Joe wrote:
On 02/03/2011 11:24 AM, James R. Marcus wrote:
I have been reading about prioritizing mail in Postfix on this
list. It seems that the answer is, there is a shared queue and
mail is not prioritized. I want to
ad idea to install a more
recent package than what they ship with.
On 02/04/2011 03:13 PM, mouss wrote:
Le 04/02/2011 20:42, Joe a écrit :
I always try to work with the package management system to keep things
sane and manageable if possible. postfix-2.7 and 2.8 rpms and srpms are
available for centos from several sources. It's pretty easy to replac
box as chrooted postfix servers.
t the messenger - he pointed out, in good faith, an obvious
If you're overfly defensive people may be reluctant to help you.
so you won't see any spamassassin processes running.
> Nope, not internal. Why does that matter?
Probably because most domains have a size limit far below that figure.
You might allow messages of that size to be sent, but they will most
often be rejected by the receiving end.
d ubuntu, which have been
trouble-free for me. Having said that, I do agree that FreeBSD is a
solid, dependable, scalable OS for any server task, and I'd have no
qualms about running postfix on it.
Mark Johnson wrote:
I wonder which DKIM should I use for Postfix? Any suggestion?
I found this:
I've been using dkim-milter - it's a sendmail milter but works fine with
postfix -
ers and while they
all have their strong points I prefer debian or ubuntu LTS for server
deployments if at all possible. Package management is a snap, everything
just works.
BTW ubuntu 8.04 is the most recent LTS release, 10.04 next spring will
be the next.
If you're happy with debian then there's no point - but let's turn the
question around: Convince me why I should switch from ubuntu to debian.
Let's see what arguments you have.
Udo Rader wrote:
> Brian Mathis wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Joe wrote:
>>> Stan Hoeppner wrote:
>>>> I've been a
>>>> Debian (non-GUI) user for almost 10 years. I've never touched Ubuntu,
>>>> or any other distro.
e. The question is, how paranoid do you need to be, and how far are
you willing to go to lock things down?
f not thousands of times faster than remote domains wish to
accept it. Postfix will not be the bottleneck here, I think.
a big impact when
you're sending messages at a high rate.
On 03/23/2011 05:22 PM, Steve Jenkins wrote:
On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 5:09 PM, Joe wrote:
IMNSHO it's standard practice to run a dns server on the MX host. If you
don't want a full blown bind server, at least run some sort of caching dns
server; the difference in the lookup times
ges including source rpms you can rebuild.
uses RHEL or Centos soon turns to the well known 3rd
party repos which offer handy items like postfix-2.8 rpms. The point is,
for any major linux distro, there are a number of easy-peasy ways to run
a very up-to-date version of postfix.
postconf canonical_maps
postconf default_database_type
Thanks for your input -
support organization charges
by the server, so postmulti seems to be the best option.
Install the missing dev packages - mysql-devel, pcre-devel etc which
will provide the missing headers.
On 07/10/2012 10:36 AM, Feel Zhou wrote:
Thanks for Brian's answer*
1 I add the missed,such as
[root@mail postfix-2.9.3]# make -f Makefile.init makefiles
on of same with various other email
related components in one convenient interface.
Fairly current postfix packages for RHEL are available from several
sources - we've been using postfix 2.8.8 on RHEL 6 here.
+1 for mailgraph and queuegraph!
On 07/17/2013 05:23 AM, José Luís Faria wrote:
I'm using
Em 17-07-2013 13:14, Roman Gelfand escreveu:
Is there open source web based postfix server monitoring software?
I am looking to see if there is somethi
What values does postconf show for the following parameters?
sean darcy wrote:
sean darcy wrote:
J Sloan wrote:
Sounds like fedora's missing a ca-bundle.crt...
sean darcy wrote:
I followed the instructions on
Does anyone know how to configure Postfix to only allow outgoing email
to a set list of email addresses? I would like to have anything going
out to an unlisted address to go to a local mailbox.
nt on there is spam (at times,
over %90), but certain campaigns will have our customers sifting through
those mountains of spam for accountability purposes, etc.
On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 3:34 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:
> Joe Postfix:
> > Does anyone know if postfix supports a feature
y, in /var/log/mail.log would be
helpful -
Tashfeen Ekram wrote:
I installed it with apt-get install postfix and then choose "Internet Site" during the configuration.
i have configured rails to use smtp.
config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
specific questions, the folks here are more than willing to provide answers.
So, the best advice I can give you for now is to obtain and read "The
Book of Postfix" by Ralph Hildebrandt et al, published by no starch
press and available at amazon.com and other outlets.
Hi, we're trying to setup our Postfix relays to BCC emails to/from specific
users (members of an LDAP group - A/D actually) to a mailbox that logs their
correspondence. I wasnt able to find any mention of this in the online
documentation anywhere - does anyone know of a way to implement something
BTW this link for LDAP lookups works better for me:
On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 3:53 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:
> Joe Postfix:
> > Hi, we're trying to setup our Postfix relays to BCC emails to/from
> specific
> > users (m
I am looking for a way to configure a 2nd postfix instance for
handle mail bounce only. Is it possible?
- Joe
I am looking for a way to configure a 2nd postfix instance for handle
mail bounce only. Is it possible?
- Joe
nce' postfix instance. Any thought?
- Joe
On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 9:56 PM, Ralf Hildebrandt
> * Joe Wong :
>> Hello,
>> I am looking for a way to configure a 2nd postfix instance for
>> handle mail bounce only. Is it possible?
> 2nd instance on th
typo in my last email, it has nothing to do with the
On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 10:00 PM, Joe Wong wrote:
> Yes, on the same machine.
> The reason I want to do this is I have sender_dependent_relay_host map
> defined, it didn't work with
but I want to preserve "<>" as envelope sender for bounce message, doable?
On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 10:06 PM, Ralf Hildebrandt
> * Joe Wong :
>> Yes, on the same machine.
>> The reason I want to do this is I have sender_dependent_relay_host map
For some good reason, I want to have a way to bounce all message in deferred
queue. Is there a command(s) to do so?
many thanks,
- joe
I am looking to into configure postfix with the captioned feature, does
anyone has a pointer for me to follow?
many thanks,
- joe
Hi Noel,
Thanks for the info. According to the doc, it only works if the mail is
submitted via SMTP, does it have similar option if the mail is injected to
the queue by sendmail interface?
- Joe
On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 11:06 PM, Noel Jones wrote:
> On 8/5/2010 5:10 AM, Joe Wong wrote:
there is reason I can't change the message submission via SMTP. In this
case, do you have any suggestion? I am thinking of using Milter, does it
work with sendmail interface?
- Joe
On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 11:01 PM, Noel Jones wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 11:06 PM, Noel Jones
or disable the reverse DNS lookup so that is always 'unknown' ?
Best regards,
- Joe
Thanks Viktor. I miss this one when reading the man page.. :)
On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 12:42 AM, Victor Duchovni <
victor.ducho...@morganstanley.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 05, 2010 at 12:25:21AM +0800, Joe Wong wrote:
> > is there a way to tell postfi
I would like to know if there is possible to configure postfix not to
bounce a message if it contain certain header in the message? I tried adding
-o header_checks option to the bounce process in master.cf, does not seems
picking up my header check pcre config.
- joe
Hi if that header only presents in the original message but no the BOUNCE
message itself, should be ok? But in this case I am checking that header in
the BOUNCE MESSAGE mail body?
- Joe
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Ralf Hildebrandt <
ralf.hildebra...@charite.de> wrote:
> *
shortly, I don't want to bounce the message if it was tagged as spam by
SpamAssassian. So, I was looking for a way not to bounce if X-SPAM-Flag: yes
in found in the message. any thought?
- Joe
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 8:33 PM, /dev/rob0 wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 04
near Los Angeles, along with
postfix rbls, sanity checks and policyd.
The Doctor wrote:
On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 01:53:29PM -0700, Joe Sloan wrote:
The Doctor wrote:
What is the best internediary for
tnef and
Blacklisting phishers
I like maia mailguard - http://maiamailguard.com/maia/wiki
It's based on amavis
not a function of postfix, but of the OS - what OS are you
running exactly?
ger.net 25
Connected to tigger.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mail.tigger.net ESMTP Postfix
221 Bye
Connection closed by foreign host.
I found that if the mail relay defined in sender dependent transport map
is temporary unreachable during first mail delivery attempt, the 2nd mail
delivery is using relayhost setting defined in main.cf. Is this expected?
- Joe
Hi Jeroen,
Sorry, I meant this setting
when the delivery failed in the first attempt, the mail is sent through the
host defined
in main.cf
in the second time.
- Joe
On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 5:50 PM, Jeroen Geilman wrote:
> On 05/28/2011 11:45
is it possible to configure postfix not to send email with recipient
domains to certain MX host?
- Joe
I tried, it works but not the way I would like to implement. Say sender
sent a email to 3 recipients, one of them hit the rule. What I want is
sender will not get any bounce but the offending recipient will simply
dropped, while the other 2 will still get the email. Is this possible?
- Joe
Say my MTA has multiple IP addresses on it. Is there a way to
configure Postfix (outbound) to use IP 1 when matching condition A and
IP2 if matching condition B and IP3 and none of the conditions are
- joe
Thanks for the reference. How could this be used with some condition?
I am looking for binding sender domain A with IP 1 and domain B go
through IP 2, go to IP3 otherwise.
- Joe
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 8:00 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:
> Reindl Harald:
>> Am 07.02.2012 09:53, schrieb
t; Am 07.02.2012 15:19, schrieb Joe Wong:
>> Thanks for the reference. How could this be used with some condition?
>> I am looking for binding sender domain A with IP 1 and domain B go
>> through IP 2, go to IP3 otherwise.
>> - Joe
>> On Tue, Feb 7, 201
I read the details of the multiple instance support but it's not clear
to me how I can use it to achieve my goal. Do anyone have similar
setup and share your configuration here?
Many Thanks,
- Joe
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 11:01 PM, Joe Wong wrote:
> Thanks Reindl.
> On Tue, Feb
multiple instance support, I am not sure how
this will work with my setup. Appreciated your opinion here.
Best regards,
- Joe
On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 1:43 AM, Andrew Beverley wrote:
> On Wed, 2012-02-08 at 16:46 +0800, Joe Wong wrote:
>> I read the details of the multiple instance su
Hello Noel,
The IP I mentioned was not the remote IP, but the IP address in the
oubound MTA machine.
- Joe
On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Noel Jones wrote:
> On 2/8/2012 7:21 PM, Joe Wong wrote:
>> Hello Andy,
>> Sorry I should state the details initially. I am hos
On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Noel Jones wrote:
> On 2/8/2012 9:24 PM, Joe Wong wrote:
>> Hello Noel,
>> The IP I mentioned was not the remote IP, but the IP address in the
>> oubound MTA machine.
>> - Joe
Sent from my iPad
On 26 Mar, 2012, at 4:29, Patrick Ben Koetter wrote:
> * KingT :
>> I have just read SMTP Authentication and known have much type of it. Such as
>> mail Submission, Extended SMTP, SASL.
>> And I want to setup an SMTP AUTH on my mail server. Which type I should
>> choose
error for name=nosuchdomain.com type=A: Host not found)
- Joe
On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 12:53 AM, Jan P. Kessler wrote:
> Am 23.05.2013 18:24, schrieb Joe Wong:
> > Is there a config to tell posfix , to retry a email under A: host not
> > found condition?
> >
> > May 23 15:59:22 mysmtp postfix/smtp[7507]: 92B8BCC3DE:
> > to
On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 1:03 AM, Joe Wong wrote:
> On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 12:53 AM, Jan P. Kessler
> wrote:
>> Am 23.05.2013 18:24, schrieb Joe Wong:
>> > Is there a config to tell posfix , to retry a email under A: host not
>> > found condition?
Sent from my iPad
On 24 May, 2013, at 1:27, wie...@porcupine.org (Wietse Venema) wrote:
> Joe Wong:
>>> Afaik this is the default behaviour. Postfix retries until
>>> queue_lifetime is exceeded.
>>> Are you experiencing something else? Can you show t
) (in reply to MAIL FROM command))
And then the account that I’ve sent the message from gets the bounced messages.
I must be missing something, because it seems like this should be really
simple. Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance for any pointers!
-Joe Rhodes
Description: S/MIME
Thank you.
I feel like such an idiot! Let’s not talk about how many hours this one has
eluded me.
On Apr 30, 2014, at 8:43 PM, Sahil Tandon wrote:
> On Wed, 2014-04-30 at 20:29:50 -0400, Joe Rhodes wrote:
>> I can receive mail for u...@cgdgoalies.com and u...@chdcentre.com jus
ader = yes
smtpd_tls_security_level = may
smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${data_directory}/smtpd_scache
tls_random_source = dev:/dev/urandom
Joe Shamblinw...@cs.duke.edu
Senior IT Analyst Department of Computer Science
On May 27, 2014, at 2:38 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:
> Joe Shamblin:
>> I am experiencing an issue where hosts that do not have reverse
>> DNS see an extended delay (45-60 seconds for ssl or non-ssl
>> connections) before they get the initial 220 greeting. Hosts that
in real time and autoban via
iptables any ip that had failed logins? You could whitelist your own ip
range so they never get bannned regardless.
Joe Laffey
The Stable
Visual Effects
On Sun, 8 Jun 2014, li...@rhsoft.net wrote:
Am 08.06.2014 17:18, schrieb Joe Laffey:
On Sun, 8 Jun 2014, Kai Krakow wrote:
Noel Jones schrieb:
But I want to (automatically) block the suspicious networks and not first
block all then whitelist the known-good.
Not sure I completely
n-standard sshd ports I have been
using for well over 15 years. But this is a topic for another mailing
Joe Laffey
The Stable
Visual Effects
Wietse Venema wrote:
If you want to control access with MySQL, try http://www.policy.org/
I think Wietse meant http://www.policyd.org/
atform" when it's redhat only.
What about debian?
what about ubuntu?
what about suse?
This doesn't even cover the main linux distros. What about freebsd,
darwin or solaris?
eb-based spam management interface. We also supplement spamassassin and
clamav with some extra rule sets which enhance effectiveness.
We've looked at some commercial solutions which cost $100k and more,
with no clear cut advantage over our free software based solution.
, the legal woes of the reiserfs creator have put the future of
the filesystem in doubt. The future seems to be btrfs. ext4 might be a
good stepping stone along the way, when it's ready, but if I had to pick
a filesystem to deploy today, it would be reiserfs - xfs could get some
consideration as well, but we just really don't want the performance hit
that comes with ext3.
l, has performed flawlessly in our data center, running with
lots of disk I/O on a 24/7 basis. We have had power outages, but have
never lost a single bit on reiserfs
Mar 31 00:06:07 master postfix/postfix-script[11541]: fatal: Postfix
integrity check failed!
The queue directories already exist. The message is shown when
post-install fails.
Any thoughts, please?
I am also attaching my local working version of post-install.
--- post-install.original
ll from
I had to comment out these 3 lines to get it to work.
With this change to lines 209-211, the script works fine.
+# IFS="
+# "
It looks like the sub-shel
quot;" in
> IFS=""
> [
> That is:
> IFS="
> "
> ]
Thanks, That is exactly what happened. My editor settings remove
trailing spaces or tabs. The post-install from
3.1-20150330 worked fine without any issues.
Thanks again,
Description: Digital signature
Hi fair folks. After years of using OS X servers I'm back on FreeBSD and
well... owls have sure aged since then.
So I'm trying to do a virtual domain+virtual users setup with Dovecot where
I'd have several virtual domains and several users. Each user is supposed to
be authenticated via the simple
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