Can you explain how this feature could be enabled?
One of our the services we offer our customers allows them to create as many
domains as they like (on various DNS's), and we have a catchall mailbox that
grabs any emails sent to those domains.

Of course you are correct most of the content on there is spam (at times,
over %90), but certain campaigns will have our customers sifting through
those mountains of spam for accountability purposes, etc.

On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 3:34 PM, Wietse Venema <> wrote:

> Joe Postfix:
> > Does anyone know if postfix supports a feature equivalent to
> > relay_based_on_MX in sendmail?
> Yes.
> However such features must not be used because they accept mail
> for non-existent recipients, and therefore 1) they fill the Postfix
> queue with non-deliverable MAILER-DAEMON messages, and 2) the
> MAILER-DAEMON messages that can be delivered will bother innocent
> people about mail that they did not send.
>        Wietse

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