I'm interested to understund how git support work in Pharo.
i download and unzip Pharo 6.0 from
Now when i open the application on the desktop the system open a dialog
with : Pharo 6.0 it closed unexpectedly.
> so perhaps that could be related.
It could be ?? !
> cheers -ben
> On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 11:08 PM, Trussardi Dario Romano
> wrote:
> Ciao,
> I'm interested to understund how git support
i work with Pharo 4.0 and with the relative System Browser.
My goal is to define a group where i add all definition:
Package ( CMD n-e-p )
Class ( CMD n-e-c )
Protocol ( CMD n--e-t ? )
Method ( CMD n-e-m
> Ciao,
> i load correctly the Gettext support into: Pharo 6.1-64 Latest
> update: #60510
> In the image was load the Seaside 3.2
> Now i do:
> (ConfigurationOfSeaside3 project version: #stable )
> load: #( 'Seaside-Gettext-Core' 'Seaside-Gettext-Exam
Excuse me..
it's for Seaside problematic and relative mails ...
> Ciao,
>> Ciao,
>> i load correctly the Gettext support into: Pharo 6.1-64 Latest
>> update: #60510
>> In the image was load the Seaside 3.2
>> Now i do
i have a Pharo 4.0 image run on macbook with time zone is set to Rome
+1 UTC .
When i send the translateToUTC to Date instance it is ok:
Date today > 2017-11-16T00:00:00+01:00
Date today translateToUTC >
i have aPharo5.0Latest update: #50763 image
run on MacBook Pro with OS X 10.7.5.
When i load the GitFileTree support the environment
go in loop and i need to shut it.
aro and reopen the image.
> Hi Dario,
> can you tell a bit more about what is happening exactly?
> Thierry
> 2016-11-29 10:57 GMT+01:00 Trussardi Dario Romano
> :
> Ciao,
> i have a
> 2016-11-29 11:55 GMT+01:00 Trussardi Dario Romano
> :
> Ciao,
> If i started the Pharo 5.0 image from the desktop icon all
> works fine.
Do you note this difference?!
> B
after load the GitFileTree on Pharo 5.0 ( I use the desktop Pharo image
when in Monticello Browser i add a new repository based on
after select a directory (on the local disk ) the system answer:
PrimitiveFailed: primitive #loadSymbol:module:
> Hi Dario,
> 2016-11-29 14:00 GMT+01:00 Trussardi Dario Romano
> :
>> 2016-11-29 11:55 GMT+01:00 Trussardi Dario Romano
>> :
>> Ciao,
>> If i
01:00 Trussardi Dario Romano
> :
> Ciao,
>> Hi Dario,
>> 2016-11-29 14:00 GMT+01:00 Trussardi Dario Romano
>> :
>>> 2016-11-29 11:55 GMT+01:00 Trussardi Dario Romano
>>> :
>>> Ciao,
> Pharo is unable to access a library it needs; this is the native boost plugin
> which is normally bundled with it (and the cairo lib?)...
> Guys, anybody with a mac around there?
> Thierry
thanks Dimitris.
> Nativeboost has been removed and been replaced by UFFI, all
P.S. What do you think about my email with same object dated: 29
novembre 2016 11:55:02 GMT+01:00
It may be source of problems?
> cheers,
> Esteban
>> On 5 Dec 2016, at 17:34, Trussardi Dario Romano
>> wrote:
t;>> if everything works proceed and install one thing, only, then test it,
>>>> then install the next one etc.
>>>> Moving step by step will help us pin point your problem
>>>> I suspect maybe something went crazy , i
to time in pharo,
> recently I had a nasty corruption with Pharo 6. If it happens once, its ok ,
> if it happens frequently its a problem.
> On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 6:35 PM Trussardi Dario Romano
> wrote:
> Ciao,
>> Pharo is unable to access a library it n
is very problematic because with the upgrade the system can't restart,
and consequently I should reformat the disk.
This is no time for such risk.
> Andrew Glynn
> From: Pharo-users on behalf of
> Trussardi Dar
Thanks Dimitris,
> On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 8:46 PM Dimitris Chloupis
> wrote:
> because you run a very old macos version it may be possible that because
> Cairo lib has been compiled for more recent macos that this is the source of
> your problems.
> Try the following commands from ins
after upload an image ( with MAFileDescription support )
i need to create the relative logo image with specific size 128 x 128
How i can scale the image into Pharo?
And for deployment system based on Gemstone ?
age on the disk.
> On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 6:02 PM Trussardi Dario Romano
> wrote:
> Ciao,
> after upload an image ( with MAFileDescription support )
> i need to create the relative logo image with specific size 128 x 128
> px.
i works with Pharo 4.0 environment.
I have a class Product with some instance variable and the =
method set to:
= anItem
anItem ifNil:[^false].
anItem class = self class ifFalse:[ ^false].
^ rfrConsegna = an
ll the items in the bag ( it's right )
In the right the inspector display the relative Occurences,but some are
set to 0.
Because ?
Thanks for considerations,
> 2017-02-20 13:46 GMT+01:00 Trussardi Dario Romano
> :
> Ciao,
i have a class with some instance variable.
For example a class Product with some instance variable and the
= method set to:
= anItem
anItem ifNil:[^false].
anItem class = self class ifFalse:[ ^false].
^ rf
i download the last Pharo 70 image ( on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS system )
with the commannd: wget -O- |
When i launch the relative ./pharo-ui
after the opening the Pharo window
the Pharo sy
in the Pharo 4.0 image i have a IdentityDictionary with ten items.
Now when i reset the dictionary the system behaves as follows:
Version A) resetAllLocks
locks keysAndValuesDo:[:k :v | locks removeKey:
k ifAbsent: [self ha
on Ubuntu system with Pharo Launcher 1.3
after create a new Pharo 7.0-64 bit ( development version )
when i launch the images the system answer :
Cannot determine image version: image version file not found!
Try to run this command in a shell to get more informatio
e run the given command from
> the command line to give us more information on what is the problem.
> Regards,
> Christophe
>> Le 26 sept. 2018 à 12:05, Trussardi Dario Romano
>> a écrit :
>> Ciao
I would be interested in understanding how I can document the code
directly in pharo.
Can someone give me some reference - link about it?
Thank you,
i work with Pharo 7.0.0 build 34.
in the past, into another pharo environment, i have clone the git
Seaside project ( master 9566cb4 )
Now in the new image for import the Seaside project,
i do the Iceberg command: Import from existing clone
i have a Pharo 7.0 alpha build 1262.
I development a Seaside application.
The size of the image keeps increasing, without an apparent reason.
Starting from 94 MB, now after rebooting and save the image the
relative size is 252 MB.
How can I under
> Hilaire
> Le 16/02/2019 à 13:18, Trussardi Dario Romano a écrit :
>> Starting from 94 MB, now after rebooting and save the image the
>> relative size is 252 MB.
>> How can I understand what is happening?
> --
> Dr. Geo
i have a Pharo 7.0 alpha build 1262.
I development a Seaside application.
> May be you have a lot of still open Seaside session, which if I remember
> correctly are automatically shutdown after 10 min when not active.
> Looking at Seaside session instan
I thought that using Transcript as a report to analyze the operation of
the code was a good thing - solution.
Unfortunately, however, the size of the image continues to increase (
and I think it's due to the use of the transcript )
and i can not find the
this morning i started with an image of about 240 MB.
I have 3 System Browser open ( for a long time ).
I close all the System Browser and save the image.
The image size after the save is about 131 MB.
The new SpaceTally printSpaceAnalysis
this morning i started with an image of about 240 MB.
I have 3 System Browser open ( for a long time ).
I close all the System Browser and save the image.
The image size after the save is about 131 MB.
The new SpaceTally printSpaceAnalysis
it be that the retry creates, has created problems?
> That being said, we do have an issue with the WriteStream held by the stream
> instance variable inside ThreadSafeTranscript. It is being reset from time to
> time and when #clear
36 matches
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