
> Pharo is unable to access a library it needs; this is the native boost plugin 
> which is normally bundled with it (and the cairo lib?)...
> Guys, anybody with a mac around there?
> Thierry

        thanks Dimitris.

> Nativeboost has been removed and been replaced by UFFI, all libraries that 
> used Nativeboost are now using UFFI including the Cairo backend library for 
> Athens.

        OK,             but what i need to do for load UFFI Cairo library

        and for load  the UFFI  library  required by    GitFileTree Pharo 

        I wrong to install Pharo 5.0 on my MacBookPro with OS X  10.7.5. ?

        If right remember i install Pharo 5.0 from   link


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