Ciao, after load the GitFileTree on Pharo 5.0 ( I use the desktop Pharo image )
when in Monticello Browser i add a new repository based on gitfiletree:// after select a directory (on the local disk ) the system answer: PrimitiveFailed: primitive #loadSymbol:module: in ExternalAddress class failed The relative variable are: loadSymbol: 'environ' module: libc.dylib The stack is: ExternalAddress class>>loadSymbol:module: ExternalAddress class>>loadSymbol:from: UnixEnvironment>>environ UnixEnvironment>>environAt: [ associationString := self environAt: index. associationString ifNil: [ ^ self ]. self keysAndValuesDo: aBlock withAssociationString: associationString. index := index + 1 ] in UnixEnvironment>>keysAndValuesDo: in Block: [ associationString := self environAt: index.... BlockClosure>>repeat UnixEnvironment>>keysAndValuesDo: UnixEnvironment(OSEnvironment)>>asDictionary OSSUnixSubprocess>>defaultEnvVariablesDictionary OSSUnixSubprocess>>addAllEnvVariablesFromParentWithoutOverride OSSUnixSubprocess>>buildPrimitiveEnvArgument OSSUnixSubprocess>>internalRun [ self internalRun ] in OSSUnixSubprocess>>run in Block: [ self internalRun ] BlockClosure>>ensure: OSSUnixSubprocess>>run OSSUnixSubprocess>>runAndWaitPollingEvery:retrievingStreams:onExitDo: MCFileTreeGitRepository class>>runOSSubprocessGitCommand:in: [ :bar | bar label: self gitCommand , ' ' , anArrayOfStrings first. Smalltalk platform isWin32 ifTrue: [ ^ self runProcessWrapperGitCommand: anArrayOfStrings in: aDirectory ] ifFalse: [ ((Smalltalk at: #OSSUnixSubprocess ifAbsent: [ ]) ifNil: [ false ] ifNotNil: [ :g | g isClass ]) ifTrue: [ ^ self runOSSubprocessGitCommand: anArrayOfStrings in: aDirectory ] ifFalse: [ ^ self runOSProcessGitCommand: anArrayOfStrings in: aDirectory ] ] ] in MCFileTreeGitRepository class>>runGitCommand:in: in Block: [ :bar | ... [ :bar | aBlock value: bar ] in MorphicUIManager>>informUserDuring: in Block: [ :bar | aBlock value: bar ] BlockClosure>>cull: [ ^ block cull: self ] in [ self prepareForRunning. CurrentJob value: self during: [ ^ block cull: self ] ] in Job>>run in Block: [ ^ block cull: self ] [ p psValueAt: index put: anObject. aBlock value ] in CurrentJob(DynamicVariable)>>value:during: in Block: [ p psValueAt: index put: anObject.... BlockClosure>>ensure: CurrentJob(DynamicVariable)>>value:during: CurrentJob class(DynamicVariable class)>>value:during: [ self prepareForRunning. CurrentJob value: self during: [ ^ block cull: self ] ] in Job>>run in Block: [ self prepareForRunning.... BlockClosure>>ensure: Job>>run MorphicUIManager(UIManager)>>displayProgress:from:to:during: MorphicUIManager>>informUserDuring Considerations ? Thanks, Dario