Re: [Pharo-users] NewWave - WorkflowEngine

2019-04-19 Thread Smalltalk
Hi Sebastijan, Excellent work !!! I have something similar (a BPM engine) but developed with GemStone Smalltalk: Code: Documentation: It can be ported to Pharo, from the top of

Re: [Pharo-users] A4BP and BpmFlow

2019-04-21 Thread Smalltalk
I also thing we need to do it « a la smalltalk » and consider workflow split over multiples images. Does A4BP or BPM flow manage that ? What exactly do you want to split over multiple images ? It can be only applied to parallel tasks. 1) The execution of the workflow ? Task1 executed by VM1

Re: [Pharo-users] A4BP and BpmFlow

2019-04-21 Thread Smalltalk
Norbert, yes, I’m interested, too, in how we can get a workflow engine and a simple reification of a workflow model that can be used in a lot of scenarios. Can list some scenarios to tell you if BpmFlow can do it ? BpmFlow can be integrated to regular Business Applications to add workflow ca

Re: [Pharo-users] Code of Conduct

2019-09-18 Thread Smalltalk
I do not agree to have a code of conduct. In my 20 years in the various Smalltalk communities i never saw any harassment or whatever (quite the opposite). Self organization is much better, if someone "misbehave" it will be ignored by those who think that action was "misbehavio

Re: [Pharo-users] Workflows and possible usages

2019-09-30 Thread Smalltalk
Hi, /"There was a gemstone workflow engine - it’s not ported, it looked interesting but used a Windows bpml tool and again wasn’t sure if it wanted to own the world, and porting it would be more than I wanted to do." /I think you are talking about BpmFlow (

Re: [Pharo-users] voyage mongo and transactionality

2019-10-10 Thread Smalltalk
I have used OmniBase extensively long ago with Dolphin  Smalltalk (the Dolphin repository can be read & writen by Visual  Works too). Even the Dolphin repository can be under Windows and Linux (using Samba). You can distribute instances ODBContainer through a LAN. OmniBase use "mul

Re: [Pharo-users] Getting rid of .sources file for deployment

2020-09-03 Thread Smalltalk
> On Sep 3, 2020, at 9:49 AM, Trygve Reenskaug wrote: > > The .sources file has been optional for as long as I can remember. > Is it OK for list that somebody breaks this tradition? > Trygve Hi Trygve, I’m not sure what you mean by this question. Are you asking, “Is it acceptable to have

[Pharo-users] Re: Standalone html builder (a la seaside without seaside?)

2020-09-28 Thread Smalltalk
Hi Tim, To build HTML I use the HtmlElement in . James > On Sep 28, 2020, at 10:28 AM, Tim Mackinnon wrote: > > Hi - has anyone ever managed to extract the html builder out of seaside - or > written something equivalent? >

[Pharo-users] UKSTUG meeting - Tudor Gîrba: What exactly is Glamorous Toolkit? - 24 April 2024

2024-04-22 Thread UK Smalltalk
To some people Glamorous Toolkit is a Pharo environment. To others it’s a knowledge management system. Others might see a code analysis platform, a data visualization or an API browsing tool. Yet others see the graphical stack with its interactive editors. Glamorous Toolkit is all of these. But it’

[Pharo-users] UKSTUG Meeting - Javier Pimas -- Live Metacircular Runtimes: The case of Egg Smalltalk - 29 June 2024

2024-05-22 Thread UK Smalltalk
Egg is a new Smalltalk dialect that was designed from scratch to incorporate some interesting features: A module system with namespaces that replaces the old-good Smalltalk global. Dynamic identifiers, which are bound lazily similarly to how methods are lazily bound. A multi-VM

[Pharo-users] DATE CORRECTION - UKSTUG Meeting - Javier Pimas -- Live Metacircular Runtimes: The case of Egg Smalltalk - 29 May 2024

2024-05-22 Thread UK Smalltalk
Egg is a new Smalltalk dialect that was designed from scratch to incorporate some interesting features: A module system with namespaces that replaces the old-good Smalltalk global. Dynamic identifiers, which are bound lazily similarly to how methods are lazily bound. A multi-VM

[Pharo-users] UKSTUG meeting - Mariano Guerra / Tudor Gîrba: - 30 October 2024 @ 7pm GMT

2024-10-27 Thread UK Smalltalk
oaded the videos for past presentations today. Christian Haider on Values -- <> Javier Pimas on Live Metacircular Runtimes -- David Buck on Beagle Smalltalk --

[Pharo-users] UKSTUG meeting (*with corrected links*) - Christian Haider: How values make systems simpler - 25 Sep 2024 @ 7pm BST

2024-09-23 Thread UK Smalltalk
Values are usually not supported. We show how to model complex structures as Values in Smalltalk, which allows for a simple and versatile implementation. The resulting Smalltalk systems are simple, clear and easily testable. Christian Haider [1] is the author of the PDFtalk library [2] used in

[Pharo-users] Re: UKSTUG meeting - Christoph Thiede / Guille Amaral - Wed 27 Nov @ 7pm GMT

2024-11-24 Thread UK Smalltalk
Join us by signing into the meetup or zoom: [:kind | 'Regards from ', kind ] value: 'The UK Smalltalk User Group'. O

[Pharo-users] UKSTUG meeting - Christoph Thiede / Guille Amaral - Wed 27 Nov @ 7pm GMT

2024-11-24 Thread UK Smalltalk
rge language models (LLMs) into Squeak/Smalltalk, enabling conversational agents, semantic search tools, and retrieval-augmented generation workflows. He will showcase experimental integrations with Squeak’s tools and present the concept of a semantic exploratory programming system for debugging

[Pharo-users] All UKSTUG presentations are now available on YouTube

2025-01-08 Thread UK Smalltalk
Hello, We have recently moved the recordings of the UKSTUG online presentations from Vimeo to YouTube. The recordings are now available at . We are also looking for presenters for our 2025 online meetings. If you anything worth sharing, please let us know! Giovann

[Pharo-users] UK Smalltalk User Group meeting: 2024 retrospective and what to expect in 2025 - 29 January 2025

2025-01-27 Thread UK Smalltalk
For our first meeting of the year, we'll hold a retrospective on what has happened in the Smalltalk world in 2024, and discuss what we can expect in 2025. Join us to share what you learned, and what you are looking forward to! This will be an online meeting from home. If you'd like

[Pharo-users] UK Smalltalk User Group meeting: Richard Ronteltap - SmallJS - 26 February 2025

2025-02-26 Thread UK Smalltalk
For our February 2025 presentation, Richard Ronteltap will present his SmallJS project. SmallJS ( ) is a free and open source implementation of the elegant and powerful Smalltalk-80 (ST) language. It compiles to JavaScript (JS) that runs in modern browsers or

[Pharo-users] Craig Latta - Livecoding Language Models: AI Context in Live Environments - 26 March 2025

2025-03-17 Thread UK Smalltalk
For our March meeting, Craig Latta will show how to leverage AI language models in a livecoding environment. Using a tool creates context for complimentary tools. For example, selecting an object in a Smalltalk inspector creates useful context for browsing the class of that object. This is a

[Pharo-users] [ANN] RenoirSt v7.0.1 [v7.0.1] released!

2020-04-30 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
RenoirSt, a dsl enabling programmatic cascading style sheet generation for pharo smalltalk reached it's v7.0.1 version. Changelog Updated Seaside version to v3.4.x Renamed RenoirSt package to RenoirSt-Core to ease portability Improved documentation Use GitHub actions instead of TravisC

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow v13.0.0 [v13.0.0] released!

2020-04-30 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
urity vulnerabilities) Improved portability to VA Smalltalk Use GitHub Actions instead of TravisCI Use CodeCov instead of Coveralls Update some internals in TemporarilyDisablingCommand New releases are automatically notified by mail Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Bootstrap v12.0.0 [v12.0.0] released!

2020-05-04 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
3 (due to changing Seaside support to v3.4.x) Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-SpinKit v8.0.0 [v8.0.0] released!

2020-05-04 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
s now SpinKitWave SpinKitRotatingPlane is now SpinKitPlane SpinKitTripleBounce is now SpinKitFlow SpinKitWanderingCubes is now SpinKitWander Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-JQueryUI v11.0.0 [v11.0.0] released!

2020-05-05 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-JQueryUI, integration between willow and jquery ui reached it's v11.0.0 version. Changelog Updated Willow to v13 and Seaside to v3.4.x Use GitHub actions instead of TravisCI Use CodeCov instead of Coveralls Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Mixpanel v4.0.0 [v4.0.0] released!

2020-05-05 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-Mixpanel, integration between willow and mixpanel reached it's v4.0.0 version. Changelog Fixed #3. Use the new constant accessing facilities in Willow. Updated Willow to v13 Use GitHub Actions instead of Travis CI Use CodeCov instead of Coveralls Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] HighchartsSt v11.0.0 [v11.0.0] released!

2020-05-05 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
HighchartsSt, a highcharts js api wrapper for pharo smalltalk reached it's v11.0.0 version. Changelog Update Boardwalk to v5, RenoirSt to v7 and Seaside to v3.4 Fixed some warnings detected by Shellcheck on the bash scripts Use GitHub actions instead of TravisCi Use CodeCov instead of Cove

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Ansible v1.0.0 [v1.0.0] released!

2020-05-06 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
from specification for version 0-9-1 Added documentation. A three parts tutorial inspired in the RabittMQ ones. Added some basic abstractions like AmqpConnectionBuilder to ease the building of complex objects. Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Bootstrap v12.1.0 [v12.1.0] released!

2020-05-17 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-Bootstrap, integration between willow & bootstrap 3/4 reached it's v12.1.0 version. Changelog Add some missing shortcuts on the classification commands for Bootstrap 4 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] HighchartsSt v12.0.0 [v12.0.0] released!

2020-06-03 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
HighchartsSt, a highcharts js api wrapper for pharo smalltalk reached it's v12.0.0 version. Breaking Changes Updated Highcharts and Highstock JS libraries to 8.1.0 (See Highcharts and Highstock changelog for details). Replaced objects provided for creating charts (series, point) with

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Auth0 v1.0.0 [v1.0.0] released!

2020-06-12 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Launchpad v3.0.0 [v3.0.0] released!

2020-06-29 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
n the image is already headless Added Pharo 8 to the build matrix Use GitHubActions and CodeCov Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Buoy v6.0.0 [v6.0.0] released!

2020-06-29 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
s not available on Pharo 6.1 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v2.0.0 [v2.0.0] released!

2020-06-29 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate v5.0.0 [v5.0.0] released!

2020-06-30 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
ssued following the new guidelines. Account for the new dependency versions Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate v5.1.0 [v5.1.0] released!

2020-07-06 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
s and templates to be used in a Docker build for a Stargate based application Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] RenoirSt v7.0.2 [v7.0.2] released!

2020-07-20 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
RenoirSt, a DSL enabling programmatic cascading style sheet generation for Pharo Smalltalk reached it's v7.0.2 version. Changelog Updated dependencies Removed unnecesary method Update notification action Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Bootstrap v12.1.1 [v12.1.1] released!

2020-07-20 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-Bootstrap, integration between Willow & Bootstrap 3/4 reached it's v12.1.1 version. Changelog Pharo 9 compatibility Minor improvements Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-SpinKit v8.0.1 [v8.0.1] released!

2020-07-29 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-SpinKit, integration between Willow and SpinKit reached it's v8.0.1 version. Changelog SpinKitOnlineLibrary is now available again as an option. Thanks @mattonem Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v2.1.0 [v2.1.0] released!

2020-09-17 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
ling due to port conflicts. Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] HighchartsSt v12.1.0 [v12.1.0] released!

2020-10-06 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
HighchartsSt, a highcharts js api wrapper for pharo smalltalk reached it's v12.1.0 version. Changelog Updated Highcharts and Highstock to 8.2.0 Separated series into their own packages to reduce loading bloat when working with only a few of them Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] HighchartsSt v12.1.1 [v12.1.1] released!

2020-10-07 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
HighchartsSt, a highcharts js api wrapper for pharo smalltalk reached it's v12.1.1 version. Changelog Fixed a bug when using Highstock deployment library Added metadata library related test cases Improved package separation Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v2.2.0 [v2.2.0] released!

2020-11-03 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
eptions that can be handled by exceptionSelector. Usage Retry value: [ ""operation to execute"" ] configuredBy: [:retry | ""configuration options"" ] Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Superluminal v1.1.0 [v1.1.0] released!

2020-11-03 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
lease announcements to the mailing list Next steps Add usage documentation Provide some kind of caching policy so we can use different strategies according to the situation Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate v6.0.0 [v6.0.0] released!

2020-11-03 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
gards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v2.3.0 [v2.3.0] released!

2020-11-17 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
mon superclass of HTTPClientError and HTTPServerError Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Superluminal v1.2.0 [v1.2.0] released!

2020-11-26 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
nseDo: allowing better configuration of the request Add APIClientTest to ease the testing of API Clients. Tooling Add GitHub Actions to check the correct loading of every group declared in the Baseline Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v2.4.0 [v2.4.0] released!

2020-12-03 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Hyperspace, a couple of facilities on top of Zinc HTTP Components reached it's v2.4.0 version. Changelog PR #42 Add support for Weak ETag creation and parsing. Thanks @nchillo Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Superluminal v1.2.1 [v1.2.1] released!

2021-01-06 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
lResponseDo: part of the public API. Thanks @nchillo Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate-Consul v2.0.0 [v2.0.0] released!

2021-01-06 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
hand Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v2.5.0 [v2.5.0] released!

2021-01-14 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Hyperspace, a couple of facilities on top of Zinc HTTP Components reached it's v2.5.0 version. Changelog PR #44 Improvements on the testing infrastructure Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Boardwalk v6.0.0 [v6.0.0] released!

2021-01-15 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Boardwalk, a couple of facilities on top of Seaside reached it's v6.0.0 version. Breaking Changes PR #31 Improved protocol of IdentifierAssigner to handle application conditions. Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow v14.0.0 [v14.0.0] released!

2021-01-22 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
using setValueTo:thenTriggerChangeOf: affordance Thorough cleaning of internal objects to reduce unncesary code Changed mime type of js files to application/_javascript_ Updated jQuery to v3.5.1 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Bootstrap v13.0.0 [v13.0.0] released!

2021-01-22 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
nos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-JQueryUI v12.0.0 [v12.0.0] released!

2021-01-22 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
n the migration package Willow-JQueryUI-MigrationTo12 (not loaded by default). Breaking Changes Updated Willow to v14 Added support for the new unified single selection view (thanks @jvanecek) Non breaking changes Improved usability of collapsible sections view Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Auth0 v2.0.0 [v2.0.0] released!

2021-01-22 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-Auth0, integration between Willow and Auth0 Universal Login reached it's v2.0.0 version. Breaking Changes Updated Willow to v14 Non breaking changes Added support for screen_hint and prompt Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-SpinKit v9.0.0 [v9.0.0] released!

2021-01-22 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-SpinKit, integration between Willow and SpinKit reached it's v9.0.0 version. Breaking Changes Updated Willow to v14 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Playground v9.0.0 [v9.0.0] released!

2021-01-22 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
illow v14 protocol Added support for the new unified single selection view (thanks @jvanecek) Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Mixpanel v5.0.0 [v5.0.0] released!

2021-01-22 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-Mixpanel, integration between Willow and Mixpanel reached it's v5.0.0 version. Breaking Changes Updated Willow to v14 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow v14.1.0 [v14.1.0] released!

2021-02-10 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
g the interaction to set a value (you can now use setValueTo:withoutTriggeringChangeOf:) Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Bootstrap v13.1.0 [v13.1.0] released!

2021-02-10 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-Bootstrap, integration between Willow & Bootstrap 3/4 reached it's v13.1.0 version. Adjusted to changes in Willow v14 (#beIdentifiable implementors and senders) Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Boardwalk v6.1.0 [v6.1.0] released!

2021-03-12 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Boardwalk, a couple of facilities on top of Seaside reached it's v6.1.0 version. PR #33 Added new support methods to test AJAX calls Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow v14.2.0 [v14.2.0] released!

2021-03-15 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow, the Web Interaction Library that eases the burden of creating AJAX-based web applications reached it's v14.2.0 version. Added priority to web instructions Support method moved to Boardwalk Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Superluminal v2.0.0 [v2.0.0] released!

2021-03-29 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
e can trust. Refactored some tests to improve code quality and fix listing issues. Migration Guide The version provides a package to perform an automatic migration. See the migration guide for further instructions. Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Mole v3.2.0 [v3.2.0] released!

2021-03-31 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Mole, a model for graphs, both directed and undirected. reached it's v3.2.0 version. Changelog Updated dependencies Add Pharo 9 as a supported platform Use GitHub actions for the build Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Boardwalk v6.1.1 [v6.1.1] released!

2021-04-19 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow v14.2.1 [v14.2.1] released!

2021-04-19 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow, the Web Interaction Library that eases the burden of creating AJAX-based web applications reached it's v14.2.1 version. Adapted tests to new ids generated by Boardwalk Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Bootstrap v13.1.1 [v13.1.1] released!

2021-04-19 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-Bootstrap, integration between Willow & Bootstrap 3/4 reached it's v13.1.1 version. Adapted tests to new ids generated by Boardwalk Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v2.6.0 [v2.6.0] released!

2021-04-22 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Hyperspace, a couple of facilities on top of Zinc HTTP Components reached it's v2.6.0 version. Changelog PR #46 Add ZnResponse>>#hasLocation to check if an HTTP response includes the Location header. Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate-Consul v2.1.0 [v2.1.0] released!

2021-04-22 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
ing a free port instead of a hard-coded one and redirecting logging to the infrastructure of SUnit. Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Superluminal v2.1.0 [v2.1.0] released!

2021-04-22 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
er is missing. Improved RESTFulAPIClient support for PUT to allow better configuration options. Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v2.7.0 [v2.7.0] released!

2021-06-10 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
itHub actions to check the loading of each group declared in the Baseline Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v2.8.0 [v2.8.0] released!

2021-06-14 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
addition to Vary header. Add ZnRequest>>#hasLanguageProrityList to answer if the request defined the Accept-Language header. Minimal portability improvements Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate v6.1.0 [v6.1.0] released!

2021-06-15 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
cture Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Superluminal v2.2.0 [v2.2.0] released!

2021-07-14 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Superluminal, building blocks for creating HTTP requests and API clients reached it's v2.2.0 version. Changelog PR #41 Add more flexible options for DELETE Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Buoy v6.1.0 [v6.1.0] released!

2021-07-23 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
sions Added TestAsserter>>#assert:hasTheSameElementsInTheSameOrderThat: Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v3.0.0 [v3.0.0] released!

2021-07-28 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
e Load the Hyperspace-Deprecated-V2 package before your code. This package includes automatic rewrite rules and deprecation warnings for the breaking changes. Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate v6.1.1 [v6.1.1] released!

2021-08-20 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Stargate, a library supporting the creation of HTTP based RESTful APIs. reached it's v6.1.1 version. Changelog #126 Fixed some minor issue affecting CORS support when providing invalid URLs in the configuration Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Launchpad v4.0.0 [v4.0.0] released!

2021-11-24 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
code to use the new configuration parameter abstractions. The migration package includes extensions with deprecation messages. Adapt any script used to start the application by following the new CLI conventions. Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Superluminal v3.0.0 [v3.0.0] released!

2021-12-01 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
al/compare/v2.2.0…v3.0.0 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Launchpad v4.1.0 [v4.1.0] released!

2021-12-02 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
0.0…v4.1.0 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Launchpad v4.2.0 [v4.2.0] released!

2021-12-06 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
.com/ba-st/Launchpad/compare/v4.1.0…v4.2.0 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate v7.0.0 [v7.0.0] released!

2021-12-29 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk Migration Guide Follow the instructions here Full Changelog:…v7.0.0 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate-Consul v3.0.0 [v3.0.0] released!

2022-01-04 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
i in Full Changelog:…v3.0.0 Migration Guide Follow the instructions here Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate-Consul v3.0.1 [v3.0.1] released!

2022-02-18 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
rameter to specify the transport scheme for these endpoints Full Changelog:…v3.0.1 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate v7.0.1 [v7.0.1] released!

2022-02-18 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
0.0…v7.0.1 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate v7.1.1 [v7.1.1] released!

2022-03-17 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
/compare/v7.0.1…v7.1.1 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Buoy v6.2.0 [v6.2.0] released!

2022-04-05 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
oy/compare/v6.1.0…v6.20 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v3.1.0 [v3.1.0] released!

2022-04-06 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
inspectors Full Changelog:…v3.1.0 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Launchpad v4.3.0 [v4.3.0] released!

2022-04-07 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
log:…v4.3.0 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate v8.0.0 [v8.0.0] released!

2022-04-08 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Stargate, a library supporting the creation of HTTP based RESTful APIs. reached it's v8.0.0 version. What's Changed Added support for Pharo 10 Breaking changes Updated Hyperspace to v3 (see migration guide here ) Updated to the latest Zinc version Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Superluminal v4.0.0 [v4.0.0] released!

2022-04-11 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Superluminal, building blocks for creating HTTP requests and API clients reached it's v4.0.0 version. What's Changed Add support for Pharo 10 Update dependencies Full Changelog:…v4.0.0 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate-Consul v4.0.0 [v4.0.0] released!

2022-04-11 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
ate-Consul/compare/v3.0.1…v4.0.0 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Aconcagua v8.1.0 [v8.1.0] released!

2022-04-13 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
ndenigris made their first contribution in @fedemiodo made their first contribution in Full Changelog:…v8.1.0 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Kepler v5.1.0 [v5.1.0] released!

2022-04-13 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
pector tab for CompositeSystem by @gcotelli in Full Changelog:…v5.1.0 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate v8.1.0 [v8.1.0] released!

2022-04-18 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
te/compare/v8.0.0…v8.1.0 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Mole v3.3.0 [v3.3.0] released!

2022-04-19 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk Full Changelog:…v3.3.0 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Ansible v1.1.0 [v1.1.0] released!

2022-04-19 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
ibution in Full Changelog:…v1.1.0 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Boardwalk v6.2.0 [v6.2.0] released!

2022-04-19 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
10 support by @gcotelli in Full Changelog:…v6.2.0 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Cannon v1.1.0 [v1.1.0] released!

2022-04-19 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
on/compare/v1.0.3…v1.1.0 Regards, The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] RenoirSt v7.1.0 [v7.1.0] released!

2022-04-20 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
RenoirSt, a DSL enabling programmatic cascading style sheet generation for Pharo Smalltalk reached it's v7.1.0 version. What's Changed Fix method categorization by @mtabacman in Add Pharo 10 support by @gcotelli in

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