For our March meeting, Craig Latta will show how to leverage AI language
models in a livecoding environment.

Using a tool creates context for complimentary tools. For example,
selecting an object in a Smalltalk inspector creates useful context for
browsing the class of that object. This is a potent idea in an integrated
development environment, where multiple tools operate on related
information. The extensive context in a live environment enables powerful
collaboration with contemporary AI language models.

Tools built from that collaboration could greatly augment human capability.
Craig Latta ( ) will show some
foundations for them, and suggest ways of easing their construction through
the systematic description of existing tool functionality. For a preview,
please see Craig's blog at ( ).

Craig Latta is a research computer scientist in Berkeley and Amsterdam,
with interests including livecoding, music performance, and interactive
visualization. The discovery of a mysteriously-placed Blue Book at
university led to stints at several exploratory labs, and a pursuit of
improvisation wherever code is found. His current work focuses on polyglot
computing with WebAssembly, the novel compiler framework Epigram, and human
augmentation through AI.

This will be an online meeting from home.

If you'd like to join us, please sign up in advance on the meeting's Meetup
page ( ) to receive the
meeting details. Don’t forget to bring your laptop and drinks!

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