Hyperspace, building blocks for Internet technologies on top of Zinc HTTP Components reached it's v3.0.0 version.

Breaking changes

  • Renamed ZnEtag to EntityTag
  • Renamed ZnLink to WebLink
  • Moved PortAvailabilityChecker to a package included in the Deployment group and refactoring a bit the behavior

Non-breaking changes

  • Added methods to easily configure well-known parameters for web links: (relationType: title: mediaQueryHint: mediaTypeHint: addLanguageHint:)
  • Added methods to easily configure well-known relation types for web links: (toCollection toCopyright toEdit toExternalSite toFirst toHelp toIcon toItem toLast toLatestVersion toLicense toMyself toNext toParent toPayment toPredecessorVersion toPrevious toProfile toSearch toSuccessorVersion toTermsOfService toVersionHistory toWorkingCopy toWorkingCopyOrigin )
  • Updated documentation
  • Added ZnUrl>>asWebLink

Migration Guide

  • Load the Hyperspace-Deprecated-V2 package before your code. This package includes automatic rewrite rules and deprecation warnings for the breaking changes.


The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

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