Re: [Pharo-users] How to use uFFI with String

2017-06-06 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sat, May 27, 2017 at 06:15:47AM -0700, horrido wrote: > Yes, I did. I found it difficult to understand. It would be nice to have some > clear examples in the documentation, for example, really simple and common > situations such as a C function returning an integer in a > passed-by-reference arg

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Pharo 6.0 released!

2017-06-07 Thread Pierce Ng
On Tue, Jun 06, 2017 at 05:11:17PM +0200, Esteban Lorenzano wrote: > The time has come for Pharo 6.0! Fantastic! Congrats and thanks for all the hard work. Pierce

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] success story: surgery appointments digitalised

2017-06-23 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 12:48:56AM +0800, Ben Coman wrote: > @anyone, If Andrew can get a proof of concept working, what are the best > frameworks for it to work with? Write the Oracle set-oriented driver according to UDBC convention. Then, write a Glorp ORM driver based on it. The Pharo version o

[Pharo-users] Loading PharoJS Re: PharoJS

2017-06-25 Thread Pierce Ng
Just tried loading PharoJS with this snippet: Gofer it smalltalkhubUser: 'noury' project: 'PharoJS'; configuration; loadStable Loaded cleanly on a fresh 32-bit Pharo-50772 image. Ran almost half the tests during which it created/deleted tabs on my open Chromium browser repeatedly. T

Re: [Pharo-users] Validate password with PBKDF2

2017-06-30 Thread Pierce Ng
On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 12:43:23AM -0700, Francis via Pharo-users wrote: > Saving the salt is not a big issue but I'd like something more simple. > In python I can store the salt with the password > see: Hi, you could try PasswordCrypt: https://github.c

Re: [Pharo-users] Logging in with VNC

2017-06-30 Thread Pierce Ng
On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 08:59:18AM -0400, sergio ruiz wrote: > I need to be able to log in to my production image with VNC until i am > comfortable with the command line interface. I know that every time i have > had to do it, it seems like i used a different package. > > Which package is everyone

Re: [Pharo-users] 2 questions around gitlab, gitfiletree, BaselineOf

2017-07-08 Thread Pierce Ng
On Fri, Jul 07, 2017 at 06:48:50AM -0700, Sabine Manaa wrote: > 1) For loading my own code, I currently have a bad solution > I would like to load it within my baseline like this below but I dont know > what to write in the fileTreeRepository method... > > baseline: spec >

Re: [Pharo-users] Creating the smallest server runtime footprint

2017-07-14 Thread Pierce Ng
On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 09:06:44AM +0100, Tim Mackinnon wrote: > Related to this question - in the Linux vm there are several .so files that > have numerical extensions as well as the same named .so file. Are these merge > conflicts or platform variations of the same files? > >

Re: [Pharo-users] Glorp reconnection management (was: Re: Glorp: how to reconnect after image shutdown / load?)

2017-08-03 Thread Pierce Ng
On Wed, Aug 02, 2017 at 11:30:27AM +0200, Herby Vojčík wrote: > Hm, I though that once I open a session it does actually connect on > demand (it has Login, system and all the information for it). Does > it actually mean that if I want to stay connected I must do `session > login` before each `sessi

Re: [Pharo-users] Glorp reconnection management (was: Re: Glorp: how to reconnect after image shutdown / load?)

2017-08-04 Thread Pierce Ng
On Thu, Aug 03, 2017 at 03:27:16PM +0200, Herby Vojčík wrote: > Looking at state of the art code: > GlorpSession >> loginIfError: aBlock > | result | > result := self accessor loginIfError: aBlock. > system platform characterEncoding: accessor encoding. > ^result In the lin

Re: [Pharo-users] Glorp: `session login` fails for Garage SQLite

2017-08-06 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sun, Aug 06, 2017 at 12:54:41AM +0200, Herby Vojčík wrote: > Pharo is 6.1, Glorp, Garage etc. are #stable loaded from Pharo60 > catalog (see attachment). You may want to try GlorpSQLite. Load from Catalog Browser into a fresh 60510 image. All 889 tests should pass, as has been the case since Ph

Re: [Pharo-users] Honest question, new to ecosystem: are Glorp and Garage alive?

2017-08-14 Thread Pierce Ng
On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 10:01:22AM -0300, Esteban A. Maringolo wrote: > In the Glorp booklet these are the instructions to install SQLite: Hi Esteban, ConfigurationOfGlorpSQLite incorporates the manual steps that I used originally. GlorpSQLite is also in Catalog Browser in Pharo 5.0 and 6.x. Pi

Re: [Pharo-users] Encoding Login information in your image (safely)

2017-08-18 Thread Pierce Ng
On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 02:24:15PM -0300, Esteban A. Maringolo wrote: > My solution in the cases where I was worried about a config file leak > was to mitigate the risk, by using symmetric encryption algorithms, > where the shared secret is split in two different strings and > concatenated at runti

Re: [Pharo-users] How do I get a list of all packages in the catalog with a 6.0 tag?

2017-08-21 Thread Pierce Ng
On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 11:06:36AM +0200, H. Hirzel wrote: > What is the code snippet to get a list of all packages with a '6.0' > tag and their description? "CatalogProject availableRepositoryURLStrings" gives: #('' 'http://smalltalk

Re: [Pharo-users] Standalone HTML Model

2017-09-11 Thread Pierce Ng
On Fri, Sep 08, 2017 at 03:15:56PM -0700, Sean P. DeNigris wrote: > I'd like to create HTML via a DSL, like Seaside's canvas builder, but without > loading a whole web framework. Any ideas? I wrote this but subsequently decided that loading the whole of Seaside into my image just for this function

Re: [Pharo-users] Standalone HTML Model

2017-09-17 Thread Pierce Ng
On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 06:25:55PM +0200, Stephane Ducasse wrote: > Hi Pierce Ng > How different is the API from Seaside? > Because I would like to use it. > I like to think modularly :) Hi Stef, I modeled it after Seaside's API. However, it was really just a start and needs

Re: [Pharo-users] Standalone HTML Model

2017-09-17 Thread Pierce Ng
On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 10:14:54AM -0300, Esteban A. Maringolo wrote: > I don't know how modular it is, but maybe loading only the 'Seaside-Canvas' > package you can use the WAHtmlCanvas to create the HTML content. I also experimented with loading enough of Seaside in bits and pieces to get the ca

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 7 license question

2017-09-17 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 02:47:16AM +0200, stephan wrote: > On 16-09-17 18:51, Peter Uhnák wrote: > > This is the reason why LGPL exists. LGPL is not contagious. > > It is not clear that that would be the case with smalltalk. > We tend to reuse by subclassing, and linking is not so > well-defined.

Re: [Pharo-users] UFFI problem / doubt

2017-09-17 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 09:09:23AM -0300, alvaro piorno wrote: > incomplete. An example of FFIOpaqueObject would be healpful, i think. Hi Alvaro, I mentioned libffidemo on Discord. Reading the blog post and the library's unit tests will hopefully make clearer how to use FFIOpaqueObject. http:/

Re: [Pharo-users] How to make pharo find sqlite?

2017-10-02 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sat, Sep 30, 2017 at 10:16:47PM +0200, Herby Vojčík wrote: > case the library name used is the plain 'sqlite3', I don't know - am > I supposed to make a symlink on the same directory as the image? Is > it the thing that is normally needed / done routinely? Below is how I've been doing it since

Re: [Pharo-users] Behold Pharo: The Modern Smalltalk

2017-10-11 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sat, Oct 07, 2017 at 01:41:17AM +, Dimitris Chloupis wrote: > execution. Hence live coding, the Python VM replaces objects lively. Python > can also compile any size of code including individual methods. > That happens with one line of code importlib.reload(mymodule) AFAIK in Python when yo

[Pharo-users] [ANN] OpenSSL wrapper

2017-10-28 Thread Pierce Ng
Hi all, I've put up the _beginnings_ of a wrapper for OpenSSL on STH: Metacello new baseline: 'OpenSSL'; smalltalkhubUser: 'PierceNg' project: 'OpenSSL-Pharo'; load. Verified on Pharo 6 32- and 64-bit. My near term goal is to wrap enough libcrypto functionality to implement the c

[Pharo-users] P3 timeout

2017-11-26 Thread Pierce Ng
Hi Sven and all, I have a PostgreSQL database running in a resource-light Linux VM with ~4 million rows consisting of mostly text. My query executes regexp_matches() on the text and it runs noticeably slowly. I am encountering ConnectionTimedOut using P3 to run my query. PostgresV2 and Python's p

Re: [Pharo-users] P3 timeout

2017-12-04 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 07:17:51PM +0100, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote: > Added P3Client>>#timeout[:] option (thx Pierce Ng) Thank you, Sven. > About Zdc streams. They have their own default timeout (5 seconds). I think > it is not a good idea to have global timeout setting, these

Re: [Pharo-users] P3 timeout

2017-12-04 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 02:03:13PM +0100, Stephane Ducasse wrote: > It would be cool if we could get a little success stories around what > you are doing. > A success stories does not mean that you get as rich as Steve Jobs, > just that you build > something nice successfully. ;) Hi Stef, Will d

Re: [Pharo-users] HMAC-SHA512

2017-12-11 Thread Pierce Ng
On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 12:46:59AM +0800, Ben Coman wrote: > where the "EVP function provide a high level interface to OpenSSL > cryptographic functions." Hi Ben, As it happened, over the weekend I implemented the Pharo wrappers for the EVP_DigestSign* and EVP_DigestVerify* APIs. It is straightfo

Re: [Pharo-users] P3 timeout

2017-12-11 Thread Pierce Ng
On Tue, Dec 05, 2017 at 07:54:00AM +0100, Stephane Ducasse wrote: > If you need help for your booklet setup let me know. Thanks. I'm already set up with Pillar and all that. I'm working on extending Sven's Next step is to make it run over TLS, which is why I'm writing a Let's Encrypt cl

[Pharo-users] [ANN] OpenSSL-Pharo works on Windows

2017-12-19 Thread Pierce Ng
Hi all, OpenSSL-Pharo now works on Windows. Tested on Windows 10 with a fresh 32-bit Pharo 6.1 zip package downloaded from On Windows this library uses libeay.dll which is bundled with the Pharo VM. Metacello new baseline: 'OpenSSL'; smalltalkhubUser: 'PierceNg' project: 'Ope

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] OpenSSL-Pharo works on Windows

2017-12-20 Thread Pierce Ng
On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 09:03:36AM +0100, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote: > Inevitable question: what is the plan for the other platforms ? I started on Linux, have now gotten it working on Windows, and expect to do MacOS next. I've also just mirrored the code onto GH. It is now at

Re: [Pharo-users] Metacello with Git

2017-12-20 Thread Pierce Ng
On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 07:07:16PM -0800, Dale Henrichs wrote: > I am under the impression that iceberg is able to authenticate with > SSH keys I am not a pharo/iceberg user myself, but it seems > that iceberg should be able to fill that gap. Iceberg does, with RSA keys. Iceberg didn't work f

Re: [Pharo-users] Metacello with Git

2017-12-21 Thread Pierce Ng
On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 06:08:16PM +0100, Thierry Goubier wrote: > >Iceberg does, with RSA keys. Iceberg didn't work for me with ED25519 keys. > does command line git work with those ED25519 keys? Yes. I have been using GH with ED25519 keys. I added RSA keys to my GH setup specifically for Iceber

[Pharo-users] And Mac too Re: [ANN] OpenSSL-Pharo works on Windows

2017-12-21 Thread Pierce Ng
On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 08:57:59PM +0100, Stephane Ducasse wrote: > great news. > And this is super great that you plan to work on different platforms! > THANKS This is my little way of giving back to Pharo and the community. And now I have added #macModuleName to the library and tested it succes

Re: [Pharo-users] HMAC-SHA512

2017-12-21 Thread Pierce Ng
On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 12:52:11AM +0800, Ben Coman wrote: > I was going to ask why these updates aren't being pushed an OpenSSL repo > shared with Squeak, > since things should not be much different at this low level, but actually > it was hard to > determine which was the original repo. I see...

Re: [Pharo-users] Running headless on Windows

2017-12-28 Thread Pierce Ng
On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 04:58:39PM +0100, Cyril Ferlicot D. wrote: > On 12/27/2017 04:39 PM, Andrei Stebakov wrote: > > When I run Pharo 6.1 with -- headless option on Windows, it executes the > > eval command as expected but during the execution (which lasts 4 sec) it > > opens the Pharo GUI.  > >

Re: [Pharo-users] Examples of Garage for DB2

2018-01-03 Thread Pierce Ng
On Tue, Jan 02, 2018 at 02:10:03PM -0500, Andrei Stebakov wrote: > I downloaded Garage to my Pharo 6.1 on windows. But in Garage I only see > drivers for MySql, Postgres and Sqlite3. > Does it mean that for DB2 I should look somewhere else or there is a way to > create a connection for DB2 using ex

Re: [Pharo-users] Examples of Garage for DB2

2018-01-03 Thread Pierce Ng
On Wed, Jan 03, 2018 at 10:12:32AM -0500, Andrei Stebakov wrote: > Pierce, I couldn't find any smalltalk framework to work with DB2 at this > point. I couldn't also find any Pharo odbc library. That's why at this > point I am looking for any ideas how to connect to DB2 from Pharo. I suppose Instan

Re: [Pharo-users] Examples of Garage for DB2

2018-01-04 Thread Pierce Ng
On Wed, Jan 03, 2018 at 11:42:22AM -0500, Andrei Stebakov wrote: > I tried before to install odbc. > Gofer new > squeaksource: 'ODBC'; Not Squeaksource. Load the version from Smalltalkhub: Gofer new smalltalkhubUser: 'PharoExtras' project: 'ODBC'; ... Hopefully this version works

Re: [Pharo-users] Calling Pharo from C

2014-09-19 Thread Pierce Ng
On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 10:05:51PM +0200, Annick Fron wrote: > Is it possible to call pharo from C ? FFI - Not sure Alien - Not sure NativeBoost - Yes Simple example here: Pierce

Re: [Pharo-users] Calling Pharo from C

2014-09-21 Thread Pierce Ng
On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 08:49:27PM -0300, Ronie Salgado wrote: > Another thing, is being able to embed the VM in a C application, and then > call the VM explicitly from the application. In this case, there is not > efficient support at all. You're right. For this case Gnu Smalltalk is designed to

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo Glorp 1.7 <-> VisualWorks

2014-09-21 Thread Pierce Ng
On Thu, Sep 04, 2014 at 03:10:13PM +0200, Esteban Lorenzano wrote: > Now, our version was ported from (AFAIR) 7.1 and extended to allow our > drivers. Probably next time best path of porting is to make a bridge between > VW driver API and ours (but I didn’t estimated the amount of effort). Seein

[Pharo-users] Glorp + NBSQLite3

2014-09-24 Thread Pierce Ng
Hello, I am pleased to report that I have gotten Glorp working with NBSQLite3 enough to run Sven's As mentioned in my blog post, there is more work to be done to get Glorp fully integrated with NBSQLite3, but preliminary results are encouraging.

Re: [Pharo-users] Booting into Pharo!

2014-09-25 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 06:56:27PM -0400, David T. Lewis wrote: > If you are booting directly into the image, you may find it useful to also > load CommandShell/OSProcess into your image. This will let you open a > Smalltalk shell window directly within your Squeak/Pharo boot image, so > that you h

Re: [Pharo-users] Glorp + NBSQLite3

2014-09-25 Thread Pierce Ng
On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 01:33:02PM -0300, Esteban A. Maringolo wrote: > How does SQLite scale in terms of table size and so on? According to An SQLite database is limited in size to 140 terabytes (2^47 bytes, 128 tibibytes). And even if it could handle l

Re: [Pharo-users] Parsing SQL in a Pharo system

2014-10-03 Thread Pierce Ng
On Thu, Oct 02, 2014 at 03:43:05PM -0300, Esteban A. Maringolo wrote: > Is the V2/V3 spec a PostgreSQL protocol spec or something made up in > the Squeak community? V2/V3 are PostgreSQL wire protocol versions. V3 supports parameter binding and bulk copying, whereas V2 does not. There is some add

Re: [Pharo-users] Glorp + NBSQLite3

2014-10-06 Thread Pierce Ng
On Fri, Oct 03, 2014 at 10:44:43PM +0200, stepharo wrote: > Cool what is NBSQLite3 (a nativeboost version)? Nice. Would be nice > once you API stabilize that we get a chapter or on NBSQLite3 :) Yes, NativeBoost interface to SQLite. Yes, I plan to write a chapter on it. :-) Pierce

Re: [Pharo-users] Glorp + NBSQLite3

2014-10-06 Thread Pierce Ng
On Fri, Oct 03, 2014 at 09:19:15PM -0700, Sanjay-M wrote: > I was wondering if this approach could be adopted in developing a > Client/Server application with a separate server component accessing the > SQLite database (on a separate machine). Using HTTP/S as the client-server protocol, have the w

Re: [Pharo-users] About Zinc http components

2014-10-10 Thread Pierce Ng
On Thu, Oct 09, 2014 at 11:38:47PM +0200, Alain Rastoul wrote: > but for now, I prefer simpler and cleaner way - like smalltalk - to > do just what I want - it's more a matter of taste). Whether using Zinc's websockets or some C library wrapper, you are still slinging serialized Smalltalk objects

Re: [Pharo-users] How not to serve an AngularJs application from Pharo

2014-11-03 Thread Pierce Ng
On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 10:21:18PM +0200, kilon alios wrote: > Even though I always have been a supporter of Amber the IDE has still a > very long way to go. I've been meaning to build a code browser for Amber (and GST) in Pharo with Omnibrowser using the Shampoo protocol[1], once I get some copi

Re: [Pharo-users] Is there a way to store workspace 'gists' in Pharo?

2014-11-11 Thread Pierce Ng
On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 04:37:03PM +0100, stepharo wrote: > I usually create a method and a class. > because script do not compose well. +1 although I don't practise this well. I use ScriptManager but when my images proliferate it becomes messy to manage the scripts across images. Pierce

Re: [Pharo-users] Running Pharo headless

2015-01-23 Thread Pierce Ng
On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 09:29:34AM +0100, Michal Balda wrote: > is there any difference between -vm-display-null and --no-display (and > using both)? Not sure what is the latest but in the VMs/images that I run, no-display meant that some display initialization is bypassed, so VNC into Pharo won't

Re: [Pharo-users] Popular

2015-01-23 Thread Pierce Ng
On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 09:21:52AM +0100, Martin Bähr wrote: > yes, i was quite surprised to find that 64bit is not supported yet. > in my case i had to pick all the 32bit dependencies by hand to make it work > which was quite an effort. On Debian/Ubuntu, installing ia32-libs used to meet all the

Re: [Pharo-users] NBSQLite3 on OS X - Pharo 3j

2015-01-23 Thread Pierce Ng
On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 07:26:28PM +0200, Mircea S. wrote: > NBSQLite3Connection on: 'myfile.db'. Without sending "open" to the resulting NBSQLite3Connection instance, no file gets created, IIRC. That's why I added "openOn:" in newer versions, although the tests may not be using openOn:.

Re: [Pharo-users] NBSQLite3 on OS X - Pharo 3j

2015-01-24 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 12:57:22AM +0200, Mircea S. wrote: > Hmm. Both "(NBSQLite3Connection on: 'test.db') open". or "NBSQLite3Connection > openOn: 'test.db' " produce an "unable to open database file" error and no > file gets created. Even tried to move the image to a FAT32 usb stick to make > su

Re: [Pharo-users] NBSQLite3 on OS X - Pharo 3j

2015-01-25 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 09:54:12AM +0100, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote: > > On 25 Jan 2015, at 07:13, Pierce Ng wrote: > > On OSX, "OSProcessAccessor forThisOSProcess primGetCurrentWorkingDirectory" > > gives "/", while on Linux the same gives "/home/pi

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] PUnQLite NoSQL database project updated

2015-02-02 Thread Pierce Ng
On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 06:09:41PM -, PBKResearch wrote: > This looks very interesting. I am looking at a project which needs simple > persistence, and I was considering MongoDB plus Voyage, which looked like > overkill. I shall definitely be trying PUnQLite. You might want to try SimplePersis

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] PUnQLite NoSQL database project updated

2015-02-13 Thread Pierce Ng
On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 06:07:07PM +0100, Stephan Eggermont wrote: > What should be done to make this work on OS X? > UnQLiteFFI>>libraryFileNameForPlatform > has a wrong name, but that doesn't help me. > Even after renaming the library cannot be found. Smalltalk side, version 12/23/2013 by Masash

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] PUnQLite NoSQL database project updated

2015-02-16 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 09:30:12AM +0100, Stephan Eggermont wrote: > db := PqDatabase open: 'test.db'. Try using a FQPN. See this post about's default working directory being "/" on OSX: Pierce

Re: [Pharo-users] Any static web site generators for pharo with bootstrap support?

2015-02-21 Thread Pierce Ng
On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 07:46:58PM -0500, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote: > I'm planning to make a web site. Nothing fancy, just a web site for > the grafoscopio project I have told you about already. I started to > use Nikola blog engine[1], but, after a while I thought I want to > try someth

Re: [Pharo-users] Any static web site generators for pharo with bootstrap support?

2015-02-25 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 07:52:38AM +0100, stepharo wrote: > Is your available so that I can check? Not ready for publication, I must say. :-) Pierce

Re: [Pharo-users] Reading an SQL db on OS X

2015-03-07 Thread Pierce Ng
On Wed, Mar 04, 2015 at 05:18:57PM -0500, Alexandre Bergel wrote: > I would like to read a SQL .db file. The page >!/~PharoExtras/NBSQLite3 mention how to do this on > Windows and Linux, but not on OSX. What should I do to read a SQL file on OS > X? I tried google, but it

Re: [Pharo-users] MySQL framework for Pharo to analyze futures and options.

2015-03-28 Thread Pierce Ng
On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 02:21:01PM -0700, nacho wrote: > I'm using MySQL to hold some data on commodities prices for futures > valuation and want to - of course - use Smalltalk as a front-end. Which > framework would you recommend? There is a pure Smalltalk MySQL driver on Squeaksource. Not sure

Re: [Pharo-users] any smalltalkers in singapore next week for FOSSASIA?

2015-03-28 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sat, Mar 07, 2015 at 09:24:08AM +0100, Martin Bähr wrote: > darn, how long are you travelling? i am there from the 12th to the 17th... I was away for 2+ weeks. Hope you had a good one. Pierce

[Pharo-users] Writing ConfigurationOf depending on beyond bleeding edge code

2015-03-28 Thread Pierce Ng
I've put up code for JSON-RPC (server only for now, tested with some Python client) on SS3. The code uses Sven's excellent Zinc and NeoJSON libraries. I'm now writing a ConfigurationOf. The current release of NeoJSON, going by its ConfigurationOf, has Neo-JSON-Core-Sven.27. However, I am using Ne

Re: [Pharo-users] Writing ConfigurationOf depending on beyond bleeding edge code

2015-04-02 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 11:43:53AM +0200, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote: > Done ! > PS: I had forgotten about this, next time, ping me sooner. Thanks! Will do. Pierce

[Pharo-users] Glorp with NBSQLite3 on Pharo 4

2015-04-02 Thread Pierce Ng
Hi all, I've integrated NBSQLite3 into Glorp on the current Pharo v40592 beta image. Details in my blog post here: Pierce

[Pharo-users] Glorp with PostgresV2 on Pharo 4

2015-04-02 Thread Pierce Ng
I'm on a roll. :-) I've written another blog post on installing Glorp with PostgresV2 on Pharo 4. To avoid this message looking like spam mail promoting my blog and devoid of content, here's the slightly edited blog post, in its original Markdown format sans JSON metadata. Outside of Smalltalk, c

Re: [Pharo-users] Tabs in Playground ?

2015-04-04 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sat, Apr 04, 2015 at 09:12:11PM +0200, Cyril Ferlicot wrote: > I just wanted to know because with the little "Untitle" tab it looks lile > we can open tabs in it. That was just for information. Up through Pharo 3 I have been using Script Manager. Haven't tried in Pharo 4 so not sure whether any

Re: [Pharo-users] Glorp with PostgresV2 on Pharo 4

2015-04-04 Thread Pierce Ng
On Fri, Apr 03, 2015 at 07:20:40AM +0200, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote: > Yes, we have to fix that, but you also set it manually, no real need to patch > the code: Ok, wasn't sure what the encoding strategy should be. I'll patch GlorpDatabaseLoginResource then. Pierce

Re: [Pharo-users] NBSQLite3 on Pharo 4?

2015-04-05 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sun, Apr 05, 2015 at 03:08:56PM +0200, Bernat Romagosa wrote: > I've been trying out some simple persistence options on Pharo 4 and I can't > seem to get NBSQLite3 to work. > Is it compatible with Pharo 4? As I've just written a blog post on Glorp-NBSQLite3 on Pharo 4 this long weekend, the ans

Re: [Pharo-users] Eating your own dog food (Site/Blog)

2015-04-10 Thread Pierce Ng
On Tue, Apr 07, 2015 at 09:38:37AM -0700, garduino wrote: > Is SmallCMS1 published somewhere? I'll share some SmallCMS1's inner workings here: - Content is in plain text file, written in Markdown. Metadata is in JSON at the start of the content file. - I use Seaside's HTML rendition engine. Enti

Re: [Pharo-users] Oracle FFI - External module not found on OS X

2015-04-26 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 08:04:30PM +0100, wrote: > also tried putting a sym link to the library in Resources directory. Do I Should go into MacOS/Plugins. You'll see a bunch of dylib files there.

Re: [Pharo-users] Question about Text Editor.

2015-04-30 Thread Pierce Ng
On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 06:04:49PM -0300, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote: > Not a text editor, but there was a ScriptManager that was kind of a > worksapce with ability to give scripts a name, save them, and then easily > browse and execute them. But this is a bit old, so not sure if this still > work

Re: [Pharo-users] OSProcess output to pharo

2015-04-30 Thread Pierce Ng
On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 11:39:56AM -0400, David T. Lewis wrote: > Yes, that is the correct way to do it. David, It seems Command Shell doesn't handle REPL applications like the sqlite3 shell, tclsh and goodsrv. How difficult is that to implement, in your view? Alternatively (unless they are the s

Re: [Pharo-users] Reading rows in a database table (select * from ...)

2015-04-30 Thread Pierce Ng
On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 06:29:53AM -0700, Sanjay Minni wrote: > the smalltalkhub page shows an example > db execute: 'SELECT * FROM BLOGPOSTS;'. > but how are the rows supposed to be accessed - in the tests i see they have > to be walked thru one by one like a 3GL loop Sanjay, Here's how you can

Re: [Pharo-users] mac address on windows

2015-05-03 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sat, May 02, 2015 at 03:55:47PM +0200, Usman Bhatti wrote: > 1/ OSProcess: I tried (PipeableOSProcess command: 'ipconfig /all') output. I have used!/~hernan/ProcessWrapper successfully back when I was on Windows using some now-ancient version of Pharo. Pierce

Re: [Pharo-users] Reading rows in a database table (select * from ...)

2015-05-03 Thread Pierce Ng
On Fri, May 01, 2015 at 04:23:26AM -0700, Sanjay Minni wrote: > however in your notes below you mentioned that you used a dump of large > size. My question is when faced with such large row sets how do you limit > the size of data read in the select statement . This web page suggests how to deal w

Re: [Pharo-users] Garage and SQLite file databases, general project structure

2015-05-16 Thread Pierce Ng
On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 08:35:23PM +0200, Torsten Bergmann wrote: > Also I do not understand: while "Garage-Postgres" uses the Postgres > project PostgresV2 as a backend the "Garage-Sqlite3" does not use > NBSqlite3 or SQlite3 projects as backend. > > So "GASqlite3FFI" copies many methods of the

[Pharo-users] ConfigOf in meta and project repositories

2015-05-17 Thread Pierce Ng
Hi all, When Torsten moved NBSQLite3 to PharoExtras on STH, he wrote a ConfigurationOf, which is in the PharoExtras/NBSQLite3 repository, and I have been updating that. As it happens, in recent images, I used the configuration browser to install NBSQLite3. After updating and committing the Configu

Re: [Pharo-users] [OT] Pharo pi machine

2015-05-21 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 02:26:12PM +0200, Torsten Bergmann wrote: > Got my Raspberry Pi B+ with a Tontec® 3.5 touch screen display > to bootstrap into Pharo. > > The Raspberry Pi from CI ( > worked out of the box on Raspbian. Nice! Nice! My Pi 2 just ar

[Pharo-users] Zn maximumEntitySize

2013-05-13 Thread Pierce Ng
://', (String new: 200 withAll: $a) asString) Incidentally, when I did the following on another machine, both client and server threw time-out exceptions: ZnEasy get: ('http://192.168.x.x:8082/', (String new: (16 * 1024 * 1024) withAll: $a) asStri

Re: [Pharo-users] Zn maximumEntitySize

2013-05-15 Thread Pierce Ng
rigger ZnEntityTooLarge you should PUT or POST data. Sven, thanks for your explanation. I did trigger ZnLineTooLong during my experimentation. -- Pierce Ng

Re: [Pharo-users] Zn maximumEntitySize

2013-05-15 Thread Pierce Ng
DI Cool! I'll try that. Thanks again Sven. -- Pierce Ng

Re: [Pharo-users] Topic search - Learn programming with Smalltalk

2013-06-14 Thread Pierce Ng
could one create anything of use?! I use The Design Patterns Smalltalk Companion, by Sherman Alpert, Kyle Brown and Bobby Woolf, for ideas. -- Pierce Ng

[Pharo-users] Unix Domain Sockets

2013-07-27 Thread Pierce Ng
well. Maybe this is the wrong list to ask, but how do I contribute this to Pharo? Cheers. -- Pierce Ng

Re: [Pharo-users] Unix Domain Sockets

2013-07-28 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 04:59:32AM +0200, Igor Stasenko wrote: > On 28 July 2013 03:46, Pierce Ng wrote: > > Maybe this is the wrong list to ask, but how do I contribute this to Pharo? > Hi Igor, Thanks. From there th

Re: [Pharo-users] Unix Domain Sockets

2013-07-28 Thread Pierce Ng
27;ll file an entry into the issue tracker. The license of the code is MIT, to match Pharo's. Cheers. -- Pierce Ng

Re: [Pharo-users] Unix Domain Sockets

2013-07-28 Thread Pierce Ng
the setUp method sets up a server socket, and tests are run against this socket. This kinda like requires what is being tested to be working in the first place? Cheers. -- Pierce Ng

Re: [Pharo-users] Databases for Pharo that do not use FFI

2013-08-12 Thread Pierce Ng
e wire protocols. -- Pierce Ng

Re: [Pharo-users] Is OpenDBX alive?

2013-12-12 Thread Pierce Ng
ations with respect to blocking the VM. Speaking of which, what is the state of the art? Does the Cog+NB combo allow, say, to write an SQLite user-defined function in Smalltalk that is invoked by the C library per row of result? -- Pierce Ng

Re: [Pharo-users] Glorp PostgreSQL Drivers in Ubuntu 12.04

2013-12-12 Thread Pierce Ng
code that takes random strings from /dev/random and do it in a more portable way without weakening security too much. -- Pierce Ng

Re: [Pharo-users] OS question

2014-03-03 Thread Pierce Ng
On Mon, Mar 03, 2014 at 07:30:56AM +0100, Friedrich Dominicus wrote: > I'm just wondering who is using Pharo on some BSD (Free/Open/386) I am a long time FreeBSD user. Right now an instance of my blog is running on Pharo 1.4 on CogVM on FreeBSD 8.x. -- Pierce Ng

Re: [Pharo-users] OS question

2014-03-08 Thread Pierce Ng
On Tue, Mar 04, 2014 at 05:25:20AM -0800, Sean P. DeNigris wrote: > Pierce Ng-3 wrote > > I am a long time FreeBSD user. Right now an instance of my blog is running > > on Pharo 1.4 on CogVM on FreeBSD 8.x. > > Cool! Pier? What's the url? Not Pier. Home-grown using Zi

Re: [Pharo-users] OS question

2014-03-08 Thread Pierce Ng
On Wed, Mar 05, 2014 at 09:21:05AM +0100, Friedrich Dominicus wrote: > Pierce Ng writes: > > I am a long time FreeBSD user. Right now an instance of my blog is running > > on Pharo 1.4 on CogVM on FreeBSD 8.x. > How did you build the Pharo VM? Used to need to patch the source.

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Application Security for your domains

2014-03-29 Thread Pierce Ng
st: 'localhost'; port: 3306; user: 'myappuser'; > password: (SpsSplitPasswordStore readFrom: 'myappuser.dat'); yourself. Also, SHA256/512 password hashing: Code for both is published on SS3. -- Pierce Ng

Re: [Pharo-users] GLORP on Pharo 3

2014-03-31 Thread Pierce Ng
On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 03:25:23PM +0530, Thushar G R wrote: > I have GLORP loaded in Pharo2. From where can i load GLORP in Pharo3? > Or am i too early? You can try loading that same Glorp into Pharo 3. -- Pierce Ng

Re: [Pharo-users] goods

2014-07-21 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 07:56:20PM -0300, Pablo R. Digonzelli wrote: > hi all, is someone using GOODS in production project? > I want to know their opinion about it. I played with GOODS, as seen on my blog, which you've just visited. :-) I'm not sure about using it in production: GOODS stores p

Re: [Pharo-users] goods

2014-07-21 Thread Pierce Ng
On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 07:14:16PM +0200, stepharo wrote: > > Johan should migrate it. Probably doesn't help that the page title on SS3 is "Database Abstraction Layer" and the name is "DAL" followed by a small letter i.

Re: [Pharo-users] NativeBoost: use of array

2014-08-05 Thread Pierce Ng
const char*, sqlite3**)" ^ self nbCall: #(int sqlite3_open (String filename, sqlite3* handle)) module: self library "handle" is the out parameter in sqlite3_open(). NBSQLite3 is at Punqlite is on Smalltalk Hub. -- Pierce Ng

Re: [Pharo-users] best solution to store data

2014-09-02 Thread Pierce Ng
On Tue, Sep 02, 2014 at 03:55:50PM +0300, kilon alios wrote: > When I was coding in Python for small local databases SQlite was > recommended , I only have played briefly with it but it looked to me fairly > easy to use and with a very good performance. But I dont know how well it > works in Pharo,

Re: [Pharo-users] best solution to store data

2014-09-03 Thread Pierce Ng
On Tue, Sep 02, 2014 at 03:23:41PM +0200, Esteban Lorenzano wrote: > so unless you are really constrained for some reason (like imposition of > customers), or you have real use cases (like doing complex tabular > projections), I would always recommend to take another approach than > relational. >

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