On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 01:12:41PM +0200, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
> Since UDP sockets are currently also in the same class, I don't see a
> need for a separate class in the current design.

Hi Sven. Agreed, as I wrote in the other mail about gaining experience with
IPv6 as well.

> Yes, the code is too cryptic/technical, a helper method or two would
> solve this.

Done as per my newest blog post. Will add that when I create the issue.

> > Also, I'll be looking into the minor changes needed to support
> > SocketStream as well.
> Can you elaborate on that ?

SocketStream has instance creation methods such as
openConnectionToHost:port:. To use Unix domain sockets, I imagine something
like openConnectionToIPCSocketPath:.

> To add this, I would like some minimal tests as well (to be skipped on
> windows).

I took a peek at SocketTest; the setUp method sets up a server socket, and
tests are run against this socket. This kinda like requires what is being
tested to be working in the first place?


Pierce Ng

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