[Pharo-users] Defensive programming or not

2019-09-23 Thread Kasper Osterbye
Cheers all, In trying to fix one of the issues in Pharo, I came to wonder about the prefered style in in dealing with preconditions to methods in Pharo. In the method Random>>nextInt: anInteger - There is a check if anInteger is negative - There is no check that anInteger is anInteger Whe

Re: [Pharo-users] Defensive programming or not

2019-09-23 Thread Sven Van Caekenberghe
Hi Kasper, > On 23 Sep 2019, at 10:18, Kasper Osterbye wrote: > > Cheers all, > > In trying to fix one of the issues in Pharo, I came to wonder about the > prefered style in in dealing with preconditions to methods in Pharo. > > In the method Random>>nextInt: anInteger > • There is a ch

Re: [Pharo-users] Code of Conduct

2019-09-23 Thread Offray
I'm not interpreting anything, particularly I'm not interpreting that part, as I just point to the whole FAQ without making a particular interpretation of snippets of it. Do your PR in the repo. I'm pretty sure that the bulk of your contributions to Pharo and the force of your arguments and spe

Re: [Pharo-users] Defensive programming or not

2019-09-23 Thread Richard O'Keefe
This is perhaps the biggest question I've faced working on my own Smalltalk, and it is connected to an annoyance. My answer is that when I am *using* library code, I want my mistakes to be detected at "interface" level. If, for example, I do ((1 to: 5) asOrderedCollection) at: 2.5 put: #fred; you

Re: [Pharo-users] FFI beginner question

2019-09-23 Thread Richard O'Keefe
Thank you for that. I note that some sections have nothing in them. Now that I have read that, what is the next thing to read? In particular, how do I connect C numeric types introduced by the library to FFI? On Mon, 23 Sep 2019 at 16:45, Tomaž Turk wrote: > > Hi, > > The book draft is here: >

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo-users Digest, Vol 77, Issue 67

2019-09-23 Thread Richard O'Keefe
On Mon, 23 Sep 2019 at 16:49, Vince Refiti wrote: > The SQLite3 API is very well documented, and the UDBC-SQLite3 project > (https://github.com/astares/Pharo-UDBC) is a nice and clean binding to it. > Look in UDBCSQLite3Library class. Thanks. It's nearly midnight here; I've downloaded it and

Re: [Pharo-users] FFI beginner question

2019-09-23 Thread Guillermo Polito
Just more detail into it: - the source code of the booklet, written in Pillar, resides in here: https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/Booklet-uFFI - I’ve been in the last weeks doing a pass on it (see branch version2 https://gi

Re: [Pharo-users] FFI beginner question

2019-09-23 Thread Guillermo Polito
See https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/issues/4693 https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/issues/4694 https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/issues/4695

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Next Pharo Sprint: Sept 27

2019-09-23 Thread Marcus Denker
We will organize a Pharo sprint / Moose dojo Sept 27, starting at 10:00am. (Local Time Paris). Goals of this sprint: - Pharo 8: Fix issues from tracker https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/issues Remote Sprint: Remotely, you can join us on Discord. During the sprint, we syn

Re: [Pharo-users] Code of Conduct

2019-09-23 Thread Stephan Eggermont
Steve Quezadas wrote: > Your interpreting this information with a SJW lens. SJW is a political construct from the extreme right. As a straight white male from Western Europe I have seen enough discriminatory practices applied to less privileged friends to know there is a problem. And as I can af

Re: [Pharo-users] Code of Conduct

2019-09-23 Thread Steve Quezadas
I am a dark-skinned hispanic male from the United States and have not experienced any discriminatary practices whatsoever. Nor have I witnessed anything that I find that "is a problem" in the tech world. As far as "colleges are set up to make it easier for white males to succeed" is patently false.

Re: [Pharo-users] Where did all the Comments Go?

2019-09-23 Thread Marcus Denker
Hello, This looks to me like a case where, due to some unknown reason, the image can not store the source in the .changes file. I have no idea why this happens… but it would explain why the comments disappear (as the comments are only in the source stored in the .changes file). > On 20 Sep 2

Re: [Pharo-users] Code of Conduct

2019-09-23 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
But your reading of non-interest in CS within the sub-culture of blacks and women is a confirmation bias, reading from numbers in a circular fashion: low inscription numbers in sub-cultures show a non-interest, which is confirmed by those low numbers. I can tell you first hand that my impossibilit

[Pharo-users] Reminder: Smalltalk Webcamp, 22nd of October

2019-09-23 Thread Johan Brichau
Hi, Are you doing Web development with Smalltalk? Then this meeting is for you. We organise an informal meetup on Smalltalk Web Technologies at the Yesplan offices. === Smalltalk WebCamp --- Date: Tuesday October 22nd, 2019 (9h3

Re: [Pharo-users] FFI beginner question

2019-09-23 Thread Brainstorms
Guillermo, I'm interested in helping, but at this point, I think I'd be most helpful working at improving documentation (mainly editing) rather than working on Pharo code itself. (I'd like to work toward that, though.) I'm still a newbie with Pharo, but I am a good writer/editor. And I expect

Re: [Pharo-users] Reminder: Smalltalk Webcamp, 22nd of October

2019-09-23 Thread Steve Quezadas
This is way too far for me. I am going to the one in portland in a week though. Also, it's nice to know where these pharo smalltalk conventions and camps are. What is the best way to learn about these? Through this maillist or is it posted somewhere? On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 10:58 AM Johan Brichau

Re: [Pharo-users] FFI beginner question

2019-09-23 Thread Richard O'Keefe
What I want to do is to create a binding for the SoftPosit library. A typical function has an interface like quire16_t q16_fdp_add(quire16_t, posit16_t, posit16_t); where typedef struct { uint16_t v; } posit16_t; typedef struct { uint64_t v[2]; } quire16_t; A "quire" is a do

Re: [Pharo-users] Code of Conduct

2019-09-23 Thread Richard O'Keefe
Let's look at some official numbers. Looking at https://www.hesa.ac.uk/news/11-01-2018/sfr247-higher-education-student-statistics/qualifications we see that overall, female graduates outnumbered male graduates about 4 to 3 in each of the three years recorded. The imbalance in science graduates w

Re: [Pharo-users] Code of Conduct

2019-09-23 Thread Steve Quezadas
Thank you for that well-stated argument. I agree, offray's argument is silly. It's like saying that there aren't many male kindergarten teachers and that this is evidence that the school system is "sexist". - Steve PS Can we please just kill the CoC it's making this maillist political. On Mon,