This is perhaps the biggest question I've faced working on my own Smalltalk, and it is connected to an annoyance.
My answer is that when I am *using* library code, I want my mistakes to be detected at "interface" level. If, for example, I do ((1 to: 5) asOrderedCollection) at: 2.5 put: #fred; yourself I want the mistake to be detected and I want it to be reported as coming from OrderedCollection>>at:put: To my shock and dismay, Pharo just answered an OrderedCollection(1 #fred 3 4 5). VisualWorks, VisualAge, ST/X, Dolphin, and GNU ST all raise an exception if the index is not an integer. Can anyone explain to me why ^ index isNumber ifTrue: [ self at: index asInteger put: value] ifFalse: [ self errorNonIntegerIndex] ]. is thought to be an improvement over ^ self errorNonIntegerIndex ]. when it comes to Object>>[basic]at:[put:]? (The name #errorNonIntegerIndex suggests that other numbers were not originally allowed.) One thing I expect from an array-like object is that if i and j are different and x and y are different, then anArray at: i put: x; at: j put: y; at: i should answer x. But (Array new: 1) at: 1.1 put: #tin; at: 1.2 put: #pan; at: 1.1 is #pan, not #tin. To return to my initial point. Assuming a version of Smalltalk in which sequence indices *are* checked, I want (anOrderedCollection at: 2.5) to report the error as coming from *this* message, not some internal message sent to some internal object I have no normal access to. The annoyance is that this matters less than it should because while the exception *mechanism* is defined by the ANSI Smalltalk standard, almost no *exceptions* were defined, so there are in practical terms no standard exceptions to raise or handle. What I did for my own Smalltalk was (1) notice that a check (index between: 1 and: size) let Fractions, ScaledDecimals, FloatE, FloatD, FloatQ, DualNumbers, and QuadraticSurds slip through. (2) face-palm "how stupid of me! of COURSE that's not right" (3) introduce a new fast primitive (index integer_between: 1 and: size) where x integer_between: y and: z turns into (((x)|(y)|(z))&TAG) == 0 && (SignedWord)(y) <= (SignedWord)(x) && (SignedWord)(x) <= (SignedWord)(z) which I suppose should really be called something like #basicBetween:and:. (4) Discover that there were far more places where I should have been using integer_between:and: than I had originally expected. It's about a 50-50 split. My point here is that if it seems as though it might be too expensive to check, perhaps you have the wrong tools for checking. Or perhaps it is possible to weaken your precondition so that you don't need to report an errror. As an example of that, I ran into a problem in Squeak where collection1 removeAll: collection2 went crazy if collection1 and collection2 were the same. My library checks for that and makes it work. We sometimes say "Use the source, Luke!" But that's no good if Luke needs to know something that isn't *in* the source. So if a method has a precondition that is not a consequence of the class invariant and is not checked, it really needs to be commented. On Mon, 23 Sep 2019 at 20:19, Kasper Osterbye <> wrote: > > Cheers all, > > In trying to fix one of the issues in Pharo, I came to wonder about the > prefered style in in dealing with preconditions to methods in Pharo. > > In the method Random>>nextInt: anInteger > > There is a check if anInteger is negative > There is no check that anInteger is anInteger > > When should I put a guard there, and throw an early warning, and when is it > part of the (often implicit pre-condition)? > > Best, > > Kasper