I just got burned by tests not inheriting from a TestCase superclass… I note
that in 2017, Cyril tried to argue to get this changed to work just like normal
objects (proposing that for P7 tests works like any other object…) but I think
it was just too difficult to argue against a decision made s
What do you suggest ?
Right now, a unit test has to inherit from TestCase, seems quite logical to me.
You want any object to be able to contain unit tests ? How do you want to mark
them ? With a pragma ? What if I forget the pragma ? ;-)
IOW, what exactly is the problem ?
> On 23 Apr 2019, at
I made some little tweaks on the Gettext project and I wrote few lines of
documentation about it:
Feel free to contribute if it may be interesting for your applications.
Notice that I am not the original author of this project, I'm just passing
I you refactor some common tests and push them up to a superclass - e.g.
+ ProjectTestCase
The tests you push up into ProjectTestCase won’t be run (like you would expect
with a normal object using normal inheritance). You have
> On 23 Apr 2019, at 13:47, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
> I you refactor some common tests and push them up to a superclass - e.g.
> (ProjectTestCase)
> TestCase
> + ProjectTestCase
> Domain1Test
> Domain2Test
> The tests you push up into ProjectTestCase won’t be run (like y
Just for the record. This is the repo we had before in the zweidenker repo. I
transferred it to pharo-contributions. So if you use this repository you should
update your metacello to reflect to new location.
Any, thanks very much, Pavel, for taking the initiative. Gettext definitely
needs some
On Mon, 22 Apr 2019 at 23:15, Richard O'Keefe wrote:
> I already discoursed on this at some length.
> (1) In my own answer, I used code to map direction names to vectors.
> But the Dictionary answers are absolutely fine.
> (2) I pointed out that there are ALREADY "turn left" and "turn right"