What do you suggest ?

Right now, a unit test has to inherit from TestCase, seems quite logical to me.

You want any object to be able to contain unit tests ? How do you want to mark 
them ? With a pragma ? What if I forget the pragma ? ;-)

IOW, what exactly is the problem ? 

> On 23 Apr 2019, at 13:14, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
> I just got burned by tests not inheriting from a TestCase superclass… I note 
> that in 2017, Cyril tried to argue to get this changed to work just like 
> normal objects (proposing that for P7 tests works like any other object…) but 
> I think it was just too difficult to argue against a decision made so long 
> ago.
> I tried to follow the 2017 logic about why you would want tests to operate 
> differently than other objects, but I couldn’t understand it. I did see that 
> some numbers run against Squeak Trunk argued that it was fine …. but I’m left 
> wondering about all the people with individual projects like me that just 
> expect objects to behave like objects and not have unexpected behaviour. 
> Deviating seems like extra complexity that I’d prefer not to have to worry 
> about.
> Given Pharo is revisiting the concept of testing (with Dr Test) - could we 
> possibly introduce the normal object behaviour somehow? Possibly we could 
> have a new superclass for Tests - and use it to move forward without breaking 
> existing stuff and those who want to stick with this other way of thinking?
> Tim

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